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  • 40 references 31 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, German; learning Hebrew (modern), Spanish
  • 34, Male
  • Member since 2011
  • Cabin Crew
  • No education listed
  • From Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hey Couchsurfing,

my Name is Thomas, 29 years and I live in the most beautiful city on earth: Munich. I work and travel a lot so i can´t host all the time, but just try.

I live in Munich for 10 years now and love to host people here. Since i opened a profile 2011 I used Couchsurfing so many times (both as a host and as a guest) and I had only positive experiences. I am a huge fan of couchsurfing and the spirit of it. I am happy to say that i truly found my dream job. I am a Flight Attendant for a german Airline, based here in Munich. I fly short and long range flights and absolutely love it. But that also means I am rarely in Munich and hosting is quite difficult, because you never know whats happening to your schedule.

I am gay, but this shouldn´t bother you. I don´t use Couchsurfing as a dating app.

If i have time love to show you around and show you the places you REALLY have to see.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I love to host people in Munich, which is in my opinion the most beautiful city. If i have time, i would like to give you a tour and show you the most important places, i think you have to see.


- Fishing for salmon in Seattle
- walking on the Hollywood blvd
- chilling at the beach in Miami
- getting a tour of my own city from an American
- having 12 couchsurfers at my place during Oktoberfest
- living the spirit of Purim in Israel
- swimming in the dead sea
- making out with somebody in iceland on a hill on night, while in front of us the volcano explodes
- celebrating a birthday from someone i just met on the rooftop of the Hilton in Cairo
- meeting the craziest people ever in japan ;)


Movies are a big part of my life, either watching them or filming myself (I used to work in the film industry many years)

But also meeting new people, having a good time, drinking a long island ice tea, going to a club, dancing all night, travelling around, unplanned adventures or just having friends around

  • oktoberfest
  • dancing
  • walking
  • drinking
  • clubbing
  • movies
  • traveling

Music, Movies, and Books

Film: So many they wouldn´t even fit inside this box here. But Sense8 and Cloud Atlas are truly on my top list.

Books: Stuff from Jussi Adler-Olsen, Wolfgang Hohlbein, Sebastian Fitzek and Stephen King

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

tl,dr: With the help of many many couchsurfers I brought a big smile on a face of a very lonely person on Christmas.

So here is the story:
As a kid my mom (she´s a nurse) always told me from one of her patients, who has the "Locked-In-Syndrom", means: she cant move anything on her body anymore, except of her eyes. Thats a really rare disease (i think winning the lottery is even more usual...) and it can happen to everybody in every second, without any signs in advance. I know that she used to travel the world, like i do now, and loved it. Since her disease, she (obviously) can´t travel anymore and collects postcards.

I met her the first time when i was 19 and i was so touched by her story (she has no living relatives anymore, alltough she is only 60) that i wanted to give her a day she won´t remeber. So i asked a good friend, who travels around the world for 4 years now, to send me postcards from whereever he is right now, to my adresse but with a message to her. So i collected them and wanted to give them to her on christmas, a day, nobody should be alone at. Well i talked to a few other people and so did my friend and their friends, we spread the story quite well, cause...

... i went to her on christmas with a bag filled with 600 postcards from all over the world, i even got a few from a school-class from america and the antarctica research station.

She said, that was the most beautiful day of her life, thanks to the spirit of all the couchsurfers around the world! I still have tears in my eyes when i see the picture of her in my mind covered in all that postcards. Sometimes there are small sparkles of light in this dark world.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Cuba, Curaçao, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Germany, Israel

Old School Badges

  • 1 Vouch

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