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  • 67 references 52 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish; learning Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Greek (modern), Swedish, Turkish
  • 38, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • Language teacher for the Ministry of Migration and Refugees
  • Modern applied languages
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I want to say thank you to all the people I've met on CS. Thanks for being a part of my life. If anyone struggles with life, I hope you can find the strength to keep on. From the bottom of my heart thank you to all of you.


"When you fulfill your dream to get successful, smart or rich, you'll come to realize that you haven't fulfilled yourself. Fullfillment is better lived and shared with people." (my life experience)
(!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!)
(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)READ THIS PLEASE(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)
Don't hesitate to contact me:
- if you need a couch.
- if you want me to show you around Berlin and get a free city tour.
- if you simply want to make friends with me.
- I'd be happy to receive requests from people willing to spend a lot of time with me and genuinely interested to get to know me.
- I'd love to practise especially Polish and Russian, but also other languages such as Japanese, Turkish, Dutch, Swedish and Romanian.
Chciałbym poznać ludzi, którzy są z Polski. Nie mieszkam daleko od granicy z Polską. Tak więc jechać do Polski nie jest problemem. To oczywiste, że moglibyśmy też porozmawiać na Skypie albo na Whatsappie, zanim spotkaliśmy na żywo. Byłbym bardzo szczęśliwy, gdybyś napisał do mnie. Zawsze bardzo cieszę się, kiedy Polacy piszą do mnie. Do teraz miałem tylko dobre doświadczenia z ludźmi z Polski. Jeśli to możliwe, chciałbym pewnego dnia mieszkać w Polsce, ale obawiam się, że to nie uda mi się w niedalekiej przyszłości. Ale, na szczęście, od czasu do czasu mam okazję jeździć do Polski. Chcę znaleźć przyjaciół. Bardzo cieszę się na odpowiedzi. Serdecznie pozdrawiam.
Bună ziua, dacă ești din Româna, nu ezita să mă contactezi! Ne vedem în curând!
Привет, не стесняйтесь связаться со мной!
здравствуй, shalom, guten Tag, buenos Días, γειά σου, goede dag, bonjour, こにんちは, merhaba, bom dia, god morgon, bună ziua, 你好, hello, cześć, buongiorno,

Well, well, hello to the whole planet! You probably want to know who I am, don't you? My name's Oliver, I'm 29 years old. I settled down in Germany, Berlin in May 2008 and now couldn't imagine living in any other places in the world. I work as a private foreign language teacher and teach immigrants and refugees German.

I love parties at friends' places. This is usually a great opportunity to talk and get to know many people. If you met people on the street and spontaneously decided to talk to them, they might find it strange, whereas people at a party tend to be more relaxed and easy to talk to. I find it hard to find people that you feel bonded to. Small talk is fine, deep talk is rare. There's nothing like being involved in mesmerizing conversations at night, the rushing flow of words making you feel close to the other person. I love making silly jokes, jokes that are sometimes so stupid that it doesn't matter how not funny they are anymore that you and I would just laugh our head off without any reason (and without the need of alcohol). I sometimes love not drinking alcohol, just to have fun observing people drinking alcohol and forgetting how to behave.

If you like, I would be delighted to show you the city around, show you some very special historical places in Berlin related to the Berlin Wall, the Nazis and Eastern Berlin under the power of the Soviet Union.

I would be REALLY happy to get your entire message in your own mother tongue. Please don't send me a translation. If you want to get in touch with me, you can send me an message in Polish, Turkish, German, Spanish, Greek, French, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, English, Swedish, Chinese, Catalan, Danish, Romanian, Japanese, Norwegian. I will be delighted to get back to you in one of these languages. I don't need any translation. Please write correctly using the accents (especially in Polish and Romanian).

I hope to meet you soon in Berlin and get the opportunity to get to know you,
Welcome to Berlin!


How is a day in your life like? For me everything is a silent chaos that no one has ever noticed around me. A chaos that I have to constantly keep it under control. The traits of my face are blank, expressionless, motionless. My eyes are staring and I'm standing here in the morning's train among many people that hardly dare to have a look at each other, who barely dare to throw a glance at each other. I know what you've learned. It's just not done to throw a glance at a stranger. I know. I've learned the same. It's just not respectable to approach a stranger and just ask him what his name is. I am stealthy looking around. In my head I have only one wish: To hear a sound of the owner of a mouth sitting opposite me, a sound that would make my ears understand: "you are not alone."

