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  • 149 references 101 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian; learning Turkish
  • 31, Female
  • Member since 2010
  • Search my own place in this world.
  • Kyiv National Economic University
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


I want to prove that this world has been created for the kindness and good deeds. All around telling me that this world lost its morality and conscience but I do not believe it, and I want to prove that men are highly spiritual and kind beings


I wanna create my own life story where is no room for the stereotype, primitive thought, prejudice, skin colors, controversy about the nationality of God.

I do not want to be a product of this system, which adjusts its members, depending of changes dollars rate and oil price.
I don't wanna consume ready flow of information from the television, I want to learn to distinguish where is the truth and where is the lie.
Friends, I don't have opportunity to be on line every day so if you can't wait for the answer then try to text me via whatsapp )
Here is my

Skype: mukomel1992
Email :

Instagram @Irynkakvitochka

whatsApp: +971 55 887 1819
If you have any problems in Ukraine or in Mexico, please contact me and I will try to help))


Be open to the world and its changes and the world opens to you.

Respect for the man and his personality, belief system and values is the basic of my philosophy.

I love villages and nature.
I love weddings and B'Days and all the ceremonies which reflecting true culture.
I like to wear local clothing and do what people do in the country where I am staying.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Once upon a time I read an article about the guy who went to 10 countries using CS and hitchhiking so I thought if he did it I can also try to do the same!

With CS I have opened incredible new 🗺 world of awesome people who are ready to help their community.
From then onward CS for me is like world inside of world.


I am the one who I am only because of my surrounding.
And my CS friends helped me to look at the world from new perspective.
People you have no idea how much I appreciate you.
You brought me into another reality which is warming my heart from the day I got my profile.

I dont know what has happened with CS but it looks like its turining to something more that hospitality and cultural exchange program.

It is look like I have found what I was looking for.
I do remember every one of you and I won't forget what you did for me.
Thank you for surfing in my house and thank you for hosting me.


Cinematography! Iam addicted to cinema 🎦 Folk music 🎶
Nature, literature, spiritual rituals,hiking

  • politics
  • religion
  • cinematography
  • languages and cultures
  • african culture

Music, Movies, and Books

I can not live without this guys =)
Film directors - Ingmar Bergman, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Luis Bunuel, Vittorio De Sica,Coen brothers,Jean Vigo, Emir Kusturica,Michael Haneke,Stanley Kubrick,Yasujiro Ozu,David Lynch,Woody Allen
Wtiters - Mario Benedetti, Pearl S. Buck, Isabel Allende,Mark Heddon, John Faulz, Muriel Barbery, Franz Kafka, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Jane Austen, Bronte sisters.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Backpacking around Central America for 3 months.

Climbed volcanos 🌋 in Nicaragua and El Salvador.

Saw turtles 🐢 nesting 🥚 on the beach in Ras al Jinz, Oman.

Served kosher food in Jewish weddings in New York🥯

Was a bridesmate 👰 in Chinise wedding 🇨🇳

Camped in the desert in Dubai 🏜

Did ayahuasca in Mexico 🇲🇽

Was looking for peyote🌵 in Real de catorce for 2 days and found it.

Volunteered in Costa Rica.

Invited a stranger for a dinner in Guatemala 🇬🇹

Hitchhiked in Bielorrusia 🇧🇾

Went on 4 hours drive to find eggusi in Lagos.

Danced on Egyptian wedding 💒

Teach, Learn, Share

I am a real Ukrainian and that's why I know how to sew and embroider. If you want to take master class of the art of ancient embroidery I will be happy to help. I also know how to cook borscht and pierogi, and I can milk a cow and white a house ( way of painting 🎨 the house)

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Egypt, El Salvador, Georgia, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Panama, Philippines, Russian Federation, Singapore, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates

Countries I’ve Lived In

China, Mexico, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates

Old School Badges

  • 12 Vouches

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