Fotos von Magdalena Woźniak

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  • Letzte Anmeldung vor mehr als 8 Jahre

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  • 22 Referenzen 17 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Spricht fließend English, German, Polish; lernt zurzeit Italian, Spanish
  • 38, Weiblich
  • Mitglied seit 2012
  • working in Kraków
  • Master Degree, Linguistics
  • Aus Rzeszów (born) Debica (grew up), Lublin (grew up) Poland
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich


"Guide me through experience" get to know the people, the world, get experienced and learn to draw conclusions - and share this exerience with others


I know very well my friends - they know me, and they would say... " Magdalena is... - a pause! - (exactly in this place:) funny, crazy girl, of course positively :) full of energy, always smiling, cheering up the others, a very good friend, a very warm person, thinks about the others, very hospitable" :)


Live in accordance to my nature, follow my goals, fulfill my ideas and not regret something I did.
Above all, be a good person.

"Świat w którym żyjemy stanie się lepszy albo gorszy w zależności od tego czy my sami będziemy lepsi czy gorsi." P.Coehlo "Alchemik"

"Gdy czegoś gorąco pragniesz, to cały Wszechświat działa potajemnie, by udało Ci się to osiągnąć"

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin


while hosting I can provide some tea, coffee, some meals ;) show the city, give precious pieces of advice :) People say... I am a very good guide :)


Already a long time experience :) always very good!
I hosted (in Lublin, Madrid, Alicante, Kraków) and surfed few times (Porto, Alicante *2, Vienna). Excellent experience! always! I met wonderful people!


I love exploring things, places, new cultures, gaining knowledge; getting to know as much as I can. I enjoy each things that is interesting for me, from which I can learn something or simply for my pure enternainment ;)
I am a very active person, always trying to do something practical, useful, beneficial :)I spend my time on collecting experience :)
I love doing sports - swimmng, riding a bike, volleyball, dancing! reading books, watching good movies, meeting my friends, talking - in different languages!!, joking ;)and writing my blog :)

Above all, I love sunrises and sunsets ;)just behind them - any kind of bridges ;)

  • writing
  • books
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • coffee
  • movies
  • chess
  • reading
  • blogging
  • drawing
  • cycling
  • sports
  • rock climbing
  • volleyball
  • languages
  • tourism
  • mountains

Musik, Filme und Bücher

Movies: Legends of the Fall, Gone with the wind, The Lion king :)Casanova, Slumdog
serial: FRIENDS
Music: rock, pop, movie songs, ballads :)above all: Dirty Dancing 1-2
Books, the authors: Nicolas Sparks, Paulo Coehlo, Daniel Steel, Harlen Coben, Mark Levy

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

There are so many things ... the places I visit, each one is amazing and has something special I could tell you about ;)
But if I have to choose, the moment of climbing the mountains I had to use chains and narrow ladder between the rocks:)
and the views of beautiful Spain... south costa when you see the mountains and the sea in the same place! it seems casual? for me - amazing landscape :)

each sunrise and sunset I can admire :)

Recently, in Vienna I went to the Fun-Park for the first time in my life :) on the machine that goes suddenly up with such a speed... the highest adrenaline I could ever have.. I guess once is enough ;)

Lehren, lernen, teilen

Teach: Languages; English, German or Spanish, Polish! ;)
I can explain any linguistic doubt :) I can offer U conversations by skype or mailing.
Learn: cooking?:)playing chess :)
Share: company, cultural exchange :)

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Austria, France, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe

Poland, Spain, United Kingdom

Old School Badges

  • 1 Bürgen

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