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加入 Couchsurfing 查看Maxma的完整个人主页。
Heyho! I am a Nomad Musician, love traveling and making new connections.
I have almost all social media, you can find me there as Maxma33607 or Maxmastrips (it's against CS guideline to have our phone numbers or names of social media apps here) so, don't hesitate, hit the "send a message" down below, even if it's just for a hi or a question regarding CS.
-Bonus references on the other family apps BeWelcome, WarmShowers, Trustroots, Airbnb - ask for them too in a pm!
Some people find short profiles with few pictures ''untrusty'' and others long ones boring, so i try to combine it.
Quick sum up of "about me":
🥁🎺: spam of my current lifegoal n project
🔍: leave reference in your language
🌈🏕:open-minded+ inclusive host, respectful n flexible guest +a comment on sexism
🚀 :don't push me to eat or drink (Google ARFID)
✌:brief n spontaneous review of what i think i am.
Attention, this profile is long, if you take your time reading all it will be helpful and i will be happier in our meeting, if not i don't blame you, but i ll quote things from here (ex: ARFID) .
You can skip the boring stuff. Just have in mind that i take couchsurfing and people seriously and i will read your profile and references, even the references you leave to other people. Also, that i never write copy paste requests, everyone here deserves the time for a special one describing the current situation, even the ones with 0 references and empty profiles. Eventually i will learn your blood type, the brand of your socks, the name of your first pet and the eye colour of your grand- grandma.
Ok the last sentence is a joke attempt.
To some I am an extremely simple guy , to some others more complex. Sometimes overexcited some other times a bit sleepy.
I'm as unique as you are.
Vanlife! I wanna buy/build my motohome and play piano anywhere as street musician, piano/music/ languages teacher, vlogger/research so to conclude my PhD! But i don't even have driving licence or a van..! If you have any info/exp/want to support me, i ll gladly accept it~
Also on linktr.ee/maxma33607
Spam time
Instincts and routine, communities and morals make us having different perspective about life and so, music. I am traveling and doing a research about music perspective so i find people of different status and knowledge and i interview them in a casual, a cs way.
~Everyone can answer my informal questionnaire! :) ask on the message or in person
I do have sleeping bag, so I just need a shelter space 1x1 and/or company.
If you know any place i could play piano and you share with me this information, you are automatically my friend and i owe you one.
In any case, Check out the ###references### , they have to say the truth :D If we are staying together leave one, even negative , since other people can know us based on that too. I 'll be accurate and true for you.
I just had an idea: 💡
Try write a reference in your own language, or just a sentence, i have plenty in English. It's more authentic, target based and more honest anyway. In exchange, i can write in Greek or other if i will be asked to. If you want me to remember you, write a long, a fat one.
As a host,
People of all religions, age, gender, sexlife, race, culture, ideas, disabilities (or anyone who felt discrimination before by being themselves ) are welcome in my place.
I don't care about your "difference". I will respect you with it anyway if you do the same.
You can be cool or uncool despite these.
I snob only the snobs.
As a guest,
Chameleon type, like to fit into moods n situations if i can read them right. I guarantee enthusiasm or, if you are busy, quietness.
Except of food or long walks, i don't think im a snowflake with anything else .
I usually request one night because i want to prove that is ok to be over so i can ask for more days.
We live in a sexist world with double standards. If i had boobs i'd had 60x chance on Cs, Hitchhiking, Jobs etc, but more dangers too.
For some men: Learn what's a dating app and use that instead
For some women: the above should not be an excuse to not trust men in general (host /guest)
For some other individuals: sorry if you encountered any of the above. Don't lose hope tho, there are places that the Sun rises for everyone!
You should know:
(Im sorry i toxicate the profile by saying what's not ok, it's better tho,to state what i think "normal" and "standards" than expect you to meet them, since "normality" is super subjective - trust me, i learned it the bad way.)
