Zdjęcia użytkownika Pamela Padron

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Aby zobaczyć pełny profil użytkownika Pamela, dołącz do Couchsurfing.


  • 23 Opinie 16 Potwierdzona i pozytywna
  • Płynny w English, Spanish; uczy się German
  • 30, Kobieta
  • Użytkownik od 2014
  • Student
  • Comm and Media Ma
  • Nie podano miasta rodzinnego
  • Profil jest kompletny w 100%

O mnie

I like to have contact with people from other countries and cultures. Their stories, advises, or lenguajes, is something I’m very curious about. Always like the way couch surfing connects people around the world. Nowadays I find myself being such a nomad, but basically Spain based.


  • animals
  • cats
  • dogs
  • horses
  • festivals
  • swimming
  • communications
  • beaches
  • food
  • dance
  • party
  • kids

Muzyka, filmy i książki

It's more easy to describe the things that I don't like ...
I won't watch scary movies, doesn't matter how much you pay me..

I don't like heavy metal, and I think that's all !

In the other side I can watch a entire sitcom in one sit or an entire afternoon of movies, no problem!

Jedna niesamowita rzecz, którą zrobiłem(-am)

I guess there is always something more amazing to do... but so far...

- Rafting in the Tena River (Ecuador)
- Learn to make "patacones" (typical food) as good as my mom

- Get in the top of a volcano mountain, 11 hours walking, no preparation at all
- Bungie jumping
- Won a tv in a horse show jumping.
- Get a scholarship to study a master degree in Budapest
- One year of volunteering with people with disabilities.

Czym mogę się podzielić z gospodarzami

I am a good cooker and talker.

Kraje, w których byłem(-am)

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey

Kraje, w których mieszkałem(-am)

Ecuador, Germany, Hungary

Aby zobaczyć pełny profil użytkownika Pamela, dołącz do Couchsurfing.

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