Photos de Nate RoBa

Profil non vérifié

  • Membre non vérifié par paiement
  • Numéro de téléphone vérifié
  • Pièce d'identité non vérifiée

Accepte éventuellement des demandes d'hébergement

  • Taux de réponse de 50 %
  • Dernière connexion il y a 8 jours

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  • 33 avis 26 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  English, French, Spanish; apprend  German, Italian, Portuguese
  • 33, Homme
  • Membre depuis 2015
  • Student
  • University
  • de Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi

Hey! I love traveling and meeting new people! I love learning about other cultures. Born and raised in Queretaro, Mexico, lived in Nashville and New York, and currently going to school in Edmonton, Canada for Psycholinguistics.


I will not be able to host from April until July because I will be on a trip.

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

I love to travel and see new countries. I love to experience new things. I also love meeting new people so I like hosting. It's amazing when you get to learn from other people about their experiences. There's too much too learn in the world!

Centres d'intérêt

Painting, drawing, reading, writing, movies, exercising, and of course traveling.

  • writing
  • architecture
  • cooking
  • working out
  • comics
  • movies
  • reading
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • painting
  • drawing
  • gastronomy
  • partiying

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

Music: MGMT, Foster the People, Empire of the Sun, Urban Cone, The Killers, Cage the Elephant and Vampire Weekend. Indie, house, rock, heavy metal, rap, and classical.

Movies: Saltburn, The Witch, Call Me By Your Name, Shrek, The Dark Knight trilogy, Dune, BvS, Wonder Woman, The Godfather trilogy, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, and A Place Beyond the Pines. Fantasy, dramas, historical fiction, horror.

Books: Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Inheritance Trilogy, The Moral Animal, Sapiens, Anne Rice, Richard Dawkins, classics.

TV: The House of the Dragon, American Horror Story, The Office, Friends, Last of Us, DCAU, Big Mouth.

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

Had a full conversation with Willem Dafoe. Very nice guy!

Enseignez, apprenez, partagez

I can make show you how to make many Mexican dishes including salsa roja, verde, guacamole, ceviche de atun, carne asada, fajitas, etc.

Psychology student, so I know quite a bit about that as well.

Ce que j'aimerais partager avec mes hôtes

I can cook delicious Mexican meals :) I can also do different types of portraits (cartoon, caricature, comics or realistic).

Pays que j'ai visités

Austria, Belgium, Canada, England, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, United States

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

Canada, Mexico, United States

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