Its already an everyday problem in Asia (in Europe, Oceania and North America is better) so i have to mention it, even tho it will be ignored at 80%of times.. I ll at least try a funny way:
Before I was born, i got the curse of consumption by a Korean witch (ask details later), this means i won't like new food, so i eat mostly food i know. Your delicious cousine, meal or alcohol like beer, won't break this curse so don't push me to try it, it will just make me being more afraid and sad of it. Food tourism is not for me, as much as i would love to. I got so much FOOD BULLYING and criticism in my life, i still suffer in this community as guest 😭.To avoid it, its simple, just ASK. I'm worse than vegans. Don't be my Balkan/Mediterranean Grandma, i m a big boy now to choose my own food. Thank you for sharing your individual or local culture with me, please do it in another way or by just explaining to me the recipe.
In other words,
If you get offended by which things my taste OCD finds ok to consume, don't host me, we don't match.
Generally, don't be persistent and bossy, if i don't like or want something i will say that i prefer something else. Sometimes my way of saying No is not reaching people, since it's with a smile. But i mean it. We are meeting so all can enjoy, and we might have different taste. Respect this, please.
(Update: actually its a disorder called Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). Wiki it. Now, officially, found out I was mental all along but still got 99,5% positive references 🙃)
If you can't wait to meet me and want to know me:
I am a night person, not much a morning one, when i daydream i play imaginary piano or conduct the air or sing in super high opera pitch, i grumble when there is long walking distance or many stairs, i always feel cold except when i feel too hot, sometimes when i get impressed or scared i swear in Greek, I have allergy with any kind of seafood, tobacco and mosquitoes which i hate being at same environment, i m allergic to cats and dogs which I love being at the same environment (save me and drag me away, I lie if I say I have my pills coz I never carry any and they don't work and the allergy will get severe eventually), I have a funny sleeping position and the more pillows I have the more relaxed i feel- I get good goosebumps with silk and bad ones with velours, I have a special sheep keeper/villager- sound for people who slip and a special laughter if they fall, i sing always when i explore or feel comfortable or eating chocolate or hard yellow cheese, if i throw my stuff around means i feel very comfortable with you (and if i not usually means the opposite exept if i sing while tide up), i am scared of high, needles/sharpness and blood and big skinny spiders, but in extreme situations i forget about them all, my ex-girlfriends and flatmates usually said i have a strong self smell even after shower (but they insist that is not its a bad one- like "the mom smell"), my drawing and orientation skills are ridiculously bad, i eat ritualistically my food, and value good sleep, i laugh at your jokes if i get they try to be jokes (especially the disturbing ones), i m the hug- culture guy,...
Yes, Maxma is not the name in the passport, but its the real one. I try to explain my name in many ways (the one that works most often is Ma-Ma with an X in the middle) but many keep calling me Maxima, Maxman, Maxim, or just Max.. 😢
I even respond to "Hey, you piece of garlic!".
我为什么加入 Couchsurfing
Why not? New people, new experiences, new knowledge. I adore meeting new people and speak about myself or hear others speaking about themselves, their experiences , their plans or ideas.
I like finding common grounds and also argue *I am called The Prince of Doubt*
Every person inspires me to be a different personality towards it: from shy to teaser, from explosive childish enthusiasm to deep slow-pace philosophies. I refuse to search of the rational criteria, this way i discover myself with you.
I love being useful but not to be used ;)
On the narcissistic journey to achieve the title 'Maxma the Wise'.
My Experience on Couchsurfing
Hangouts saved my boredom so many times. I am trying not to get upset of the people accepting or requesting a hangout but never reply ( not due to notifications).
I begun as host and understood how important is attitude. Once i traveled a bit, i understood how great feeling can it be to be host to provide but also to be hosted and even let yourself provided with more than basic which is a place without wind; help from practical things like shower, washing machine,a flexibility with keys or arriving hours, sharing your laptop for a while, a meal, or even a tip about a route to showing around the place, translate this and that, help in a health problem or a confusion, booking together tickets, even a quick answer to "what can i see around". Or a good morning and night.
Don't get me wrong, I don't expect anything as guest or host, i just wanted to share my belief, that anything you don't expect back in an idea like couchsurfing which doesn't have clear expectations (and/so everyone has different) is pure and usually important help.
