Le foto di Maël Defay-Majo

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Informazioni generali

  • 11 referenze 7 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, French; lingua che sta imparando Corsican, Sign Language - French, Spanish
  • 29, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2019
  • Teacher
  • Master in astrophysics and education
  • Di Grenoble, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

Safe place and LGBTTQQIAA friendly 🙏 (I'm an hetero ally and not here to date guys -or girl btw-, neither being curious, please no misunderstanding 😉 -yes it happened enough times that I decided to write it 🥲-)
Hi !!

I’m a young guy from the French alps, born in 1995 and living in a really small village where cows are may be more numerous than human ! I’m proud of it actually so .... It’s fine ! 😅
I’ve been studying physics and chemistry, then astrophysics, then pedagogy and now I'm a physic and chemistry teacher 👨‍🏫 !
I love to transmet what I know. I am a rescuer and lifeguard, I used to do this as summer job :).
I want to work in different parts of the globe 🌍 in order to discover as much as I can and to open my mind to different cultures ! I plan to work next to Paris (because with the French system we have no choice haha), then Polynesia, then ...... idk ... New Zealand, Norway .... 🙄😂. I want to continue with a PhD in neuropedagogy too !! But it's really hard to find one...

I love more than anything being in the wild !

I love doing sport, of every kind. I practiced basket ball and swimming in competition at a quite good level (in France), but I love kayak, hiking, skiing, volley ball, track and field etc ... 🏆

I enjoy museum a lot, art museum or cultural/scientific/historic museum mostly. I include big historic monument in « museum » because to my it’s places where you learn things as well. 🪐

I love to draw, mostly for tattoos :).

About my personality I’m easy going on people and love to exchange with other so my inner-me can grow, I think it’s very important to being inspired by the good persons you met. I love to laugh, play, eat, sleep, I’m a kind of a terrestrial orca 🐬🦈🐋

It’s been a lot of « I, me, my » but you, yes you reading this, we could have a lot to share and I want to listen other people’s experiences :).

Salut !!

Je viens des Alpes françaises ! Né en 1995, j’habite dans un tout petit village où les vaches sont plus nombreuses que les humains.... Mais en vrai j’en suis fier !
Je suis passé par des études en physique-chimie, astrophysique, sciences de l’éducation, et me voilà prof 👨‍🏫 ! J’adore transmettre mes savoirs.
Je suis également sauveteur secouriste aquatique en job d’été :).
Mon projet des vie est de travailler un peu partout autour du globe 🌍 .... Déjà bien des endroits sur ma liste ! Et de reprendre en thèse :).

Je fais beaucoup de sport, j’ai pratiqué basket et nation surtout, mais prenez garde je fais de tout ! Du ski du volley de l’athlétisme de la rando .... 🏆

J’adore plus que tout être dans la nature !!

J’aime beaucoup les musées, et les monuments historiques, ce sont des endroits où on peut en apprendre beaucoup ! 🪐

Dessiner est aussi dans mes talents, mais principalement pour créer des tatouages :).

Je suis très facilement sociable alors pas d’inquiétude si vous êtes un peu timide ! J’aime beaucoup partager avec les autres pour en ressortir grandi 🕺.

Ca fait beaucoup de “moi, je” mais bon c’était ma description hein !
Hâte d’en savoir à votre propos :).

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

Traveling without meeting people ... It's not really traveling, visiting a country without being with an inhabitant is loosing 75% of your journey :).. To me ! 🍻

I love to travel alone, with a friend or with my girlfiend when I've one 😅.

When I host, I have several places, my parent’s place, a mountain home and my student flat.
Depending where I am I’d prefer not to host for too long, 2-3 nights maximum, as I am a often quite busy. If things go well (and schedule allows it..) why not adding a night or two :) !! But I prefer to be honest before starting :).

Je préfère ne pas accueillir pour trop longtemps, 2-3 nuits max. Si les conditions le permettent nous pourrons toujours ajouter des nuits au besoin, mais je préfère être honnête directement et ne pas promettre ce que je ne pourrais, potentiellement, pas apporter :).

J’ai plusieurs endroits où je peux accueillir, la maison familiale, un chalet en maurienne, et mon appart avec mon coloc :).


  • cooking
  • movies
  • science
  • art
  • sport
  • musics
  • eating good food

Musica, film e libri

I love almost every kind of music ! I mostly listen rap music, but mozart is the best when I work or read something ... Techno, house, and trans have a special place for partying.... And rock ..... of course !! 🎶

I don’t read that much .... I loved French comics when I was younger, I still love it actually. Sometimes I read books talking about metaphysic, climate change, becoming vegetarian or real stories :). 📚

About movies .... I love Tarantino and Nolan (original isn’t it ? Haha), I love fantastic, Jim Carrey (the best).... Ok i confess I love almost every kind of movies .... Excepted Star Wars ........ Sorry guys ! 🍿

I’m into anime and manga a lot ! Dragon Ball, One piece and Hunter x Hunter mostly, my favorite characters are Gohan D Ace and Killua / Kullapika ! 🐲

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

Turning my little car into a “van” for a 10 days road trip in Scotland was definitely something ! And meeting Liam while asking our way to the docks who bring us directly in his house for a diner was soooo cool haha ! 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏻

A 2 weeks trip in the Egyptian desert was also an incredible adventure.... 🐫

Being host 2 weeks by an Indian Family, (my family now !) was also a very strong experience ! 🇮🇳

Hugged a huge sequoia in a Californian National Park. 🏞

Ice skating on Lake Louise ⛸.

Meeting Native American people 🦅

A lot of Road Trip 🚙 !!

Being for several days in the middle of the amazionan jungle... incredible...

Capturing a 5m anaconda snake with my roommate in Guiana... 😳😳

Being invited in the house of M. Cohen-Tanoudji, Nobel prize of physics in 1997, after putting a little note in his mailbox. 🙏📚

Going on my great grand father tracks when I discovered a new dinosaur before being killed at the WWII in Asia, this adventure is still far from completed but the start is quite exciting !! 🦕

Insegna, impara, condividi

I can teach you physics and chemistry, as it’s my job haha ! I can help you swimming, talking French and surely many other things ! 🏊‍♂️

I want to meet people when abroad to share moments of life :).

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

Depending on the location I’d like to share lot of thing :). From the cocktails to the hikes !

Selon l’endroit je peux partager bcp de choses ! En allant du simple verre à la randonnée :).

Paesi che ho visitato

Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, England, France, French Guiana, Germany, Guadeloupe, India, Ireland, Italy, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Suriname, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Wales

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

France, French Guiana

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