Le foto di Alessandra Bruno

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Non accetta ospiti

  • Ultimo accesso oltre 12 anni fa

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Informazioni generali

  • 5 referenze
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente Italian; lingua che sta imparando English, French, German
  • 48, Donna
  • Membro dal 2008
  • I work in a company in the Admistration Finance & Con...
  • University degree
  • Di Born in a town at 60 km from Torino
  • Profilo completo al 85%

Chi sono


To know....... to learn......and the others......


I'm a person who likes laughing and I adore meeting and staying with people who smile and like having fun. I'm from Turin but I have lived in Milan for 4 years. I love nature and I like going for a walk in countryside or in mountain, in the woods with my dog, or contemplating the sea at the dawn.. I love cooking, especially for someone and also having the house plenty of friends, making party and enjoying with them. However I take some time to dedicate to myself and my thoughts even if I don't like to stay to much time alone and this is one of the reason because I live in an apartment which I share with other girls. In fact I love to talk, especially when I get home and I like to talk about how the day is spent.
I like lying on the sofa and watch movies such as comedies, adventures, thriller. I don't like horror films but if I have to see one I prefer not to be alone. I adore watch history films (e i film in costume).
I'm not a reader because I always have a lot of things to do, always busy because after work I go to the University until 9 p.m. I'd like to read about literature, science and philosophy but at the moment I read newspapers about politics or economic magazines because I want to keep me informed about the news from the world.


"Ama e fa ciò che vuoi" (Sant'Agostino)

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing


I'm always available for a coffee and to show the city of Milan. I have a sofa in the kitchen where I can host people maximum two per night and preferably in the weekend. I live in an apartment near Melchiorre Gioia Street (Metro Station MM SONDRIO and GIOIA) It's a no smoker house, but you can smoke on the terrasse if you really need it.


It's a very nice project and I hope to do my best to contribute to it and to its success.


I have got lots of intersts: music, travels, driving my moto, riding, doing sport, doing voluntary activities. I always like and try to do things I haven't made yet.
I like violin and piano very much. I used to play piano for 5 years and I'd like to start again because I like listening someone playing in my house.

  • dogs
  • literature
  • cooking
  • coffee
  • partying
  • politics
  • news
  • movies
  • music
  • piano
  • violin
  • sports
  • history
  • science

Paesi che ho visitato

Dominican Republic

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Italy, United Kingdom

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