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  • Last login almost 14 years ago

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  • 1 reference 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, English; learning Bengali, Bangla, French
  • 44, Female
  • Member since 2009
  • Full time student and mama
  • Heading into college now after delaying it for a decade. ...
  • From Carmel, IN
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


to explore, create and enjoy our world whilst helping others do the same


feminist, queer,aquarius to the core, intense, ambiguously ethnic mama who likes reading in the grass and creekstomping.grew up landlocked in the nucleus of the biblebelt and constantly found reasons to escape. politically active and openly declarative against the unfortunate political situation in the so called United States of America. willing to take a stand and do my damnedest to make a difference so my children don't end up in a nazi-esque social regime. I'm a traveling habitue, perpetually on the move for new experiences and adventures. I want to jump on a train in the early hours of twilight and take off to places unseen. I want to explore India and my birthright, poking into corners of dusty markets and pushing my way through swarming streets, inundated with colours brighter than anything you find in this country. My most vivid childhood memories are of India, all intermingled people and animals and smells and heat, technicolour recollections. I'm a dabbler... love to paint, love to knit, to spin, exploring the intrinsics of photography, love to dance, sing loudly and incredibly wretchedly in the car. I want to learn to play with fire and to hula hoop which don't sound like they should go together but amazingly unite in an almost sensual way. I love decorating my body. I love my tattoos and piercings. I love my friends and how different and amazing they all are. I love my children to the nth degree. In a lump in my throat, they are my oxygen kind of way. The world is a better place because they are in it. I'm allergic to rabbits and guinea pigs, sad but true. It makes me laugh too. Who the hell is allergic to a rabbit? I read constantly. I'm the biggest nerd you'll ever meet and I lust after books the way most people do their loved one. I can't help it. I want to learn all the languages that I hear. I love to cook and i love good food. I like to make my own jams and jellies and I love to bake cookies for my friends. They love to eat them. It's a win-win situation. I love seafood and abhore licorice and anything with the possibility of a licorice flavor. I'll actually spit fennel across a room. It's gross people. For realsies. I wear patchouli or lavendar almost all of the time so I either smell like a hippie or my grandma (according to my brother). I like to make my own lotion and buy organic soap. I prefer to shop at farmers markets and corner stalls. I used to shop almost exlusively at the saint lawrence market in toronto and i miss the milkman at my grandmothers house in england. i want my life to be slower, less frenetic. i want to be able to swing in a hammock under a pattern of leaves from the trees above and commune with friends over a long dinner while the sky is twilight lit above us. I'm a big fan of fall. I love broken in jeans, comfy sweaters and bonfires. I like apple picking and hayrides. My favorite of favoritest jobs ever was workingin the kitchen on an organic farm in a little town in Indiana with a creamery making cheese from cows I knew by name. My children ran rampant all over that place and I knew sheer bliss there on so many moments. What else can you ask for?


Life is everchanging. Embrace each moment.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I just signed up! I'm planning my trip to Italy for summer of 2011 and hope to be in the full swing of things by then.


I've bummed around various towns on my friends couches if that counts? Thanks for letting me stay with you guys btw!


knitting, imogen heap, adrienne, NINO, sustainable farming, herbology, selective vaccination, attachment parenting, lactivism,activism, alix olsen, androgyny, ani difranco, anthropology, archaeology, art history, baking, baby wearing, chocolate, sour candies, gummy candies, inkpens, footprints, writing in the sand, biographies, c.s. lewis, camping, creativity, da vinci, dancing, diversity, doc martens, doria roberts, drag kings, ember swift, england, etta james, experiences, festivals, frank sinatra, gay pride, gender queer,grrl rock, harry potter, history, holding hands, india, indigo girls, intactivism, interesting words, italy, jeannette winterson, l.m. montgomery, lavender, lyndell montgomery, making out, mangos, massages, mehndi, michigan womyns music festival, music, musicals, new york, orange roses, p.j. harvey, painting, passion, photography, picnics, piercings, pinup girls, poetry, pride festivals, ragtime, reading, road trips, sculpting, shaved heads, showtunes, sleater-kinney,stage management, starfruit, suicide girls, sushi,tattoos, technical theatre, tegan and sara, the ditty bops, the labrynth, the neverending story, the princess bride,toronto, toshi reagan, , traveling, twist productions, velvet, vintage clothing, violins, voting, writing

  • animals
  • rabbits
  • arts
  • writing
  • books
  • poetry
  • singing
  • photography
  • tattoos
  • piercings
  • festivals
  • dancing
  • dining
  • seafood
  • cooking
  • chocolate
  • cheese
  • baking
  • shopping
  • clothing
  • reading
  • traveling
  • knitting
  • painting
  • music
  • camping
  • anthropology
  • art history
  • history
  • languages
  • road trips

Music, Movies, and Books

Tunes- Ani,Dar Williams, Melissa Etheridge, Melissa Ferrick, Joss Stone, Frou Frou, Sarah Dougher, Alix Olsen, Edie Carey, Emily Wood, Kitty Rose, Sarah Bettens,Bitch, Animal, Imogen Heap, Indigo Girls, TattleTale, Dressy Bessy, The Beatles, James Taylor, The Five Seasons, The Ramones, NIN, Santana, Sarah McLachlan, Dido, Prince, Lil Kim, 50 Cent, J-Kwon, Ember Swift, Janis Joplin, Johny Cash, Ripley Caine, Ellis, Doria Roberts, God-des and She, Little Voice, Laura Conallon, MadViolet, the Ditty Bops, Toshi Reagan- Just to scratch the surface

Movies- Amelie, Phantom of the Opera, 21 Grams,Chicago, The Sound of Music, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Wildflowers, If These Walls Could Talk 2, Gilda, Sahara, Schindlers List, Foxfire, Waiting For Guffman, Best in Show, Sugar and Spice, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Dogma, The Laramie Project, Love, Actually, The Slums of Beverly Hills, Boys on the Side, Traffic, Chasing Amy, National Treasure, The LOTR Trilogy, Bend it Like Beckham, Sabrina, V for Vendetta, Show Me Love
Oh Books.. I love you so- CS Lewis, Tolkien and Pullman, To Kill a MockingBird, Fried Green Tomatos, Catcher in the Rye, Belinda, Written on the Body, Annie On My Mind, RubyFruit Jungle, Boys Like Us, A Prayer for Owen Meany, Jane Eyre, Little Women, A Wrinkle In Time, Godmother Night, Oranges are not the only fruit, Rent Girl, Tipping the Velvet

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I have two children! Beyond the sheer miracle of each of their births...
a moment of "amazement" for me was on safari in Tanzania. We'd stopped to have lunch (in the van) and whilst parked, a line of elephants, from bull to babes paraded by and proceeded to lunch from the grove of trees we were using for shade. I shared a meal with elephants. It was, in the truest sense of the word, awesome.

Teach, Learn, Share

hmmm. i have a lot of queer political knowledge. I'm really good at tying ties and adhering fake facial hair to peoples faces. I can show you my favorite way to bake bread!

Countries I’ve Visited

India, Tanzania, United Kingdom

Countries I’ve Lived In

Canada, United States

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