Фотографии пользователя Natan Ponieman

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  • Последний раз на сайте: 2 месяца назад

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  • 20 отзывов 15 Подтвержденные хостом и гостем
  • Знает English, French, Spanish
  • 34, Мужской
  • Пользователь с 2012
  • Social Comunicator/Editor/Copywriter
  • Philosophy
  • Из Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Профиль заполнен на 100%

Обо мне

francophones bienvenus!

I think the second best way to get to know yourself is by filling out this couchsurfing profile. The first is traveling.
I like to learn new stuff, I think anything can be interesting if you find a way to relate it to yourself.

I consider myself an artist in it's widest definition. Because I love art in all of it's forms, I love making it and reciving it. That's perhaps the reason why I'm not particularly great at any specific discipline, I could never focus all my energy on one in particular. I'm a musician, I've been playing guitar for almost 10 years, I also play a little piano and flute but I think music goes well beyond instruments. I consider improvisation to be a crucial part of it.

I'm a drawing artist (Have been drawing continously since I was 2) and in the past few years I felt a need to expand my drawing into other dimensions, that's how I started painting (spacial dimendion) and animating (time dimension).

I take pictures on film with my grandad's old Pentax K2.

I'm also keen on storytelling, be it writing or telling anecdotes to friends.

I like to experiment with every form of expression like movement, acting, and conceptual art.

Professionally I work in the film & advertising industry, it's been my trade since I finished high school. I worked as an editor, producer, script writer, copywriter and advertising creative.

I truly belive we're all one. But the world is a very complicated place. I try to understand everyone's actions and go about life being as happy as I can as long as my happines doesn't interfere with someone elses.
Heraclitus. Plotinus. Spinoza. Lennon.

Что привело меня на Couchsurfing

I think CS represents all that is good in the present world: A free exchange of culture, wisdom and good vibes without a capital profit involved.

I've surfed the houses of:

Lukas - Nuremberg, Germany
Veronique - Prague, Czech Republic
Marion & Matheu - Paris, France
Kevin - Poitiers, France
Luiz and friends - Toulouse, France
Amélie - Toulouse, France
Daria & Seb - Toulouse, France
Nadine & Alain - Les Menuires, Savoie, France
Jeremy - Saint-Martin de Bellville, Savoie, France
Irina - Les Menuires, Savoie, France
Marion - Annecy, France
Benjamin - Geneve, Switzerland
Codruta - Grenoble, France
Nikolay - Hong Kong
Pete Paul - Hong Kong
Tao - Kunming, China
Amrita - Kolkata, India
Michael - Hong Kong


Like I said, I love art, which does not necesarily mean to stand in front of a canvas for 8 hours reproducing the neo-classical style. Art is everywhere and in everybody; it's telling a joke, it's listening to the sound of traffic, it's cooking pasta. I consider art to be a way to face life and try to understand every person and find the beauty in everything and everybody, because it's there as much as it is in our own eyes.

I'm also very interested in science, I always wished I could have the persistence to persue a cientific diploma. I love physics and astronomy, biology, medicine and computer science.

Due to my overall interest in everything I coursed three years of philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires but last year I realized I needed a break from institutionaliced teaching. I still try to read whatever I can and remember my lectures. I plan to get back to school once I've figured out what to do with my life. I love philosophy as a field of study in it's own but also because it can be realted to art, science, linguistics, literature and pretty much every subject you can imagine.

I do yoga and I'm trying to learn to meditate

  • arts
  • writing
  • literature
  • film making
  • acting
  • beauty
  • dancing
  • dining
  • cooking
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • aviation
  • clothing
  • tv
  • traveling
  • painting
  • drawing
  • music
  • jazz
  • guitar
  • piano
  • astronomy
  • biology
  • computer science
  • languages
  • medicine
  • physics
  • science

Музыка, кино и книги

Hitchcock, Kubric. Tarkovsky, Antonioni, Bergman, Wes Anderson, Cohen Brothers, Tarantino, Charlie Kauffman. Jean Pierre Jeunet, the Monty Pythons.
Campanella, Szifrón, Christensen, Favio, Wong Kar-Wai, Studio Ghibli, David Lynch, Werner Herzog, Michael Haneke

The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Queen, Genesis, Camel, Yes, Jethro Tull, King Crimson, Jefferson Airplane, The Doors, Jimy Hendrix, Canned Heat, Nick Drake, The Grateful Dead, Simon and Garfunkel, Crosby Still & Nash, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, The Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, Michael Jackson, The Smiths, Joanna Newsom, Elvis Presley, the Beach Boys, Supertramp, Skip James, Robert Johnson, Ravi Shankar., Joni Mitchell, Steely Dan
Devedra Banhart, Belle and Sebastian, Air, José Gonzalez, Mûm
Stephane Grapelli, Oscar Peterson, Joe Pass, Chet Baker, Paul Desmond, Dave Brubeck, Keith Jarret, Duke Ellington, Maxine Sullivan, Oscar Alemán, Django Reinhardt, Tom Jobim, Joao Gilberto, Michael Brecker, Art Tatum
Debussy, Tchaicovsky, Satie, Dvorjak, Mahler, Wagner, Beethoven, Piazzolla
Jorge Drexler, Martín Buscaglia, Luis Alberto Spinetta, Charly García, Carlos Gardel, Atahualpa Yupanki, Mercedes Sosa, Paco de Lucía, Edgardo Cardozo, Luis Salinas, Leopoldo Federico, Roberto Grela, Eduardo Falú, Puente Celeste, Lisandro Aristimuño

Seinfeld, Lost, Game of Thrones, Scrubs, Malcolm in the middle, Star Trek, The Twilight Zone,, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Friends, The Simpsons, Adventure time, Bored to Death

HP Lovecraft, Jorge Luis Borges, Herman Hesse, Louis Carroll

Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)

Out of all the infinite posiblilities, conditions were given so that I could be born to life in this world and be albe to experience consciousness. This is amazing to me.

Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией

Things I can teach:
Drawing, music theory, guitar playing, a little philosophy, a little yoga, acrobatics, filmmaking and editing, love.

Things I want to learn:
All of the above more profoundly, science, aeronautics, acting, dancing, botanic and plant stuff, meditation, jazz, love.

I can also share my view on life, the world and the cosmos and I'll be happy to recive what your perceptions and opinions are on this weird yet fascinating reality in which we live.

Где я побывал(-а)

Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uruguay

Где я жил(-а)

Argentina, France

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