But in the Kingdom of Anonymity, sometimes, sealed off mouths reopen up. Fingers hovering over the keyboard back and forth like an artist composes his very first piece, they finally express the unsaid, what you might have said to the unknown passenger on the train.

I do not believe in religion, in fairy tales, in magic or in ghosts, but love to do as though I believed in it. More than a need, we have to believe in something, so life can go on. But I belong to those who will never really believe in anything. I belong to those who need to find the meaning of life in everyday life, in a profession, in a passion, in a friendship, in love, in a conversation, in a short tiny happy moment, maybe with you?

If you feel alone, even though you are surrounded by countless of people in the subway, on the street or in the supermarket every day, do not forget that I feel the same as you do.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx short story I wrote in POLISH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wybieram się do domu. Nie mogę się doczekać powrotu do domu. Mam wrażenie, że rozpakowałem się dopiero kilka godzin temu. Tydzień minął bardzo szybko. Jeszcze nie jestem gotów do podróży. Nie zdążyłem zdać sobie sprawy, które ślady zostawił czas... z wyjątkiem kilku głębszych zmarszczek na ich twarzach i kilku nowych siwych włosów na ich głowach. Czy przeznaczenie powinno mnie martwić? Czy będzie to moja ostatnia podróż? Tylko jeszcze nie jestem gotowy, żeby być szczęśliwy. Tylko chciałbym odlecieć stąd tak szybko jak to możliwe. Tylko chciałbym zostać tutaj tak długo jak to możliwe. Dlaczego jeszcze nie widzę śniegu, patrząc przez okno? Kiedy otworzyłem oczy dziś rano, uspokajający powiew przez nie szczelne okno oznajmił mi, że zima nie dotarła tu na czas. Czy matka natura spóźniła się czy chce mi oszczędzić więcej czasu? Niektóre domy w sąsiedztwie błyszczały i lśniły dniem i nocą przez cały tydzień. Słońce wschodzi, a księżyc jeszcze jest wysoki na niebie. Oczy mrużą się od nienaturalnego intensywnego światła na suficie. To jest to. Spakowałem się i otwieram ostrożnie drzwi, czując wiatr hulający do domu i odsuwając mnie lekko wewnątrz. Przyszedł czas, by wybierać się na lotnisko i wrócić. Chodzę i oglądam ludzi, żegnających się bezsłownie. To moja kolej. Patrzę im w oczy, powstrzymując się od leż i daję im do zrozumienia, że to tylko kwestia czasu, że wrócę niedługo, za kilka miesięcy, chyba więcej.

Już mój samolot wylądował w tym wielkim mieście. Chodzę na chodniku, a słońce razi mnie w oczy. Widzę dwóch śmiejących się ludzi, bujających dziecko na huśtawce w zielonym zakątku wciśniętym pomiędzy dwoma ogromnymi budynkami. Z jakiegoś powodu pogrążyłem się w zadumie... gubię się w swoich myślach... gubię się na drodze. Niespodziewanie, wydaje mi się, że szybko odnajduję właściwą drogę. Już stoję przed tym wysokim budynkiem wielopiętrowym. Jeszcze tylko jeden krok do drzwi. Przekręcam kluczyk w zamku z trudnościami, zastanawiając się, czy nie popełniłem błędu, mając uczucie, że włamuję się do kogoś. Przekroczyłem próg domu nieznajomego, posiadającego nie tylko te same meble jak ja, lecz także pozycjonowawszego ich dokładnie to samo. Wszedłem do kuchni, widząc, że ten człowiek posiadeł gofrownicę, która wydaje mi się znajoma. Ten samy kolor, ta sama marka. Otworzyłem ją i wydała to same skrzypienie. Jak to możliwe? Aż miała tę tłustą plamę, która mojej matce nigdy nie udało usunąć z tej gofrownicy, którą moja matka podarowała mi w urodziny. Wydaje się, że wszystkie te rzeczy wokół mnie należą do mnie, że spędziłem parę lat za tymi ścianami, że za tymi ścianami z biegiem czasu gubiłem moją samotną duszę. Tutaj nie ma niczego poza dużą pustką. Tutaj nie ma niczego. Wybieram się do domu.

