Nevin Walpola's Photo

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  • 40% response rate
  • Last login about 1 year ago

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  • 14 references 11 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Sinhala, Sinhalese; learning Chinese (Simplified), Japanese
  • 28, Male
  • Member since 2016
  • Doctor
  • Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery
  • From Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I am from Melbourne Australia, and of Sri Lankan descent. I work full time as a doctor. I am a friendly and caring person with a good sense of humour. I love having deep and meaningful conversations and talking about life. My main hobbies are rock climbing, cycling, film photography, and watching films.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Despite only spending short amounts of time with couchsurfing so far, the connections I've made have been very deep and meaningful, this is why I love couchsurfing so much. I really want to get out into the world and meet cool new people! I want to live a life rich with adventure and unique experiences and couchsurfing seems like a brilliant way to achieve that goal. When travelling, I don't just want to be a tourist. I want to experience the places to the max by getting to know locals and seeing their town the way they see it! I've learnt a lot through couchsurfing so far, whether it be cool facts about the places I visit, or valuable life lessons. Overall I want to meet awesome people and just have a lot of fun!


Rock climbing, cycling, film, coffee, film photography

  • arts
  • books
  • performing arts
  • street art
  • photography
  • film making
  • film festivals
  • coffee
  • meditation
  • bouldering
  • live music
  • electronic music
  • rock music
  • hip-hop music
  • dance music
  • outdoor activities
  • hiking
  • snowboarding
  • rock climbing
  • extreme sports
  • medicine
  • adventure
  • dance
  • film
  • learning new things
  • learning
  • rap music
  • adventure sports

Music, Movies, and Books

I listen to almost every kind of music. I love alternative, rock, hip-hop, electronic, rnb, rap, jazz, experimental and folk but I'm open to basically anything! My music is super important to me and it is something I'm really passionate about. I have a solid vinyl collection and I love sharing good music with others!

I watch way too many movies and dabble in a bit of film-making when I have time. I love making travel videos! My favourite film directors include Wong Kar Wai, Stanley Kubrick, The Cohen Brothers, David Lynch, Quentin Tarantino and Christopher Nolan. I am also obsessed with Studio Ghibli!

I wish I read more than I actually do! There are so many great books out there! I am a big fan of Haruki Murakami and Salman Rushdie. Some of my favourite books that I've read include, The wind-up bird chronicle, Of mice and men, Ransom, Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, The Quiet American, The curious death of the dog in the nighttime and Pride and Prejudice.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Volunteering teaching in a desert town in the Northern Territory of Australia. I assisted teaching in a school where most of the students were indigenous Australians from low socioeconomic backgrounds. It really opened my eyes to the inequality of education and opportunities for indigenous people.

Teach, Learn, Share

I would love to share my passion for photography and film with anyone who is interested! I'm also quite interested in philosophy and love to have deep and meaningful conversations. I also love to share my favourite music and films with anyone who is willing to listen or watch with me! In terms of learning, I am really interested in learning more about art and other cultures. I'm also fascinated by culture. I'm fascinated by almost everything so I'm willing to learn basically anything! You don't need to worry, I'll have plenty of questions to ask when the time comes :)

What I Can Share with Hosts

I am a really friendly and caring person. I think one of my greatest qualities is my ability to listen and I am always more than happy to listen to what people have to say! I love having deep and meaningful conversations and getting to know people on a personal level! I also like to think that I am a lot of fun! I have heaps of terrible jokes that you might like! I love to sing and dance so I am always up for a jam session or to go out and explore the town! I am also more than happy to cook and clean and do my fair share of housework!

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Philippines, Scotland, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, Sri Lanka

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