Guillaume Reiniche的照片


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  • 5 评语 3 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, French; 正在学习 German, Japanese
  • 35, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2010
  • Engineer ?
  • Yes
  • 来自Offemont, Franche-Comté, France
  • 个人主页已完成 95%


Recently quit my job as an engineer and back on couchsurfing after a few years of radio silence, I'm 26 and I want out. I'm planning a working holiday in the next few months, probably in Australia, it's something i've postponed for far too long. I've worked in France, Ireland and Canada and it's about time i go somewhere a bit warmer.

Other than that i'm a pretty easy-going person, always on the lookout for new interesting things to do, new experiences, adventures, and people to meet :)

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

Courchsurfing is all about meeting people, people who can teach you something, people with whom you can have a great time for a few days, that ou may even come to call friends.

There's no better way to travel than with someone who really know the area and can show you a bunch of obscure stuff only locals know about and you woulod have never experienced otherwise.

I've hosted a few times with my housemate back in Ireland and it was a lot of fun as well, i look forward to doing it again once i settle and have a proper place.


I was born and raised in the countryside so i love everything related to nature and outdoors activities such as hiking, rafting, camping and more recently via ferrata. I recently went to Austria by bike with a couple of friends and it was a great experience.

Although i'm not much of a sportsman i always love to try, my favorites being volleyball, tennis and badminton.

I also have an addiction for both tabletop and computer games, i've designed a card game myself and would love to make more.

  • traveling
  • socializing
  • outdoor activities
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • camping
  • tennis
  • volleyball
  • badminton
  • engineering


Music : blues, rock & metal
Movies : Pulp Fiction, Léon, Shawshank Redemption, Fight Club, Lord of War, Star Wars, Die Hard, Carlito's Way, The Big Lebowski and so many more...
Books : Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, Robin Hobb...


Trying to climb Mt Fuji during a hurricane (but not so amazing since we gave up half-way)


did you know you could make a battery with lemons ? you know, just in case you're stranded on a desert island with lemon trees and your phone battery is dead...


Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Japan, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom


Canada, France, Ireland

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