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Обо мне
I don't like to stay at the same place for too long so any time I can move, I do it !
Then this year I decided to quit my studies to travel.
Что привело меня на Couchsurfing
I'm not really comfortable with all that internet staff like Facebook or any social networks; but all that new possibilities (thanks to the internet) which permit you to meet so many people on your way are fantastic. I think about couchsurfing (obviously) but also workaway, woofing... Travelling all around the word has never been so easy ! It became accessible for everyone
reading, hiking , horse-riding, scuba-diving... and so many other things. Then I like to contemplate all the places around the world which are protected by its inhabitants.
Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)
Swimming with a manta ray ! (or with a hammerhead shark but like it was pretty far away I would exaggerate)
Чем я могу поделиться с хостами
Nothing for now like I'm pretty far away from home. But next year It will be a pleasure to host some travelers
Где я побывал(-а)
Algeria, Canada, Kenya, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Réunion, Spain, Switzerland
Где я жил(-а)