Zdjęcia użytkownika Paco Muro

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Aby zobaczyć pełny profil użytkownika Paco, dołącz do Couchsurfing.


  • 24 Opinie 13 Potwierdzona i pozytywna
  • Płynny w English, German, Spanish; uczy się German
  • 31, Mężczyzna
  • Użytkownik od 2012
  • Agile project management support
  • I love my parents, I love what I do, I love what I have b...
  • Z Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
  • Profil jest kompletny w 95%

O mnie

I struggle to present myself in a single sentence. I am not an expert in anything but I have experience in a bunch of unrelated stuff. Currently I live in Cologne, Germany, doing an internship for Agile Project Management at a cool software startup. I'm an Aerospace Engineering graduate, with a Masters in Entrepreneurship (almost). I also used to compose and produce electronic music (rather amateur) and now I DJ professionally (mostly at raves, arguably professional). I also love coding and recently got hooked into creating interactive digital art. My dream is to exhibit my works at a party where people would interact and be mesmerized :)

In a way I find myself optimistic and pessimistic. The world is a beautiful and scary place. Let's discuss this in person.

I don't get almost angry ever, besides rarely with myself and whale killers ¬¬
You know, people can be very dull, even stupid, but how do you know before you talk to them before judging. Give everyone a chance to be your friend.

Dlaczego jestem na Couchsurfing

After a few years here... Its a great tool I use to connect with people (underlined sentence). Please skip the rest of me talking and jump to my references.
Isn't it kind of fun when you browse for hosts and you see a bad reference and how they get back to one another with attempts of explaining? However I'm glad that these happen very rarely


At the moment my passion is focused on closing the gap between inert technology and human psychology. For this endeavor I am experimenting with coding interactive digital art where I can apply crazy algorithms in a Human context (art)
I produce (very amateur) techno music from scratch, and learn to play the Ukulele and other instruments, and DJ professionally already... and still travelling like I need it to live!!

Work hard, play harder... When I get tired of working I work a bit more and then I either nap or go out for a beer with friends. The best is when both work and fun are combined, like preparing a party or some art installation. It's good to get stressed, a useful survival instinct, and I love it when I can see the results of hard work.

Muzyka, filmy i książki

Arquitecture I find very enjoyable. I can have so much fun reading H.S. Thomson, Bukowski, David Wong... all this Kafkian humour. Movies, I have this never ending list of movies recomended by friends or found in "10 best...". Music... Well I enjoy an incredibly wide amount of styles, a few I never learned to enjoy.
And there is nothing like dancing in a concert or a club with strangers !

Jedna niesamowita rzecz, którą zrobiłem(-am)

Hitchhicking from Madrid to Germany
Spent 24 fully exciting hours in Iceland, enough to climb a mountain and sleep there all by myself (only with the northern lights)
Crashed with a motorbike. I never drove one before. In a country I never was before, Where I didnt know anyone. It was reaining all day. They drove on the left side of the road. duh... :S

Ucz innych, ucz się sam, udostępniaj

Learn to forget

"Money doesn't bring happiness. Spending it does." - drunk me.
Honestly I'm a bad money manager and I love buying silly things like costumes and gifts for others

Czym mogę się podzielić z gospodarzami

I have a telescope to spy on my neighbours.

Kraje, w których byłem(-am)

Austria, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Myanmar, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State

Kraje, w których mieszkałem(-am)

Germany, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States

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  • 1 Poręcz

Aby zobaczyć pełny profil użytkownika Paco, dołącz do Couchsurfing.

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