Natàlia AND Jordi's Photo

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  • 15 references 12 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Catalan, Valencian, English, Spanish; learning Italian
  • 34, Other
  • Member since 2012
  • Teachers in Secondary School and PhD researcher
  • Biology & Biomedicine
  • From Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Both of us were born in Barcelona, Catalonia.

We consider ourselves positive, friendly and easy-going persons. Actually, we’re a normal couple and, despite we get along really well and we share some hobbies and opinions in some topics, we have different tastes and points of views in other subjects.

(Natàlia) I studied Biology and I’m working full time as a teacher in High School, mentoring teenagers from 15 to 18 years old. Is always exhausted, but I LOVE my job!

(Jordi) I studied Biomedicine and right now I’m trying to finish my PhD in this field. More concretely, I am a PhD researcher on Psychiatric Genetics and basically we try to understand the genetic and the environmental factors underlying schizophrenia. I’m also working as a Biology teacher in High School (just like Natàlia!)
We are really open-minded, curious and creative. I suppose that’s why we like science and teaching. We also like learning new things and trying new activities. Natàlia loves music and she has joined a chorus and have learnt how to play ukulele; whereas I have joined theater and writing classes, and also have discovered the mindfulness-living philosophy, which I try to live according to.

We both love travelling around and discovering new places, new gastronomies and meeting new people. We are both passionate about cooking (and eating :P) and we like to bring new recipes from everywhere we go. We also enjoy with a glass of a good cold wine :) We also like nature and outdoor sports (running, trekking, swimming, biking,...).

As it can’t be said any other way, we really LOVE our city and our country, which we consider the most beautiful in the world: suitable size,amazing beaches, lot of natural parks, incredible mountains, tasty gastronomy...

In short, we are two lucky persons who every day try to be grateful for sharing our live which each other, and for being accompanied for our families and our friends. We truly think that our happiness is at our hands and, despite we try to collect as much as happy moments we can, we also try to accept and take something out from every situation that turn up.

As Viktor Frank said "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way". So decide to be happy regardless of the circumstances.

This is our BeWelcome profile:àlia_AND_Jordi

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

We have always travelled a lot (together, separately, with our families, with friends…). We created our CS profile some years ago, when we decided to travel through half Europe by train. It was an awesome experience. During 25 days, we discovered incredible places, but most of all we enjoyed the experience of meeting local people, with whom we lived unforgettable experiences. Actually, we keep in touch with most of them and, after that trip, we met again with some others. This is basically why we are on CS: we like to share time with people, learn from them, teach whatever we can to them, spending good time together.. It’s just great to get along with people from over the world, and share our food, our knowledges about our cities, learn new ways of living and thinking. Travelling by CS it’s just amazing!

CS's we have been hosted with:
- Felicity - Munich (BW)
- Brenhard & Ravindu - Berlin (BW)
- Ben - Belgrad
- Doris - Sarajevo
- Eduard - Bucharest
- Radu & Andrea - Sibiu
- Alex - Cluj-Napoca
- Ede - Sighetu Marmatiei
- Adrian - Viseu de Sus
- Mark - Tulcea

CS's we have hosted:
- Felicity from Munich
- Leonardo & Valeria from Charlotte, USA
- Sarah, from Australia
- Mathilde, from Nantes
- Andrei, from USA
- Karen & Kaitlyn, from Vancouver


(Jordi) I really like to walk a lot. Walking and running are my favourite way of transport because you can get lost and discovering new places. Actually, I try not to step twice in the same spot. I really love nature and mountains, although I am homesick when I'm far away from the sea. I also like cooking and eating. I have a map of my favorite restaurants in Barcelona. I enjoy meeting local people because I usually discover new recipes and hidden spots to eat delicious food. I read a lot (all kind of books) and also like series, cinema and theater. I also like to write, although I basically write for myself.

(Natàlia) I like enjoying music in every single way; I love dancing (specially salsa) and singing all kinds of music. I used to play the piano and some years ago I started playing the ukulele. Sharing music with friends and discover new singers is a pleasure for me.

Teaching is also one of my passions, so I teach 30 hours a week, but my brain is always trying to improve lessons and the way teenagers can easily learn while enjoying.

As Jordi said, I like cooking, but when I have time to do it because if not, I get nervous and the results are messy. Although, I like cooking for friends and learn new recipes from all over the world.

  • theater
  • diy
  • dancing
  • salsa dancing
  • cooking
  • recipes
  • wine
  • running
  • meditation
  • reading
  • traveling
  • painting
  • music
  • sports
  • tourism
  • mountains
  • food
  • cinema
  • nature
  • beach
  • trekking
  • learning languages
  • musica
  • sport
  • mindfulness
  • gastronomy
  • discovering new places
  • walking around
  • ukelele

Music, Movies, and Books

(Jordi) I really hate to choose one particular kind of music, one movie and one book. It’s the typical question and I really don’t like tying myself down to a particular genre but I like music, movies and books than explain me nice stories and make me learn something new. This is why I prefer I prefer melodic music where the lyrics seem to tell a story (for instance, the song "Somiatruites" from Albert Pla, or the song "Aniversari" from Manel). I listen a lot of music in catalan (Manel, Albert Pla, Joan Miquel Oliver, Antonia Font, Els catarres, El petit de ca l'Eril, Txarango,...). I really love reading and I read everything, from mystery to autobiographical or psychological books.

(Natàlia) All kind of music is welcome to my ears! The only genre that I’m not really into it it’s Heavy Metal and Hard Rock. But hey, let’s show me something delightful and maybe I change my mind!

About movies, I like movies that make you think when I’m in the mood, but I also like the silly ones that make you laugh easily.

Although having studied Biology and read lots of books about all subjects, I’m not a big fan of books. I recently read a lot about feminism and I would really like to learn more and more.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

As told before, we enjoyed so much our interrail trip through Europe.

(Jordi) On 2017, I went alone on the “Camino de Santiago” and it was one of the best experiences of my live. I walked for 24 days and I enjoyed it because I used that time to know myself better, to meditate a lot and to cultivate my inner life, which I really wanted/needed at that time. Of course, I also met incredible friends there.

I also remember with lot of care, my Erasmus to Denmark, where I met some of my best friends today.

In 2019, I completed the Carros de Foc, which is a high-mountain route with a circular itinerary connecting the 9 mountain refuges inside the boundaries of the Aigüestortes i Llac de Sant Maurici National Park (Catalonia).

(Natàlia) When I was 16 I decided to make my 1st trip alone to the US (Arizona). At that time I didn’t realize how big would be for me and for my future. My objective was improve my English, but I learn a thousands things more and I think I started creating the independent women I have been becoming. I returned alone to the US 2 more times after that (Maryland & Denver) and all were incredible, especially meeting new people and new ways of living.

Teach, Learn, Share

We can share everything we have/know/am with you. We like to exchange cooking recipes, meals and drinks moments. We would like to create together an international recipe book. We love to guide you through our city and to show you some of the most amazing places here or some of the restaurants we like to eat. We can also have some running/walking with you at some of the most amazing landscapes we know. We can teach you some Catalan and Spanish. If you want, I (Jordi) would like to share some meditations with you and I (Natàlia) can teach you how to dance salsa. We can share whatever you want and need, although we think that the time is the most important thing to share. Of course, we are also open to learn something from everybody :)

What I Can Share with Hosts

We like to share our most precious possession: our time.

Countries I’ve Visited

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Scotland, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Denmark, Spain

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