Photos de Luis Valencia Cabrera

Profil non vérifié

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  • 0 avis
  • Parle couramment  English; apprend  Polish
  • 43, Homme
  • Membre depuis 2017
  • University Lecturer/Researcher, Computer Engineer
  • Computer Engineering
  • de Andalusia, Spain
  • Profil renseigné à 55 %

À propos de moi

I am currently in Seville, working at the University of Seville as a Lecturer, would like to deepen into the study of English, German, learning Polish and Chinese. Unfortunately, reality is always imposing many time constraints and is really hard to achieve that goal, while having and intense working schedule and the desire of a normal social life... Anyway, I love sharing experiences, moments, impressions about life... Whatever differentiating us from other animals and, why not, things we also share with them, they can teach us also a lot sometimes...

Outdated: I am currently in Krakow performing a research stay and collaborating with a company. In Spain I am a Lecturer at the University of Sevilla, within the area of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, and I have recently started collaborating with a company in the field of Natural Language Processing.

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

I usually travel around Spain and Europe, and start to find more and more difficult to find people to travel with, so I am doing it mostly alone, so it would be great find people in the places I arrive, instead of staying at home talking to family and friends staying in my city.

Centres d'intérêt

  • culture
  • languages
  • food
  • travelling
  • sport

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

Soul, Rock and heavy (from 50's, 60's, from Elvis, Chuck Berry, Bob Dylan or Beatles to Metallica, passing), grunge, punk... Influenced by Jethro Tull, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Oasis, Greenday, Offspring, Pearl Jam, Johnnie Cash, ... I am forgetting so many!

Movies and series as Blade Runner, Ben Hur, Tempest over Washington, Judgement at Nuremberg, Westworld, Game of Thrones, True Detective, Boradwalk Empire, ... again forgetting so so many, but in a hurry now!

Books as the Swedish trilogy Millenium, Ken Follet's classical ones plus the trilogy The Century, The Alquimist, Ramses series, The Druid by Morgan Llywelin, The Neverending Story...

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

Not too impresive, I came by car from Sevilla to Krakow this Monday, picking up people by blablacar, in total something like 4000 kms driving in three days...

Well, also I started wearing glasses at the age of 19 after 18 hours studying in a row, passing from a perfect view to "what the hell is happening here?", but that if shitty to say in this context, not fun at all hehe, Anyway, since I was 22 always wear lens.

Enseignez, apprenez, partagez

I can teach Spanish, learn Polish and share English.
In other aspects of life, I can teach and learn many things I don't even know, everyone has many things to offer and it depend on th flow of the communication and the connection among the speakers, their thoughts and views, experiences, underlying mind structures...

Ce que j'aimerais partager avec mes hôtes

I can share my personality, anyone of us is genuine, and if considered interesting can share my insights about whatever, my experience travelling around the world, my passion for sport, music or culture, my knowledge (if any), Spanish and English language (my German vanished after a number of years not speaking it, and hope to learn Polish in the following two months).

Pays que j'ai visités

Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Slovakia, Sweden, Wales

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

China, England, Poland, Spain

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