Patsy Sympson's Photo

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  • 169 references 148 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Portuguese
  • 68, Female
  • Member since 2010
  • Have been a Radio DJ for 40 yrs, up until, 9. /2019. Now...
  • College degree
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

*** you must be vaccinated to stay with me.

My mission since being on Couchsurfing was always "To be a wanderer on this planet. . . an explorer of people, places, things. Learn, have fun & give back!" Still plan on doing that, but in the wake of what’s going on in the USA. I've gotta fight to take my country back & help reverse what is being done to reverse all the progress of, not only the past 8 yrs, but past 50! If you’re traveling friom Another country, please know that all of USA is NOT Trumpland & we welcome you. Don't be scared!!!! LOL! JK! (kinda)

Along with my being unemployed/retired , trying to figure that one out. . . We also just lost our lovely Golden Retreiver, Heidi. She was 11 & had met many Couchsurfers in her life ( see pics). We now have another Golden to try to follow in Heidi’s pawlrints! Hopey. She’s 3 & a little bit crazy, but you’ll love her.
Im married 33 years to Dave, also in broadcasting, who has been retired for awhile. He’s quite the computer nerd & audiophile & can talk your ear off about politics too if you let him!
I'm a military brat, which I should explain to those who don't know, means that I grew up in a military family. Never stayed in one place very long! So, my life has been all about traveling! Also, both my husband, Dave & I are career broadcasters and our radio careers have taken us all over the place, so between the 2 I've lived lots of wonderful places. Kentucky is my family home, &; I love NY, Denver, Minneapolis, London, Paris- Spent my high school years on a lovely island, Terciera, Azores Island. 6 years ago a friend of mine & I completed hiking the PA portion of the Appalachian Trail &; have hiked a bit down by the beautiful Skyline Dr in Va! We usually hiked 10-12 miles on a weekend day! I'm totally impressed by those who've thru-hiked it! My trail name is Patsy Climb!


I'm not religious, but I believe in Doing Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You. Most of the world's religions have that in common, or should & it's what I try to live my life by. Try not to judge, if I haven't walked in their shoes. I hope I can make the world a better place by being here.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Through my life I've shared my home with friends, friends of friends, even at times, people I've just met. Fellow travelers on this planet. When I heard about Couch Surfing, I thought, THIS is what I've BEEN doing, so now I can do it in somewhat of a more larger, organized way. Dave & I have both enjoyed the experiences with the wonderful people we've met. Over 200 visitors . 0 bad experiences!


I've had lots of great couch surfing experiences since I joined & no bad ones. I really never knew Harrisburg was such a desirable destination!!!! I've had several students passing by, but spent enough time with them to enjoy their company in a short time & I've had many visitors from other countries, which has been interesting & ; so much fun! Ive had older CSers who are spending their retirement traveling & ; OF COURSE i wanna host, so i can pick their brain! I've had lots of musicians/bands & will try to host them all & go to their shows. Had Comedians, Magicians (with a parrot), Professional tennis players, Frisbee champs, writers, people hiking/biking/hitchhiking/swimming across the world! You name it. (that swimming part isn't true, just wanted to see if you were paying attention!) We have eaten, drank &; been very merry! Most important-talked through the night!!! We've gone hiking, dancing, been to local breweries, listened to local bands & of course toured Harrisburg, Lancaster Amish Country &Hershey! My friends, who aren't CS'ers, have been living a bit vicariously through me- by parties I've had when I'd had visitors & have told me they LOVE meeting the kinds of cool people on this website! I agree 100%!


Nature, music, travel, hiking, camping, dogs, books, movies,& oh yes food! Sushi, Thai, Vietnamese, Cuban, all kinds.

  • dogs
  • books
  • dancing
  • dining
  • wine
  • partying
  • movies
  • traveling
  • music
  • hiking
  • camping
  • skydiving
  • tourism

Music, Movies, and Books

Capercallie, Nick Drake,Tina Dico, Hooverphonics,Congure 1, Patsy Cline, Aurora, Beatles, Indigo Girls. . . many more. LOVE Music.
Movies? Daytrippin. To The Wonder. Go to our local Independent Arthouse Theater every week & ; have brought many CSers!
Books? Anything about quirky, interesting, adventurous, mostly modern people.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Skydiving. Pretty proud that I've hiked the entire Pa portion of the Appalachian Trail. The Azores Island, living there was the most amazing experience of my life.

Teach, Learn, Share

What can I teach? I speak well, duh, I'm a broadcaster. We can talk about the radio industry. Who knows? I may be working again by the time we meet! I play Maj Jongg! I'm a pretty good tour guide to my area, Harrisburg, Lancaster Co, NY, Phlly, Baltimore, DC. Several of my visitors have enjoyed "Dances of Universal Peace" with me, which I enjoy! Otherwise, I enjoy sharing music, nature &; wine around a fire!

What I Can Share with Hosts

I will share whatever I have with you! My friends, my city. I'll even share a ride in my convertible Mini Cooper, IF there's only one of you! I'd share games, & breakfast with Lancaster County fresh eggs &veggies & bread, all homemade (but not by me!) If you wanna cook, I'll be happy to stir!!

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Wales

Countries I’ve Lived In

Portugal, United States

Old School Badges

  • 9 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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