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  • 16 references 9 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Haitian, Haitian Creole; learning Spanish
  • 34, Female
  • Member since 2017
  • No occupation listed
  • No education listed
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I have recently started traveling over a year ago . Life before traveling included me going to school then working two jobs . My life pretty much consisted of only work and school . I have finally transitioned into a different phase in life . now that I have worked hard my whole life and I refuse to wait until I retire to travel ! Traveling has opened me up to new experiences and people . Every time I travel I wonder what else is out there or who else am I going to meet . Unfortunately I have not been able to host because I had to quit my job to travel . Right now my stuff are all packed up at my parent’s house . But one day I hope to return the favor to all my couch surfing community and friends .
Fast forward, we’re in 2019 . I traveled through 30+ countries and had the best experience of my life ! I owe it to all my couch surfers that hosted me . Now that I’m done traveling I want to give back and host . Fyi : I will give priority to those who have hosted me while I was traveling. I can only host once a month at most .
If you are requesting to stay with me please leave me some info about your plans during the stay .

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I want to meet new people with the same interests as me . I forget that there are people out there that travel alone or are adventurous. A lot people I have met traveling have really motivated me and it goes a long way . I hope in return I can motivate people to be more open minded, travel , and enjoy the now . The world is so beautiful .

I also hope to inspire my people to travel and relax and just have fun . Life doesn’t have to be so serious . Just because you’re not working hard doesn’t mean you’re not going to be success . Work less and work smart . It’s ok to be different and go against the way society says your life should be .


  • bachata
  • cooking
  • learning languages
  • kizomba
  • self improvement

Music, Movies, and Books

Self improvement books such as : unfuck yourself , the four agreements , Dear sugar , attitude 101 , self improvement 101
Movies : I don't have a favorite one but I love the jigsaw movies and step brothers and norbit
Music : I would say I have a unique taste in music . I love love love instrumentals , edm , Kompa , kizomba, 80s , trap , and of course Christmas music .

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

One amazing thing that I will do this year travel through Europe for 3 months then go to Dominican Republic for 3 months and Colombia for 6 months . My goal is to be fluent in Spanish by the end of 2018 It’s great because everyone thinks it's crazy .

I finished my travels in February 2019 and I speak Spanish fluently .

Teach, Learn, Share

I have a passion for learning new languages and dancing. I do speak creole and I am learning Spanish .
One phrase I love to say to my Spanish friends is "tenga un buen día ! "

What I Can Share with Hosts

I would like to teach my hosts something in Spanish . I am taking my learning very seriously.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland

Countries I’ve Lived In

United States

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