Minhaz Rabbi's Photo

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  • Last login 13 days ago

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  • 1 reference 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Hindi; learning Italian
  • 30, Male
  • Member since 2023
  • HR Professionals
  • Bachelor's
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

As an HR professional working in the humanitarian sector in Cox's Bazar, I am deeply passionate about making a positive impact and fostering cross-cultural exchange. Balancing my professional life with personal interests, I enjoy parties, travel, and camping, finding joy in life's adventures. Living in Cox's Bazar allows me to explore the beauty of the sea through invigorating sea drives, and appreciating nature's wonders. In my cosy little apartment, I embrace simplicity and value the connections I build with others rather than material possessions. One of the most enriching aspects of my life is hosting international guests, where I learn about their customs and perspectives, fostering understanding and empathy between cultures. Through my work, I strive to create a better world for all, utilizing my skills and knowledge to support those in need. Cox's Bazar has become more than just a workplace—it's a place where I can make a difference, connect with others, and live a meaningful life.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I am Couchsurfing because I believe in the power of cross-cultural exchange and creating meaningful connections with people from around the world. Couchsurfing allows me to open my doors to travellers, providing them with a place to stay and immersing them in the local culture. Through hosting guests, I have the opportunity to learn about different perspectives, traditions, and customs while sharing my own experiences. Couchsurfing enables me to foster understanding, build friendships, and create lasting memories with fellow adventurers. It's a platform that embodies my passion for cultural diversity and the spirit of hospitality.


  • movies
  • surfing
  • volleyball
  • swimming
  • travel
  • sunset

Music, Movies, and Books

Music: I have a soft spot for classic rock and indie tunes. Some of my favorite artists include The Beatles, Oasis, Arctic Monkeys, and Coldplay. I also enjoy exploring local music scenes during my travels.
Movies: I'm a fan of thought-provoking films that showcase different cultures and perspectives. Among my top picks are "Into the Wild," "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," and "shawshank redemption" I also appreciate a good comedy or action flick from time to time.
Books: I'm actually

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Last year, I experienced a particularly challenging rainy season in Cox's Bazar, including the impact of a severe cyclone that hit the area. My beach view apartment provided a front-row seat to the stormy weather, with strong winds and heavy rain lashing against the windows. Despite the discomfort, I found solace in the rhythmic patter of raindrops, which offered a unique perspective on the beauty of nature's power. I took this opportunity to reflect on the importance of being prepared for adverse weather conditions while traveling or engaging in outdoor activities. I learned valuable lessons about the need for proper gear, such as a reliable rain jacket and waterproof shoes, as well as the importance of staying informed about weather forecasts and seeking shelter when necessary

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach: I'm eager to share my knowledge and experiences in the humanitarian sector, as well as my insights on local culture and traditions in Cox's Bazar. I can also offer guidance on navigating the city and making the most of your stay.
Learn: I'm always eager to learn from others, whether it's about their culture, profession, or personal experiences. I believe that every interaction is an opportunity to grow and expand our horizons.
Share: I'm happy to share my cozy apartment, local recommendations, and the joy of connecting with others. I also love cooking and can share some of my favorite Bangladeshi dishes with my guests.

What I Can Share with Hosts

- Insights into the humanitarian sector and my experiences as an HR professional
- A genuine interest in learning about their culture and sharing my own
- A cozy and welcoming space in my apartment, complete with local recommendations and a warm welcome
- A willingness to engage in meaningful conversations and create lasting memories together

Countries I’ve Visited


Countries I’ve Lived In


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