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Обо мне
Observe, Learn, Teach, Help, Develop, Expand, Be in the Now and Grow
Patrick Kozakiewicz, Polish, twenty three years old, 6.3ft/186cm tall. I think in whichever language I am speaking in. I love to dance and trying to get better. I love to snowboard. I hike, run and rock climb.
I love to read and write. Just finished Siddharta and and am starting the History of Madness by Michel Foucault.
I love to exercise and work out. Yoga is a big part of my life. I love food, cooking, baking and eating. I love to go out. Socialize, meet new people and do new things.
I try to keep learning, experiencing and doing new things.
I have a younger sister, Victoria, who is 19 and I love more than everything. She is my little demon. We use to hate each other and always fight, I remember how Victoria would chase me with a knife from the kitchen, yelling and screaming with anger at me. However after I went to Germany for a year, which was the longest and furthest my sister and I have ever been apart, we realized how important we were to each other. So I hang out with my sister as much as I can, trying to help her out with life and guide her away from the mistakes I have made. I do not know what I would do without her. I have amazing parents and if it was not for the things that they went through in their lives, I would not be sitting in front of this laptop, finding myself writing a letter about myself. Just like everyone out there, my parents are the best. Haha. I want to change people’s lives for the better, for me a smile is so priceless and rewarding.
why live? whats life? why do what we do? what to do? why this why that? how am i? am i me or a product of something else? questions drive us crazy. the now is all that exists, but its impossible to understand the now if the bulk of ones life is the opposite of that. so we must learn the now. we was understand ourselves more. each moment should be a study. we must learn to be in the now. but what to do in the now? how does one just be? just let life unfold? into what?
into whatever we want it to be! but what do we want it to be, what do we want out of life?
i think once we figure that out, then we have a purpose/s. we all have one but very few people find them, and its always in front of us.
someone once said that our eyes are our windows to the world and our mind is what sees through it. and now many people have clouded or dirty windows, even minds. but i say there is no window and there is only mind, maybe even no mind....
so in order to just be and live happily and accomplish our dreams, we need purpose.
its what we live for, why we live. for something. whether it is for religion, ideology. family, a loved one, a just cause, a leader or what i believe it to be, yourself. our purpose is ourselves. it is our own interest. our life. we are gods. we are most important. everything else follows, because without the former life does not exist in this form. anyways
i love people, i want to meet lots of interesting people. i want to travel and i want to learn as much as possible. get as much experience. live as much as possible, keep my heart pumping and my mind growing
i once read this short story...old Chinese saying
a monk was meditating by the river, that monk sees a scorpion fall into the water and start to sink. he picks it up, gets stung and places the scorpion back on dry land. a few minutes later the same scorpion falls back into the water. the monk again picks up the scorpion, gets stung again and places the scorpion back on dry land.
a nearby monk sees this and runs over to the monk and asks him why he does so if the monk knows the scorpion will sting the monk each time?
the monk calmly responses, because the purpose of the scorpion is to sting and the purpose of the human is to save.
how do we save the most people? how do we do the most good? influence the most people with our own beliefs and ideas. how do we make this world a better place? unit together as one big family?
from a book i once read.
"the fish trap exists because of the fish.
once you've gotten the fish you can forget the trap.
the rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit.
once you've gotten the rabbit, you can forget the snare.
words exist because of their meaning. once you've got the meaning, you can forget the words. where can I find someone who has forgotten words so I can talk with them?"
Что привело меня на Couchsurfing
I participate by reading, learning and keeping myself informed. I try getting involved in as much as I can with whoever I can.
Love it. I have traveled much of the world, stayed at friends, families and strangers houses. I have slept in the woods, on top of mountains, along lakes and rivers and on the beaches of seas and oceans. I have slept in hotels, hostels, abandoned buildings, churches and camp sites. I am new to couchsurfing so I do not have an experience I can share just yet.
Traveling is a personal activity of mine that I have always been part taking in. It all started 20 years ago when my pregnant mother escaped from Poland, with fake documents on a midnight train. Ever since then I have constantly been moving and traveling.
Traveling does not necessarily mean back packing around Europe or flying to Asia. Traveling can be done with your own country, within your own city, within your own family and most importantly within your own mind.
I think traveling is simply going somewhere you have never been before. Each moment is new, everything is always changing and every time we blink the world around and inside of us is different, a place we have never been before. We step into this world, we live out our lives, and we live out a journey, constantly traveling along a road never before traveled.
“don’t focus on the end, focus on where you are now”
I believe the journey within is a lot more important, fun and necessary, than the one around the world.
Through traveling I have greatly expanded my knowledge of the world and how it works. But the knowledge does not end there. Through traveling you can discover yourself, your purpose, the way you see the world, the way you perceive it.
I once read that there is 2 types of people, “the ones who understand the big picture and spend their lives learning all the little pieces, and the ones who understand all the little pieces but get make out the big picture.”
So go out and travel. Think of a new idea, read about a different perspective. Watch a movie in a genre you never do. Drive a different way to work. Buy a different product. Try a new hobby or activity. Just because you try it does not mean you have to stick through it. Meet new people, with different beliefs and ideas. Trust me when I say this, but you will discover so many wonders you posses this way. Go camping; rent a hotel in a nearby tourist attraction. Buy a one –way ticket to a destination of the flight clerk’s choice.
Then when your alone each day or as you wake or fly asleep. Let your mind unwind, let it explore and take you away into amazing worlds. Reliving, recreating and settling memories and ideas. Travel into your own mind. Into what you believe? Who you are? Why you think you might be that way? Argue with your self or take a stance you would never usually take. The point is to keep traveling, keep moving, growing the mind and keeping the hurt pumping.
Realize that your traveling now, not in the past, not in the future. Even the thought of an activity you once did is still happening now. So Travel and be grateful that we as humans have the ability to be fully conscious of our ability to always be traveling.
When traveling it is important to spend most of your time amongst the people, engulfed in their traditions, culture and ideologies, remembering to be kind, respectful and honest. In every culture, it is important to try and absorb as much as possible in each location. Remember to relax, breathe and have fun. If you are in an uncomfortable situation or you start having a gut feeling, move on.
Through traveling you meet a tremendous amount of people and make many lasting friendships.
Through traveling your neurons will meet new neurons and make life lasting connections.
Traveling is in my blood and I will keep it flowing throughout the rest of my life, and I hope you do as well.
- fish
- culture
- writing
- books
- dancing
- dining
- cooking
- baking
- exercise
- yoga
- running
- working out
- flying
- reading
- traveling
- socializing
- cycling
- fishing
- hiking
- kayaking
- camping
- scuba diving
- sailing
- bungee jumping
- snowboarding
- sports
- extreme sports
- history
- religion
- tourism
- beaches
- lakes
- rivers
- mountains
Музыка, кино и книги
Mostly Documentaries. Action, Thriller, Drama, Horror, Comedy,Epic movies. Not so much musicals
I listen to Techno, Hip Hop, Dance, Classical, Reggae, Chill out songs, 80’s, and Rock and usually in German, Polish or English. However I am always looking for me genres and new songs.
Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)
Cliff diving, sky diving, scuba diving, kayaking, flying, sailing, dirt biking, snowboarding, white water rafting, 4 hour runs in the darkness of the night on a forest trail, almost all extreme sports expect bungee jumping and squirrel suit flying. I have seen a lot in my days, more than i deserve.
Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией
I live to teach. Always have, from assisting teachers as a TA to internships in classrooms. From tutoring to mentoring. I learn all day and everyday. Sharing is caring and it is fun.