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  • 82 references 72 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, German, Italian, Swiss German; learning Japanese
  • 29, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • Sommelier & Hospitality Management student
  • SHL & ETH Zürich
  • From Sion, Valais, Switzerland
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hey !
- Please read to know if we'll get along, and the My Home section for the details on my place -
I'm a 28 years old student, originally from the french-speaking part of Switzerland, in the middle of the Alps. I've moved to Zürich to study environmental science, and now work as a sommelier and study hospitality. I share a small flat with 1 other guy, an architect. I've always lived in the same area (Sion, in the Alps) until the beginning of my studies.
I'm more a night owl and I really love my city, Zürich. I sometimes play video games and most of the time go out with friends in the city.
As a guy I'm quite chill. I tend to be late most of the time (trying to fix it) but otherwise I'm reliable. My friends say that I never stop making jokes, sometimes too much. I don't like taking things too seriously. I always try to make the most out of life. I'm always ready to do stupid things. To make it short, I love living.

- KEEP IN MIND that I might not be able to show you around or share a lot of time with you because of my consequent amount of work. I'll be happy to host you and share as much time with you as I can, but if I'm really busy I'll tell you before confirming your stay :) My roommate will maybe be around and he'll take care of you as well, he’s extremely cool ! -

Instagram: mart1fel

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Meet people and make friends around the world - the usual :)
Considering the price of a night in Zürich, and the wonderful couch we have in our living room, I thought that it would be great to share those bits of space. Zürich has only one disadvantage : it's expensive. But otherwise, it's simply amazing, and I want as many people as possible to discover my city. That's why I decided that everybody should be able to visit Zürich, and that begins with sleeping somewhere comfy.
Beside that, I really love to meet new people and establish contacts with persons from different countries, of course, otherwise I wouldn't be on this frickin' website !


Well, I do love my studies and I'm deeply involved in the wine industry, but maybe you aren't into that stuff. So, I love to play video games and listen to music. But that's a bit generic.
I like to just walk around in Zürich, discovering new things each day (because that's what this city is all about). I love to hang out with friends, have a few beers/wine (or lots of...) and then go to concerts or club.
I'm passionate with music. I created a web radio years ago, I always try to discover new things, to go to concerts, clubs or shows.

  • arts
  • culture
  • concerts
  • wine
  • beer
  • nightlife
  • partying
  • clubbing
  • technology
  • video games
  • traveling
  • music
  • engineering
  • science
  • food

Music, Movies, and Books

I don't really have a "favorite music". I listen to a lot of styles, from rock to old-school funk. But what I listen to the most is Electronic Music. Not the Tomorrowland-kinda EDM (cuz that's shit, let's face it), but lots of artists.
Speaking of movies, I do prefer funny movies or really bad ones (they are hilarious). But I also sometimes like stupid huge blockbusters (like Transformers, god I love this series) and movies that can make you think.
A director which is amongst my favorites and that you should check out : Edgar Wright ("Shaun Of The Dead", "Hot Fuzz", "The World's End", "Scott Pilgrim VS The World", "Baby Driver", not a single one is bad)
I don't really read a lot and most of the books I read were in french, so it's hard for me to recommend any, but if you're into Comics, you should grab a copy of Watchmen, and a copy of some belgian classics like Gaston.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

That's a hard question. It's hard to say which one was the one!
I guess I'd say deciding to travel to Ecuador, because with a friend we took this decision in one night and two days later we had the tickets. It was a really quick decision, but one of the best I've ever made.
And a 2-weeks road trip I made with my four best friends in 2014. It was awesome.
Oh and moved to Zürich. Probably the best decision in my life!
Hiked up Koko Head in Hawaii, sliced my leg open then went back down with my shirt tied around the wound before getting 20 stitches in. Still dunno how I managed to survive that.

Teach, Learn, Share

I can teach you the differences between swiss languages and our neighbour's (french and german), or how to make swiss dishes or party like a true walliser (my people).
I love to cook and am enrolled in a hospitality school, so I hope we can share recipes!

Sharing travel experiences or tips also interests me a lot, because I love to travel and I'm always willing to learn new cultures.
I'll share my love and knowledge about wine and beer with you for sure.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Mostly show you my view of Zürich, which has many faces. Economic center, techno culture hub (the city recognised Techno Culture as part of its UNESCO's cultural heritage in early 2017), alternative side, expensive and touristy side (hey it's part of it, and the good chocolate is there), and of course its student life, buzzing af.
I have a group of friends always ready to party, so if you want to discover the nightlife and do it with other (awesome and heavily drunk) people, you can come with us.
We live in the center, so you can really visit the city well. If my schedule allows it, I'll be more than happy to show you around, and you can be sure my roommate will join us for a beer in the living room.
You'll experience Switzerland and Zürich in a different way, with locals, far from the cliché postcard ideas.
To quickly show me you've read through my profile, indicate your favorite beer brand in your request ;) I get a lot of them and can't host much, so I prefer to have people who share the same interests !
No beer brand = probably a no ;)

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Haiti, Indonesia, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Maldives, Netherlands, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In


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