Olina OLGA的照片


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  • 22 评语 8 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, French, Greek (modern), Italian; 正在学习 Spanish
  • 36, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2010
  • information Technology company
  • International & European Studies
  • 来自Vrilissia-Athens
  • 个人主页已完成 100%



Find what you love & let it kill you


I'm impatient, cynic, stubborn, selfish,nervous, a bit stroppy & i can easily change my mood every 10 mins which makes me the most temperamental person on earth & somehow after a short conversation with me the idea about killing yourself would seem the most optimistic option. No no wait .. I have some sort of bright side as well.. I haven't found it yet though.

And of course I have absolutely no idea how to park a car but i guess there is an explanation... i am a woman/
& I'd be definitely a misogynist if i'd a man.

on women___
I don't want to make any huge generalizations about women. But all I'll say is that they have no feelings. Because it's actually men, you'll find, who are the far more romantic. Men are the people you will hear say, "I've found somebody. She's amazing. If I don't get to be with this person, I'm fucked. I can't carry on, no, I mean it, she's totally transformed my life. I have a job, I have a flat, it means nothing. I can't stand it, I have to be with her. Because if I don't, I'm going to end up in some bedsit, I'll be alcoholic, I'll have itchy trousers.I can't walk the streets any more." That is how women feel about shoes.
Full of misinformation___

Morality, science, religion, politics, sports, love, health. Christ, if I have to eat nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day to live, I don't wanna live.And your omega 3's, and the treadmill, and the cardiogram, and the mammogram, and oh my god the colonoscopy, and with it all the day still comes where they put you in a box, and its on to the next generation of idiots, who'll also tell you all about life and define for you what's appropriate. & then you read about some massacre in Darfur or some school bus gets blown up, and you go "Oh my God, the horror," and then you turn the page and finish your eggs from the free range chickens. Because what can you do. It's overwhelming!

But why do you even want to hear about all this? You got your own problems. I'm sure your all obsessed with any number of sad little hopes and dreams... If only I purchased THAT house years ago! If only I'd made a move on THAT woman." If this, if that. You know what?
Gimmie a break with your could have's and should have's. (Whatever Works- Woody Allen)

On mornings ___
You know, fucking mornings! What is that about? That time is a huge lie. "Get up, get up!Quickly! Late, imagine it! The disaster if we're late! What will happen if we're late? I cant even bear to think about it!" Late is an idea. Late is bullshit. It doesn't matter how fucking late you are, you can turn up in your pyjamas scratching your nuts with a fork, the same old shits gonna be there.

People running up to you saying, "what do you think?" in the morning! "What do you think?"! "Think? Think?! I am not even fucking breathing, go away with your 'think'!"
It takes you three quarters of an hour to find your face and apologize to it. And how do they lure you back into the world, into the human race, into consciousness itself? With the great traditional breakfast! As eaten here in Britain and Ireland and lots of other places: Fried slices of dead pig, tubes of dead pig, some fungus and a chicken's period on a plate, "WELCOME BACK! WE MISSED YOU WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING! ENJOY!" Of course you can always have the healthy option, of course you can, of course you can!... Some yummy cereal, mmhmmmm dust with milk!

---Dylan Moran


Why can't people think?

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


I have met great people so far!


One good thing about music, when it hits you,you feel no pain

  • chickens
  • theater
  • concerts
  • breakfast
  • running
  • boating
  • politics
  • music
  • sailing
  • sports
  • boxing
  • religion
  • science


And would it have been worth it, after all,
After the cups, the marmalade, the tea,
Among the porcelain, among some talk of you and me,
Would it have been worth while,
To have bitten off the matter with a smile,
To have squeezed the universe into a ball
To roll it towards some overwhelming question,
To say: "I am Lazarus, come from the dead,
Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all"--
If one, settling a pillow by her head
Should say: "That is not what I meant at all;
That is not it, at all."
"The Love Song of J. Prufrock
T.S Eliot
What Is to Be Done? (Tolstoy)


Seeing my friends giving a concert in a full theater was the best experience i've ever had!
I was extra proud, happy & excited--

But above all, the most important thing for me is being surrounded by persons i love & honestly i don't care about great experiences ... even though a tour in Sudamerika with a sail boat seems awesome


This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating
in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today

For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do


France, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom


Greece, Italy, United Kingdom


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