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  • 13 references 10 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish; learning French
  • 44, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • I'm generally a TV Reporter. Though these days, I'm doing...
  • Besides life's teachings: Bachelor's in Broadcast Journal...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


I'm just trying to live life to the fullest!


As for basics about myself: I love anything new. Am also a big snow-skier, SCUBA diver, and fan of other adventurous sports. I'm also a Hash House Harrier.
But for more in-depth...
I'm usually spending every spare moment doing something enjoyable. As such, traveling is commonplace in my life. I also love my adopted city of Raleigh, North Carolina...where I spent the last several years working. Have fallen in love with the area. However, I have--for the longest time now--wanted to live overseas. I knew I loved traveling. But wanted to take that experience to a new level. So a few yrs ago, I embarked on a journey half-way around the world to spend a few months living in New Zealand. I abandoned a lot of things back home, interrupted a very established life to take advantage of this journey. Then I set off on a trip around the world. Am back now still trying to "re-integrate."

UPDATE: (since the description above), I have moved to Washington, D.C. And loving the incredible cultural stimulation of this nation's capital.


Live life to the fullest.
Some people say; others do. Which one are you?

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


My friends say I'm the unofficial Visitor Information Center of anywhere I live. I love showing people all sides of anywhere I call home. There's something to uncover at every turn. That's what I hope to provide anyone I host...and that's what I hope those who host can provide in return. If not, it's all still good!


Travel, SCUBA diving, Snow Skiing, Rock Climbing, etc., Hashing (drinkers with a running problem), languages, theater, learning...learning/experiencing anything new.

  • theater
  • running
  • traveling
  • scuba diving
  • skiing
  • sports
  • rock climbing
  • journalism
  • languages

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Visited 100+ countries. Something interesting ALL THE TIME!!!
Reporting has also brought me a wealth of (no, not traveling, believe it or not! That's been entirely on my own)...whacky, interesting experiences. Too many to list.

Teach, Learn, Share

Well, among some of the many things I do...I teach, as well. Therefore, anyone wanting to brush up on their conversational English or Spanish can easily do that with me. As a broadcast journalist, I also have tons of experiences to recount. Lastly, anyone wanting to have an open-dialogue about any given topic--covering as many sides of the issue as possible--can certainly count me in to the conversation.

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