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  • 3 references 3 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Hindi, Nepali
  • 34, Male
  • Member since 2013
  • CEO
  • Web Engineer ,software Developer
  • No hometown listed
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About Me


Be creative, Do some thing For Other Too,Spread Happy To the World


I am angry young man for technology,
Currently I have My Own IT Company , And I am CEO of The Company "Eagle Eye International Technology"
I enjoy Visiting,Making More Friends,Exploring New Places and Ideas
"Only write a story that only you can write. ”
You can find me on


There are in forgotten memory numerous experiences lost to a child grown adult, and others that are retained, in mind and in works, ever nourishing intellectually-draining thoughts of profound enlightenment from which a newborn thirst for knowledge falls into consciousness and ever inward.
These experiences are few and far between, but they allow for a man to make of himself something far better than what would have been. Perhaps I've read too much Thoreau, or read too much in general, but in all that I see or do, from a smallest detail to one most significant, I try to find some particular meaning to apply in the overall knowledge of things. The reasons for why I trouble with the burden of toilsome pondering is not so much to achieve a better understanding of the world in which I live as to increase the awareness of my own self.
Already here I have glimpsed at my personal philosophy, or at least how my mind goes about its thoughts, but for now I have a few considered strengths and weaknesses to address.
As far as weaknesses may go, character flaws are not something to be ignored, and can be taken lightly or heavily by a person only after being acknowledged. My own flaws are numerous, but as long as I am aware of each one I can work at correcting it. Unhealthy habits flock where constant apprehension and attention are lacking, and the only way to improve is to give not one but rather continuous true effort. This advice, which I tell myself adoringly, seems either to be common sense or logically obvious, so the first and greatest weakness one needs to absolve is probably the same plague that befell the great Romans and destroyed their mighty Empire, and that is apathy, the lack of care, thought, and deed.
Outside of logical conclusions, past and future wisdom has been and always will be given through external means, for no man is an island unto himself. I have my more memorable profound experiences gained through a simple statement from my father, or perhaps a movie, that upset my involuntary march with a beat from a different drum, and my mind never again could return to its previously pleasant pace.
Strengths, as well as weaknesses, rely greatly but by no means wholly on what we as children experienced. As for myself, I owe most of my mental and physical strengths to my parents, who forced them upon me as a child before I could know any better. A small portion of my healthy habits, but probably the most prevalent for my future, I owe to no one but myself, and I accept all due gratitude for what I accomplished. If there is one thing I have learned in my struggles thus far, it's that the hardest of challenges is always keeping above the water, especially after just pushing forward, but flying is never so easy after that.
It's always an option to take the easy way in life, to blame society for your situation, or to blame heredity for any flaws, but it is those who take the humble path in life, openly seeking challenges and promised struggle, that I respect the most, and it is them who I try to shape my life to, and who I will follow if ever a fork in the road.
Emerson wrote that in every work of genius, one always recognizes his own rejected thoughts. Although everything I have written has been through my mind at one time or another, and probably through other people's minds as well, this day reading these thoughts is probably one of those awkward experiences of silent serenity where an inner joy awakens to a sound fairly resembling the cry of truth, when one's senses feel resurrected in a state of acute awareness, and you think that perhaps for the first and last time you've learned something from my personal philosophy.


Discovering New Ideas And Places, Enjoy On making Good friends, Enjoy On Sharing Ideas To The world.

  • learning new things
  • exploring
  • meeting new people

Music, Movies, and Books

Scientific , Technology and Fiction Film I mostly Like
Inspiring Books, Pop songs

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

being a CEO of an IT company is really a big thing that i have done on my Life.

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