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About Me
We are a couple that love the adventure and knowing places where we can taste the magic offered by the site. It could be for the people, the culture, the landscape, the weather, the food, the vegetation, the distance, the peace, the environment, anyway we love to explore places where we can enjoy the simple things, as long as we consider that inside simple things are the true happiness.
We look forward to find the reasons why people develop themselves in their hometown, which is their typical food, the traditional dances and music, their lifestyle, in general the city movement, which are their games and their joys, so we would like to know how they are living their life.
We want to learn something from someone else who has a different nationality from us, someone who can share his joy, and his customs, as long as we can share ours, because we are sure that we can leave a marc inside people who meet us, so they would know how mexicans are, how we dance, how we eat and what make us happy.
We are simple people who want to ride into the most exotic spots on earth so we can turn our lives into a whole bunch of experiences. We don’t want to live on the everyday dullness, neither we want to be as we “must be” when we are in our early thirties, so we want to write our own destiny, our own way, our own happiness, not by following anyone, but by making our own history.
We met each other when we were ready to try new stuffs, as long as we have already enjoy ours friends in the non stop partys and the famous forever young, also we have find out that love’s family is the only that lasts forever, and we have had hard work in the last four years, so that’s why we feel we are ready to look for the reason why we are here in this world, in order to avoid asking ourselves someday what would have happened if we would have done more adventures, meet more people, know more places or take more opportunities.
We feel we are in this point of life when we can have our eyes wide open and our biggest smile in order to say hello to the day after in which we don’t know where we might be or with whom we might share the meal.
So just after following this dream we can decide where and how we want to deal with this life.
Somos una pareja muy aventurera, nos gusta conocer lugares en donde podemos saborear la magia que ofrece el lugar, puede ser por la gente, por la cultura, por el panorama, por el clima, por la comida, por la lejanía, por la vegetación, por la tranquilidad, por el ambiente, en fin, nos gusta explorar lugares en donde se pueden disfrutar las cosas simples, ya que consideramos que dentro de las cosas simples esta la verdadera felicidad.
Buscamos encontrar la razón por la cual las personas viven y se desarrollan en su lugar de origen, cual es su comida tipica, cual es la musica y los bailes tradicionales, el estilo de vida, en general el movimiento de la ciudad, con qué se divierten, con qué se entretienen, nos gusta conocer como saborean ellos la vida.
Buscamos que cada persona de diferente nacionalidad nos enseñe algo, nos comparta su alegría y sus costumbres, para también compartirles la nuestra, porque estamos seguros que sí es posible dejar una huella en la gente, que sepan como somos los mexicanos, cómo bailamos, qué comemos, y qué nos hace felices.
Somos personas simples que queremos recorrer los mas exóticos rincones de la tierra y hacer de nuestra vida un conjunto de experiencias. No queremos vivir en la monotonía del dia a dia, no queremos ser lo que se debe de ser cuando estas cerca de los treinta, queremos decidir nuestro propio destino, nuestro propio rumbo, nuestra propia felicidad, no vamos a seguir a nadie, vamos a hacer nuestro propio camino.
Nos conocimos en una etapa de nuestra vida en donde estábamos listos para conocer cosas nuevas, ya hemos disfrutado de nuestros amigos en las fiestas intensas, ya nos dimos cuenta que lo único que siempre va a permanecer es la familia, ya hemos trabajado duro durante 4 años, y ahora nos sentimos listos para explorar, para buscar la razón de estar aqui, para no quedarnos con la idea de ¿qué hubiera pasado si hubiera viajado y conocido más cosas, mas gente, mas lugares? Nos sentimos en esta etapa de abrir los ojos al mundo y brindar nuestra mejor sonrisa al día de mañana que no sabemos en donde ni con quien va a ser.
Para después de seguir este sueño, podamos decidir en donde y como queremos desarrollarnos en la vida.
Why I’m on Couchsurfing
Because we want to get inside the culture, and the only way of knowing it as it is, is by living with the locals, by tasting their food, by dancing their music and by sharing the meal with they.
This works the same in our hometown, we want to receive people from different cultures in our house in order to share our customs with they. And taste the magic of know how people from outside see our country .
Porque queremos conocer la cultura, y la unica manera de conocerla tal y como es, es viviendo con los locales, probando su comida, bailando su musica y compartiendo los alimentos con ellos.
Esto funciona de la misma manera en nuestra ciudad, queremos recibir gente de diferentes culturas en nuestra casa para poder compartir nuestra cultura con ellos. Y tambien saborear la magia de saber como ve la gente de afuera nuestro pais.
-Meet people different from us
-Learn different languages
-Taste ant Learn to cook local food
-Know different cultures
- Learn to get us to different ways of living
-Look for a football team an make proofs
-Look for local fashion and try to bring it to my country
-Look for local business that can work in my country
-Import/export things from one country to another
- culture
- design
- fashion
- dancing
- environment
- dining
- cooking
- mexican food
- socializing
- magic
- music
- soccer
- softball
- business
- history
- languages
Teach, Learn, Share
Spanish, English, French
Cook mexican food
Play Soccer, Voleyball, Softball
Design shoes
Italian, Portuguese, other language
Cook local food
Countries I’ve Visited
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, England, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States, Vatican City State
Countries I’ve Lived In
France, Mexico