Fotos von Alberto Soave

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  • Reaktionsrate von 100 %
  • Letzte Anmeldung vor etwa eine Stunde

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  • 165 Referenzen 139 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Spricht fließend English, Italian; lernt zurzeit French
  • 70, Männlich
  • Mitglied seit 2011
  • Pittore, istruttore di nuoto, cuoco
  • Laureato
  • Kein Heimatort aufgeführt
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich

Looking to know new people and be good host...
To live life to the full and have fun


Sono una persona socievole, di mentalita' aperta, molto curioso e sempre desideroso di conoscere persone nuove, di origini e culture diverse. Amo organizzare cene con amici e convivere con loro e i loro amici.

I'm a sociable man, of open minded, always iterested to know new people. I like have often friends next to me for dinner. In youth competitive swimmer...and now i continue with swimming Masters. I worked as a swimmer Coach and also Painter .

Mi ritengo una persona semplice e pratica, e credo che la vita vada vissuta il piu' intensamente possibile, evitando di rinchiudersi in conformismi e convenzioni, ma soprattutto circondandosi di compagnie ed amicizie semplici e piacevoli

I like the company of friends and simple ..positive ..pleasant people ...and a good conversation
I live alone ...sometimes with my friend
I can host for one or two days , no more .
Better with some lest five positive .
I usually prefer to host Male Guests over the age of 40 ...45 more interests in common and topics of Conversation.
I am more comfortable to host happens , especially in summer time , to stay at home in freedom....only shorts
or T-shirt...or naked.
It is also easier and more confortable for me to share the common areas of my home...bathroom

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin

Offering hospitality at my home in Genova, giving me , in this way, the opportunity to know people from other countries and cultures

Offrendo ospitalita' in casa mia a Genova, dandomi in questo modo la possibilita' di conoscere persone nuove, di altri paesi e culture.

I have hosted almost a hundred Couchsurfers men from all over the world ....all experiences were positive


Viaggiare, dipingere e disegnare, cucinare per gli amici... e anche per me! Fare lunghe nuotate in mare, ascoltare musica, lavorare il legno creando piccoli oggetti, girare per mercatini di antiquariato e mostre d'arte, perdermi camminando per le strade di città e paesi, amo la fotografia... e molto altro.

I like traveling... take a long swims in the sea or in a pool on winter time ...painting and for and with friends ...listen to music...arts...walk through the historic city ...without destination...and almost lose myself walking the streets.....
antiques...working with wood....sports

Some of my Group :

Genova last minute couch request
Queer Couchsurfer
Food & Wine
Naked Sleepers
People who like cooking

  • arts
  • culture
  • dining
  • italian food
  • cooking
  • red wine
  • white wine
  • socializing
  • painting
  • music
  • sports
  • swimming
  • art history
  • tours
  • beaches
  • food
  • travelling
  • nature
  • friends
  • nudist
  • meeting people
  • sea
  • conversation
  • museums
  • meeting new people
  • antiques
  • making friends
  • sea kayaking
  • gay friendly

Musik, Filme und Bücher

I like soul music (60-'70) Motown (Diana Ross, Supremes, M. Gaye and more artists) black music but also Bee Gees, Abba, G. Michael and italian singers..Mina..Mia Martini...

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

Same unusual experience during my travel around the world...

Lehren, lernen, teilen

I enjoy spend time together with Guests...

Was ich mit Gastgebern teilen kann

Se ho tempo libero posso fare da guida per il centro storico di Genova ...cenare insieme la sera con i miei ospit in cucina....fare 4 chiacchiere....e una passeggiata serale al Porto Antico ...
In estate...nuotate in inverno in piscina..

If I have free time I can walk and visit old town centre of Genova and ancient harbour with my guests...
at evening have a dinner together with them at my home...

In Summer...June swim in swimming pool ..or at sea, in a little village ( Framura) where I go sometimes in Summertime...

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Australia, Austria, China, Croatia, Egypt, Fiji, France, French Polynesia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Jordan, Morocco, Nepal, Singapore, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe

United Kingdom

Old School Badges

  • 1 Bürgen

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