Le foto di Livy Real Coelho

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Informazioni generali

  • 103 referenze 70 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente Latin, Portuguese; lingua che sta imparando English, French, Greek (modern), Italian, Spanish
  • 38, Donna
  • Membro dal 2007
  • linguist
  • I had some.
  • Di São Paulo - BR
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono


Going deeper!


Finally, I don't know what to write. It had to became one day.

I study theater, I'm a linguist, anarchist, feminist, and so.

Não sou nada.
Nunca serei nada.
Não posso querer ser nada.
À parte isso, tenho em mim todos os sonhos do mundo.

I drink, smoke and etc.

Ancient description (but still matches a bit):

I'm starting a vegetarian way of life, as I like very much cooking, I will be happy, if, at least hosts and surfers could understand If I cook without meat or if I don't eat something made from animals. :)

I am someone who still believes that the world can be better and it is our small actions everyday that will make it. To me, some concepts like friendship, politeness, kindness and generosity must be applied in each small thing we do.

This is a Brazilian children's song that describes me (I hope!!!!): (sorry, but the translation sounds ridiculous in this case!!!)

Eu sou o Pé de Vento,
minha vida é viajar.
Nada no mundo me aperta,
eu sei me arranjar.
Eu ando depressinha,
não passo fome não.
Minha escola é o mundo,
mas tenho bom coração.
Uma borboleta,
uma estrelinha,
na beira da estrada,
uma nova florzinha!
Eu viajo para ver,
e ao mundo conhecer...
Aos bons eu dou a mão!
Aos maus engano sim!
Ouçam minha história,
vocês vão gostar de mim.


If it is not possible avoid troubles, learning with them!

If u can do X, do X+1.

“I've learned that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.” so “When you reach the top, keep climbing.”

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing


I surfed a lot, hosted not that much. Some meetings, but it is not my favorite thing. I like talking.


I had too many experiences... Some of them really amazing, some of them not that great, but always a very good lesson. and after all I am completely sure that direct communication is the best thing on the world. When people have good sense and an open discussion, there are no place for problems.


Politics, RPG, comics, literature, movies, music, friends, yoga, languages (the strangest, please. like Sumerian, quenya, ancient norwegian, etc), linguistics, computer science, science, open source software (but, believe me, i`m not able to fix you pc... but i`m always able to ask you to fix my linux!!!! I only can teach how use latex, ok. basics concepts. I cannot draw there!), voluntary work, sustainable development, political questions, feminism, minority rights, environment preservation and so on! (I WON'T WRITE TRIPS AND DIFFERENT CULTURES!!!!!!!!!! IT IS TAKE FOR GRANTED HERE! but typical drinks are welcome!)

  • animals
  • arts
  • culture
  • literature
  • theater
  • environment
  • womens rights
  • dining
  • cooking
  • breakfast
  • wine
  • vegetarian
  • yoga
  • drinking
  • politics
  • comics
  • movies
  • drawing
  • music
  • rock climbing
  • computer science
  • languages
  • science
  • software

Musica, film e libri

Cine, Music, Literature? Arts in general! I love it!

Some of them, but the list is really huge:
L'adversaire, Spirited Away, Monty Phyton, 2046, Faubourg 36, Old Boy, LOTR, Tim Burton (movies)
Rhapsody, Placebo, Helloween, Darkwell, Vivaldi, Blind Guardian, Oasis, Wagner, Verdi, The killers, Omnia, Cranberries, Gotan Project, Phoenix, Legião Urbana, Chico Buarque, Troublemakers, Mika, Lali Puna, etc, etc etc (music)
Milan Kundera, Machado de Assis, Dostoiesky, Chordelos de Lacroix, Foster Wallace, J.L. Borges, Cortaza, Eurípides, Catulus, Florbela Espanca, Kafka, Beckett, Lovecraft (authors)
A little bit more of art: Van Gogh, Munch, Monet, Renoir, Rodin, Carpeaux, Velázquez, Léon Ferrari and Vic Muniz(because I try contemporanean art! I try!!!)

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

Living is already pretty nice.

Insegna, impara, condividi

I've been learning that people are the most interesting thing, I'm learning now to be more careful with them and how to mix my wishes with my reality in the best way.

What can I teach? Latin, linguistics, translation theory, literature (specially greck-roman and lusophonic one), how to find strange bands (specially black metal and indie rock bands), how to play RPG (and, of course, what is this fucking word!), not so much about art, yoga and wine... but I'm always trying!
I also can show you Brazilian culture: music, cinema, arts, language, FOOD and DRINKS! ;-)

I enjoy cooking and I think that through the stomach is a very good way to know cultures :p

Ok... I wanna learn about anything. It is completely true. Favorites subjects maybe are different cultures, views about the world, different alcohol tastes ;-) , cinema and absolutely any subject that I cannot think in advance! Ah! your life is interisting too!

Sharing... maybe in a few time together I can share my secret =)

"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."

OK! OK! Translation (but it the last time that I will translate something in this profile!):
And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

(German) Hier ist mein Geheimnis. Es ist ganz einfach: man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.

(Spanish)He aquí mi secreto. Es muy simple: no se ve bien sino con el corazón. Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos.

(Russian)Vot moy sekret, on ochen prost: zorko adno lish serdse. Samovo glavnova glazami nye uvidish.

(Czech) Tady je to mé tajemství, úplne prostinké: správne vidíme jen srdcem. Co je dulezité, je ocím neviditelné.