Question as food for thought/self-awareness :
What it's your "normal/standard/culture/justice/hospitality" behaviour of a guest or host towards you,
How important is for you so to expect it from others and
What happens when someones past and exp lead to contradiction with these *your* norms.
But don't overthink it, hihi.
In any case, my best friends, past relationships, letter (or nowadays Text) buddies, some people thst helped me understand what i don't like and what's my limits, people that inspired me to undercover and follow my dreams, i met all of them on CS. Its a bravely big page in my pie-life.
Yes. Pie Page and a pieces of a book, you already visualised it. Gotcha. 😝
Guess what, i was nominated and became an ambassador now, meaning that i know the Terms and Conditions and I have some exp with hangouts, organising events, host, be guest, Couch Crashes, Safety and common questions of CS, receiving and forwarding ideas to make CS better . If you have questions regarding this program, please contact me.
Music (playing /listening /studying /creating /enjoying /conducting /teaching ....almost everything :) ),
Theater acting n inprov,
Board Games (always in for it, also designer)
LARPing (combination of the two above, also designer)
Animation/ Anime (i feel an expert on this, we can speak for days),
Philosophy (Well, a lot of it),
Psychology (from body language, quotes n explaining dreams to everyday syndromes n childhood traumas)
Hanging out inside or outside,
Cooking (the infamous Maxmapasta series)
Animals (despite allergies, I had 16 cats and I ll get my voice changed to cute pitch even for the alive food for your goldfish)
Ice skating (for the beauty of art in tv, the feeling of moving on ice or the falls of the others)
Raketes (beach tennis with wooden rackets and the ball don't fall down, but im keen for ping pong too)
and maaany more
- animals
- theater
- acting
- cooking
- partying
- anime
- board games
- piano
- swimming
- animation
- astronomy
- journalism
- languages
- philosophy
- travelling
- gaming
- couchsurfing
- ice skating
- improvisation
- composing
- meeting new people
- phychology
- conducting
- hichhiking
- erasmus
- alternative
- musical instruments
- staying in
🎧Music: Soundtracks or Jazz mostly. Depends on the mood though. I might like local music sometimes or expressive classical music, or even electro, or Oldish trash music, chillhop too. As a musician I try to find the ''magic'' within any kind.
Believe it or not (and i have a nice explanation for it) , I don't enjoy a lot Rap either most of Folks..!
📕Books: The most recent was about body language and "music as biology" few years ago. I like how Dostoevsky describes situations, Maybe Osho, some poetry as well, mangas, oh, and all the theatrical plays I played 😝 - in my youth i read Harry Potter. You can't call me book lover. I currently write one about my trip, push me to continue it.
🎞️ 90% is animation movies and series. The rest, let's say I don't like horror movies or thrillers. I like mind-complex movies instead (Sherlock series), surreal(waking life) or life-changing(Trueman Show) , futuristic( Lucy) or open end (Shutter Island), magic adventures (Harry Potter) or sweet comedi (Amelie), but i can't say no to a pop dirty humor full of sexual impulses (american pie) 🤭
Depends on the company, really. If i'm alone, its anime, also that will be my first suggestion (goal of 1k anime watched: reached ~).
Being friends with people by communicating with only common languages the childish, music, gesture, drinking etc, especially on my 3 year backpack trip and the many Erasmus+ projects.
The orginised conversation/interview about music i ve planned is a good way for all these 3(no spam ).
People get fascinated when I teach them the basics of diaphragm singing or origin words from ancient greek in their language.
I want to learn your story. I am so curious sometimes *twink-twink* ;)
I can share my positivity and my honesty, some philosophy conversations or easy going ones. Surely, traveling makes you a storyteller.
My experience, my opinions, my culture, my energy, maybe sth from the infamous MaxmaPasta series or MaxmaLavas ,my travel stories, my music too.
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, England, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Macao, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Palestine, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Scotland, Serbia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United States, Vatican City State, Viet Nam
Bulgaria, China, Greece, Spain, United States