Фотографии пользователя Haryadi Yansyah

Профиль прошел верификацию

  • Платежные данные проверены
  • Телефон подтвержден
  • Личность не подтверждена

Не принимает гостей

  • Последний раз на сайте: около 13 часов назад

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  • 38 отзывов 17 Подтвержденные хостом и гостем
  • Знает English, Indonesian; изучает English, Japanese
  • 37, Мужской
  • Пользователь с 2013
  • Entrepreneur
  • IT
  • Родной город не указан
  • Профиль заполнен на 100%

Обо мне

(1). If you see my profile because you interest to stay in my home, please don't forget to read : https://www.couchsurfing.com/people/omnduut/couch

(2) Say no and decline all request messages is better than ignore it. So, if you see my profile because I sent a request message and you can't accept me, nevermind :) just tell me. Don't ignore me, please. ;) I really appreciate for every response that you give to me does not matter you can be host for me or not.

In the beginning, I only send request message to one person-one city-one time. But, sometimes, I have to wait for several days to get know, he/she can accept me or not (in fact, I saw he/she online and open his/her CS account :(( hiks)

So, honesty, now, I sent several request message in the same time. BUT, I will confirm as soon as possible (less than 24 hours, or maybe more faster) to you who accept me as your guest firtsly. And, I will send "cancel-request" message to others. So, If you still have not recieve "cancel request message" from me, it's mean I still need you as my host. So, I really really really appreciate if you can push "decline botton" if you unable to host me at the time. So that, I will looking for another one. Thank you so much ^_^


To see different cultures and get friends from around the world.


Hi :) I'm simple guy who love to get new friends from around the world. I love writing (mostly about traveling) and try to update my blog periodically. Please welcome to visit my blog in omnduut.com

I also books and movie lovers. I wrote a book which published this year (2018). The title is "Jungkir Balik Dunia Bankir", I wrote my (funny) experiences when I was working as teller in a bank. Futhermore, I also contributed in some anthology books. Some of them are about traveling. E.g "Born To Travel, 2017" or, "Soul Travellers : Turning Miles into Memories, 2017."

But, the most thing that I love is collect postcards. Why? because I can "traveling" around the world through postcards and magnets! :D you can visit my another blog to see my postcards gallery. So far I already have postcard more than 160 countries from around the world.


(maybe) likes almost members in couchsurfing, I have a dream *sounds like song hehe* to traveling around the world. So that why, I always remember the words of Paulo Coelho (one of my favorite authors) He said, "€keep dreaming, then the universe will support you" The words that kept my mind and I made a way of life.

Before I joined in Couchsurfing, I'm active in hospitalityclub.org. From hospitalityclub.org, I met and I hosted for several guests from that site. I think, couchsurfing is simple way to be an "ambassador" of your country. When you visit/stay in other city/country, I think your behavior reflects the nation. I know this may not be true but I believe, when you do good things to other people, it's not only you will be remembered but also your country. So, as guest, I will try the best to maintain my behavior so that the host is happy to accept me and not give up to accepting other Indonesian guests.

Что привело меня на Couchsurfing

I wrote some couchsurfing experiences in my blog : http://omnduut.com/tag/couchsurfing/


I love meet new people because I will get so many stories from them. Especially about their life and traveling experiences. But honesyl, I prefer to meet them in a cozy athmophere like cafe, park or even only at home. I don't like night life (clubbing, party or etc) because also as a Muslim, I don't drink alcohol but I'm very welcome to sit on the same table with people who drink alcohol as long as we had nice conversation.

I'm so glad my family support about couchsurfing. Our home is open even for the stranger. We just believe about karma. As long as we can helps, we do. :)

  • writing
  • books
  • photography
  • cooking
  • traveling
  • blogging
  • sport

Музыка, кино и книги

Movies : I love all kinds of movies. I always confuse when someone ask me, "what is the most favorite movie?" rrrggg... it's a really difficult question. I watch Hollywood, Bollywood etc movies. But, I always re-watch The Shawshank Redemption and 3 Idiots :)

Music : Sounds ridiculous, but I love to hear song or music which come from the countries that I don't understand about the languages. :) So, when you check my playlist in my phone, you will found several songs from India, Korea, Japan, Spain, Russia, France, China and some countries more whereas I don't know about the meaning ^^

Books : I love all kinds of books also. But, I'd prefer to reading traveling books rather than read religion books, hehehe :D You can see my virtual bookshelf in https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/581237-haryadi-yansyah

Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)

Blogging and writing drove me around the world. :)

Yes, in the past, traveling is a big thing and impossible for me. My life changed when 2013, for the first time I'm going abroad because I won a writing competition. I got prize to exploring Bangkok, Thailand for free! After that, I'm addicted to travel. I'm working and save some money for travel.

In 2015, finally, I went to India and visited some cities including Jammu and Kashmir province and there, for the first time in my life, I touched snow! Now, I already visit India for 3 times! For second times, I got invitation from Kerala Tourism to explore Kerala Province for 2 weeks and this year (2018) I come back again to India as solo traveler and explored Rajashtan area.

In 2018, I have a chance to visit Europe because... again, because I won writing competiton! I'm so excited to explore Eurpoe also for the first time.

Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией

Teach : If you interest to learn making traditional food (e.g pempek or fish cake, the most famous traditional food in Palembang city) maybe I can asking my mother to teaching you.

Learn : About your traveling experiences and sharing about life :)

Чем я могу поделиться с хостами

I live with my whole family. My mom will deserve foods for all the guest. Believe me, she is the great one of cooking (no wonder, my weight increase hehe).

You will stay in a private room with double bed with private bathroom also. We can also share our WiFi password and I try the best to make you confortable when stay in our place.

Где я побывал(-а)

Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Viet Nam

Где я жил(-а)


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