Mam nadzieję, że zawsze czujesz się w domu, kiedy jesteś w domu. Czasami się tak czuję, kiedy odwiedzam moją rodzinę i muszę odejść. Może czujesz to samo wobec twojej rodziny lub wobec kogoś specjalnego. Czasami trudno powiedzieć, gdzie jesteśmy w domu.

Маленький текст по-русски:
Наступает тёмная, страшная ночь. Мы б проводили время, лежа в кравоти, случая звук падаюшего дождя. Временами свежий порыв вертра пробирался бы сквозь одну трещину окна, бегал бы через занавески и танцевал был по кругу над нашими головами перед отдыхом в наших ушах, нашёптывающих нас нежно на ухо, "какая холодная ночь снаружи". Я прижимался к тебе, заставляя тебя чувствовать теплота, которую порыв ветра хотел от тебя воровать.

- "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die" (bring me the horizon)
- "My mind is a cage whose door has never had a key." (me)
- "Don't give to get love, give ouf of love." (me)
- "Who cares if one more light goes out in the sky of a million stars? " - "Well, I do." (in memory of Chester Bennington. RIP)
- "The time we spend to get what we want is gigantic in comparison to the time we enjoy hapiness out of it." (me)
- "The e

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Hapiness. I'm on Couchsurfing for hapiness. What do I mean by that? When I was little, I used to get excited when I got presents, video games, chocolate and the list goes on. "I got stuff" equals "I got hapiness". Simple equation of my former life. And then I realized I wanted something else in my life: travelling, making new experiences, seeing many places. I did a whole tour of Germany with one of my best friends from Spain. We hadn't planned this trip at all. The idea suddenly came one day and the day after we were already on the road (actually, on the railway, we travelled by train)! We had the chance to sleep at the place of a few German Couchsurfer in different cities in Germany. It was my very first time. What's great with Couchsurfing is that I particularly love the fact that every person brings his or her own "touch" to this travelling experience. But you know the problem with this? In 6 days we got to see 13 different cities in the North, South, East and West of Germany. We took hundred of pictures, we got really excited. We saw many churches, impressive buildings. It felt like a touristic marathon. Don't get me wrong. It was a great experience, but I wouldn't repeat it over and over again. So, afterwards, my focus shifted on learning languages. I used to spend days and nights at library or at home, so motivated learning languages. But even so.... I could still feel that something was missing in my life. I eventually got less and less interested in learning languages and realized that we would make me really happy wasn't to get better at languages or music or any of these stuffs, but to truly connect with people and feel a bond. Couchsurfing is sometimes what brings me these connection with special people that I need in my life, because at the end of the day feeling a bond with a person is what makes me really feel hapiness, not a new video game, not mastering the guitar, not travelling around the world, but just people.

>>> I live in one of the most exciting cities in Europe, Berlin. I would be delighted to show you around, give you a free professional guided tour of Berlin and even take you to historical sites (sometimes quite unknown!) such as a former Nazi camp.


Language learning is probably my biggest passion. I have been learning many languages for a couple of years now. At the moment, I am mostly dedicated to Polish, Turkish, Romanian and Chinese.

I play the guitar. I play the piano a bit, but nothing really terrific. I don't like to watch sport on TV but on the contrary I like to practise (Badminton and tennis for example)

Music, Movies, and Books

There are tons of films that I love, but my favourite is without any doubt "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". I can't count how many times I have watched this film. My favourite genre is drama. It makes me feel so... "nostalgic". I sometimes feel like Joel. Many people hate Jim Carrey and I do understand why, but Jim acted "normally" in this movie. Don't hesitate to watch it and tell me what you think.