(Esperanto) Jen mia sekreto. ^Gi estas tre simpla: oni bone vidas nur per sia koro. La esenco estas nevidebla per okuloj.

(Italian) Ecco il mio segreto. È molto semplice: non si vede bene che col cuore. L'essenziale è invisibile agli occhi.

(Hungarian) Íme, a titkom. Egyszerü: az ember csak a szívével lát jól. A lényeges a szemnek láthatatlan.

(Swedish) Nu ska du få höra min hemlighet. Den är mycket enkel: det är bara med hjärtat som man kan se ordentligt. Det viktigaste är osynligt för ögonen.

(Finnish) Nyt saat salaisuuteni. Se on hyvin yksinkertainen. Ainoastaan sydämellä näkee hyvin. Tärkeimpiä asioita ei näe silmillä.

(Hebrew) Vehineh ha-sod sheli. Hu pashut meod: Rak ba-lev efshar lir'ot heytev. Mah she-xashuv be-emet samuy min ha-ayin.

(Estonian) Siin on minu saladus. See on väga lihtne: ainult südamega näed hästi. Kõige tähtsam on silmale nähtamatu.

(Polish) A oto mój sekret. Jest bardzo prosty: dobrze widzi sie tylko sercem. Najwazniejsze jest niewidoczne dla oczu.

(Portuguese) Vou-te contar o meu segredo. É muito simples: só se vê bem com o coração. O essencial é invisível para os olhos.

(Dutch)Dit is mijn geheim, het is heel eenvoudig: alleen met het hart kun je goed zien. Het wezenlijke is voor de ogen onzichtbaar.

(Galician) Velaiquí o meu segredo. É moi simple: Somentes se ve ben co corazón. O esencial é invisible para os ollos.

(Croatian) Evo moje tajne. Vrlo je jednostavna: c'ovjek samo srcem dobro vidi. Bitno je oc'ima nevidljivo.

(Lithuanian) Shtai kokia mano paslaptis. Ji labai paprasta: matyti galima tik shirdimi. Tai, kas svarbiausia, nematoma akimis.

(Slovenian) Cuj mojo skrivnost. Zelo preprosta je: Kdor hoce videti, mora gledati s srcem. Bistvo je ocem nevidno.

(Catalan) Heus aquí el meu secret. És molt senzill: només hi veiem bé amb el cor. Tot el que és essencial és invisible als ulls.

(Turkish) Verecegim sir çok basit: insan ancak yüregiyle baktigi zaman dogruyu görebilir. Gerçegin mayasi gözle görülmez.

(Tagalog) Narito ang lihim ko. Napakasimple nito: sa pamamagitan lamang ng puso makakakitang mabuti. Hindi kita ng mata ang pinakapuso ng mga bagay.

(Icelandic) Hér er leyndarmálið. Það er mjög einfalt: maður sér ekki vel nema með hjartanu. Það mikilvægasta er ósýnilegt augunum.

(Greek) Kai na to mustikó mou. Eínai polí apló: de vlépeic sostá pará me tin kardiá. Tin ousía den ti vlépoun ta mártia.

(Latin) Quod ceteros celavi, hoc est; est autem simplicissimum: animo tantum bene cernimus. Quae plurimi sunt, oculis cerni non possunt

(Slovak) Tu je moje tajomstvo. Je velmi jednoduché: dobré vidíme iba srdcom. To hlavné je ociam neviditelné.

(Japanese) : Kokoro de minakucha monogoto wa yoku mienaitte kotosa. Kanjinna koto wa me ni mienaindayo.

(Norwegian) Nå skal du få høre min hemmelighet. Den er ganske enkel : En kan bare se riktig med hjertet. Det vesentlige er usynlig for øyet.

(Afrikaans) My geheim is baie eenvoudig. Hier is dit : Dis net met die hart dat jy werklik kan sien. Wat regtig belangrik is, is onsigbaar vir die oog.

(Asturien) Esto ye lo que tenía que te dicir. Ye de lo más cenciello. Nun se pue ver bien namás que col corazón. Lo esencial nun se ve colos güeyos.

(Nepali) Lau ta Lau. Yahi ho mero rahashya! Yo ekdam sajilo chha: manle matrai ramrari dekhna sakchha.

(Korean) Nae pimireun ireon goya. Maeu kandanhan goji. Oroji maumeuro poayaman jeonghwakhage pol su itdaneun goya. Kajang choongyohan goseun noonehneun poiji anheun bopiya.

(Georgian) tshemi saidumlo, sul ubraloa: mcholod guli chedavs qvelapers. Arsebiti uchilavi rtsheba tvalistvis.

(Arabic) : Ama alser aladi va'adtuka bilkashfi 'anuh fahuwa ala 'ariten mina alabasatat: La yara almaru ruyatan tsaxixa ila bikalbihe fayina alayun la tudrek g'awara alashiya.

(Interlingua) Ecce mi secreto, un secreto multo simple: on vide ben solmente con le corde. Cosas essential es invisibile al oculos.

(Armenian) Aha im gaghtniq, vor shat hasarak è miayn sirtn e srates. Amenaglkhavor achqov ches tesni.

My SECOND secret: I'm crazy about wikipedia!

p.s: also I can teach how to make a CS profile that seems you are a good person, even if you are sarcastic, ironic and eat children in the breakfast! (I prefer without chili!)

ps. 2014: how boring a profile could be? I don't understand why people have accepted hosted me.

Paesi che ho visitato

Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Paraguay, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uruguay

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Brazil, France

Distintivi “vecchia scuola”

  • 20 Garantiscis

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