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  • 32 references 27 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Swahili; learning Luganda, Portuguese
  • 32, Male
  • Member since 2017
  • • Explorer • Tour Consultant • Tour Guide • • Artist • Mu...
  • Freedom Degree
  • From Kenya
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


• Extrovert Trapped In An Introvert •

Hello World, my heart and soul is open to you.

My space is warm and welcoming. I don't live like a King.
I am a Minimalist.
My house is one single room equipped with basic survival items.
It Is located a few kilometers from the city centre. It is accessible by all means of transport except trains, aeroplanes, ships, rockets and submarines.
But an Alien space shuttle can easily land on top of my roof! 👽
I use the old way of cooking and toilets are outside.
My environment is safe around the clock to a point where you can sleep with doors open and be assured that you will wake up having your legs still intact! 👽 the day, I am transitioning from living behind four walls to settling down in a private botanical garden I've named Jungle.
At this moment, everyday...'s been 7 months now and 4 days as I write this since Jungle came to Life.

When my box becomes too hot or when I wanna relax outside my box with my guests or with just my mind, Jungle becomes my sanctuary.

..watching the birds and their magical chirping, butterflies and their infinite splash of beautiful colors, noticing ants and their long long looooong trail of "their whole clan" striding their way to unknown location...
Human Beings can't define Nature fully!
Jungle is a transformative and a therapeutic environment that enhances the true realization of the gift of discovery!
G.O.D - gift of discovery to a certain degree simply uplifts your senses to higher vibrations!
So I tell you the 🌎 World, to be Irie!

Welcome to my box 🏚️.
Welcome to Jungle too.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

To meet up and host couch surfers and to really Explore Our Globe till the end of time!

Meet Couch surfers rather than sit around ogling my own thoughts and infinitum.

Do I become more passionate by ostracising myself from reality or the opposite? 🤩😎😋


A snap of my fingers and they easily help me drift off reality when I feel like.

All my interests lifts up my senses to higher degrees that helps to alternate my perspective with reality in each and every moment!

And I do believe in perusing ones passion rather than putting it off to weekend or...😝

  • dancing
  • meditation
  • hiking
  • camping
  • sky diving
  • bike riding
  • talking
  • rafting
  • site seeing
  • painting and drawing
  • swimming in the sea
  • bad watching

Music, Movies, and Books

Music Is Soul Food 🤡🥳
I Listen to all genres of music(depending with the mood am in.)

So Many Books,So Little Time!

And i simply love books.Inspirational books are my best.
Comic books when am just lazying around does the Magic too!( I wish I was in a comic book though..)

Life itself is A Film! 🧐⏳⌛️ 🎞
I love all kinds of films!

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

4 get Aways :

Connection to every Open Soul - Humans Beings are Awesome Transformational Energy In This Cosmos.

Deep ocean diving on the coastal shores of Watamu, Diani & Malindi , clearest coastal shores I've ever seen,amazing tranquility and rich marine life!

Going down deep in the waters and being so quiet that I realized that the thump thump I heard was my own heart and not oncoming boats!

Meditation Everyday and Yoga!⏳🌍🧠
I try my best with Yoga when I can.
They are natural healers! 🌴💊🏞️

Silence n stare blankly into Space 🤯🧘‍♂️🥳
(Really enhances the realization of who I am and what am embodied with and most importantly the true realization of our nature as beings and everything else that surrounds us!)

Teach, Learn, Share

Oh,lots of stuff!
Almost anything actually.
Specialties include, tour guidance, drawing & painting, cooking, music production, deejaying, pet bonding, walking, cleaning, communicate - bonding, dancing, graffiti, rap, farming, photography & videography and everything that enhances creatives!

Like Heinlein said :

A human being should be able to change a diaper,plan an invasion, butcher a hog,conn a ship,design a building,write a sonnet,balance accounts,build a wall,set a bone,comfort the dying,take orders,give orders, cooperate,act alone,solve equations,analyze a new problem,pitch manure,program a computer,cook a tasty meal,fight efficiently,die gallantly.

Specialization is for insects.
Specializing on one thing for the rest of your life is so LIMITING to our nature as human beings!

What I Can Share with Hosts

Share a meal, watch a movie, site seeing,
travel to another town and just talk! 😎
Evening Walks.
Tasting n Eating Traditional Dishes.
Pillow Thoughts.

All I know,my experiences and generally good natured temper :b 🤯😝

Countries I’ve Visited

Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda

Countries I’ve Lived In

Tanzania, Uganda

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