Marcos Tenedios's Photo

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  • 100% response rate
  • Last login about 2 hours ago

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  • 30 references 22 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Greek (modern)
  • 53, Male
  • Member since 2016
  • Internal Auditor
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Greek Cypriot Living in a house in a quiet suburb of Nicosia with my black labrador. I am very active person, always in planning mode for next adventure. Other than working as an internal auditor to finance my travels, I like to work out at the gym, taking care of my garden, going long walks with my dog, camping with friends etc.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I like to travel alone, but I also like to meet new people during my travels. I thought to give it a try here at couchsurfing. I could also host travelers that visit my city when I have the time.
Please note that I offer my couch only when I am not busy, so I apologise in advance if I happen to turn down your request.


I am world traveler. I also enjoy nature and spending time outdoors. Gardening and working out take up the rest of my free time.

  • working out
  • gardening
  • traveling
  • outdoor activities

Music, Movies, and Books

Rock music is my thing. Not too much into movies.
In general, I am not too much into arts even though I am interested in visiting museums that will help me understand the cultures that I visit. I am more of a sports/adventure type of person.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

The Gibbon Experience. Trekking for 3 days in the Laotian jungle, ziplining at 150 metres up, and sleeping in treehouses 60-70 metres high, just an amazing adventure.
Meeting the mountain gorillas in the wild was also an unforgetable experience that cannot be put into words.
Hiking the Vikos Gorge in a thunderstorm was probably not the smartest thing to do, but it was certainly thrilling and amazing.

Teach, Learn, Share

We can talk about accounting and internal auditing😊😊. Or I can teach you Greek with Cypriot accent.

What I Can Share with Hosts

All of my CS experience relates to hosting and not surfing. In that respect, I offer to my guests my hospitality and of course a chance to share our travel experiences. Plus I am a good cook and I could serve nice spaghetti dishes. Needless to say that I will show you around in Nicosia and especially in the Old Town where I grew up.
In regards to my dietary requirements, as far as meat is concerned I only eat chicken and fish. I work for a dairy company so my fridge is always full with halloumi cheese...the traditional Cyprus cheese which I will be glad to serve to you in different ways. Of course, my guests are always welcome to suggest and cook a traditional meal from their countries.

P.S.1. Couchsurfing is not a profession. Houses of CSs are not hotels that you go, spend your night say good bye and move on to the next destination. It is all about meeting new people, getting to know them and making new friends. Personally I put a lot of effort and time to make my guests comfortable. I never ask anything in return, but it sure shows respect and appreciation if you leave a reference. The reference system is what makes Couchsurfing unique and successful and I always try to assess whether people who request to stay with me leave a reference to their hosts. The ability to give and receive references is one aspect I value a lot before I make a decision to host.

P.S.2. During weekdays I seldom accept any requests because I have very little free time. Weekends and holidays are best for me to host.

Countries I’ve Visited

Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominica, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Hungary, Italy, Kenya, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Martinique, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates

Countries I’ve Lived In

Cyprus, United States

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