Louie Castle's Photo

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  • 13 references 10 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish
  • 77, Female
  • Member since 2016
  • Worked on a newspaper but latterly as a gardener. Retir...
  • various "0" levels!
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 95% complete

About Me

I have a nice house and garden and like having visitors and cooking for them. Did you notice my age?

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

When I was young i did loads of hitchiking all over Europe and people were so very kind, this might just be a tiny bit of a way to repay the many favours I received ... if that doesn't sound too pompous!


I sew fair bit. Also sing a lot and have a couple of dogs which of course have a walk each morning in the glorious scenery around here. Very fond of my garden. Keen on the visual arts, especially cinema. Can't say i am particularly well read, fall down on much European literature, but i read a lot, cheerfully gallop through a book a day in the high Summer when you can't get out into the garden as it is too hot.

  • dogs
  • arts
  • literature
  • singing
  • gardening
  • music
  • piano
  • visual arts

Music, Movies, and Books

Bach and oh, Bach and of course Bach. Favourite movie (today!) is Some Like it Hot. Dr. Strangelove and The African Queen also come to mind. I've just re-read Sapiens of Yuval Noah Harari, excellent stuff.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

managed never to have had a baby.

Teach, Learn, Share

San Pablo de Buceite isn't really on the way anywhere except if you were hiking or cycling about Aandalucia it's nicely between the coast and the amazing city of Ronda in Malaga province. Here is a good place to visit and then flop in the sun on my roof, should there be sun, where you would be completely undisturbed. We are very agricultural and hick and i am happy to say nothing happens! Oh, except there is a very nice, slightly famous, restaurant at the Railway station. I have a music room, but the piano isn't much to write about.

I can't get the thing which says which countries I have visited to work! I've been to or through the usual european ones. And Morocco as live very near Morocco. Turkey was fun in the 60s, hitched there when such an enterprise could be contemplated .....

What I Can Share with Hosts

Remarkably good at washing up - polish glasses automatically. I dearly love a good laugh.

Countries I’ve Visited


Countries I’ve Lived In

England, Spain

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