Here are other films that I have loved or liked:
- A beautiful Mind
- Last Night
- Sleeping Beauty
- The Green Mile
- Black Swan
- Oh Boy (a German film about Berlin)
- The Butterfly Effect
- Blair Witch
- Paranormal Activity
- Love me if you dare (best romantic French movie)
- Hard Candy
- Mr. Nobody
- Five Fingers
- Inglorious Bastards
- Brokeback Mountain
- Chinese Puzzle
- Cube
- Le prénom
- The Shawshank Redemption
- Primal Fear
- Le Passé
- All Good Things
- Aanmodderfakker (Dutch Film)
- Demolition
- Mientras duermes (sleep tight) (great movie, don't watch the trailer, just watch it)
- Two days in Paris
- Locke (how to fuck up your life on the phone, losing what's most valuable to you)
- Coherence (amazing science-fiction movie without effects. A master piece of making you feel lost and unsafe until the end of th movie)
- Groundhog Day (living the same day over and over again. I love this kind of movie)
- Time Lapse (a strange camera takes pictures of the future)
- Project Almanac (a guy discovers a machine to travel to the past and just.... enjoy it)

Series that I watched: I loved the series Dexter, How I Met Your Mother?, Friends, Black Mirror.
When I was younger, I watched Buffy against the vampires, Small Ville, Early Edition (the guy receive tomorrow's newpaper today), X-Files (My dad used to let me watch X-Files even if it was scary)

You know what's annoying about films today? How many times have we seen films where the guys falls in love with the girl? ... And if any of you works in the are of the cinema, make sure that films stop following the same or similar pattern for the story line. Sometimes, what's fascinating is not how the protagonist tries to solve his problems, but just how he has to deal and to keep dealing with these problems. Just saying. ^^

My favourite book is "Une Joueuse de Go".
Once I wanted to know a friend better. She told me about a book she read. I wanted to know the reason why she loved that book so much. As a result, I read it myself and it became my favourite book.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

- I met Angela Merkel twice and she spoke to me. Yes indeed!
- I stole a few pieces of the Berlin's Wall, but hey, that's a secret. Don't tell anyone.
- I went to the house of the last Nazi still alive who lived with Hitler in the Bunker in Berlin. I knocked at his door and (...)
- I didn't die, I wasn't injured at all, not even a scratch, when suddenly in the night a lightning struck the part of the house's roof under which was my bedroom, although most of my bedroom was destroyed due to the explosion caused by the lightning. From my very bed, I could see flashes of lightnings every three seconds in the sky through the damaged roof.
- I love listening to music while walking in the street. It gives me the impression to be in a movie.
- I played the guitar on the street even if I am a bit shy.
- I saw someone die on a train. I had never seen death before.
- After enrolling in university, I began being always and always more interested in languages. Today, I have learnt around 17 languages. The following list shows you all the languages for which I at least spent a couple of months studying them. By no means I am pretending to be fluent at all these languages.
- Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, German, Polish, English, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Latin, Catalan, Romanian, Japanese, Hebrew, Turkish, Czech, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Greek
- I have a disease called Hashimoto, which ensures that the thyroid doesn't work properly. Some people are of the opinion that eating gluten-free could resolve the problem. If you happen to have any information on this, I'd be really thankful.
- It might not mean much to you, but I met a girl once in Warsaw who went to a park to feed squirrels. This girl with a bright smile on her face just kept coming up to any people looking at the squirrels and telling them: "Here are some nuts, take them. You can have fun feeding them". A simple thing that made me smile inside.
- Because I tried to save fish in a frozen lake by breaking the ice, I cracked the ice and felt right into the hole in the frozen lake.
- I once died, but went back to life. Didn't see any paradise or hell while I was away.

Teach, Learn, Share

Languages: I can help you with foreign languages. Are you struggling with the cases in German or in Russian? Are you looking for some good websites to learn Chinese or Portuguese? Are you curious to hear about the various methods I used to learn languages Swedish and Dutch? Do you want to know how technology can help you learn language faster and faster? I will definitely give you the tips you need to learn your target language and encourage you to learn more and more.

Cooking: I mostly cook really easy dishes. I'd be happy to cook for you.

Guitar: I can teach you how to play the guitar. I have been playing the guitar for many years. I am not a great guitarist at all, but if you want to get started at the guitar, knock at my door, it is always open. ^^

Programming (HTML/PHP): I used to have my own popular websites when I was a teenager. I even got money for that. I stopped administrating my website very long ago. So my knowledge about it isn't fresh at all. But if you need a hand, here I am.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Belgium, France, Germany, Spain

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