Fotos de Paul Versini

Perfil no verificado

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  • Última conexión hace casi 4 años

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  • 14 recomendaciones 14 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, French, Spanish; está aprendiendo German, Russian
  • 31, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2012
  • Maths teacher in tech high school. 2015-2017 : engineer/s...
  • Maths/Engineer/Management/Information systems, but that d...
  • De Strasbourg (NE), Castres, Toulouse (SW), Grenoble (SE), Alkmaar (Netherlands), Paris (...).
  • Has completado un 95% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

First know that depending on you I can be a very decent, pretty normal person (so if you are scared of weirdos, do not be scared of me) ; a critical, supercurious and thorough wannabe-intellectual ; or a wtfrandom-fun-stupid-guy. I will follow the flow, but always with some reasonable self-control.
My profile is currently being managed by my serious side.

If our lifestyles differ then please host or guest me : I will live your lifestyle for a few days (unless you beg to follow mine), loving these new shoes at least for their novelty, and I may merge it into my life somehow.

I learn and evolve fast, by reading (right now a lot of wikipedia and youtube actually, but better sources are welcome), meeting-following-understanding different people's mindsets (from freaks to more standard ones), and getting out of my comfort zones / fake constraints (so many breached, so many to go ; I love to inspire and be inspired).

I think a lot about what I should conclude from my last travel (8 months, mostly with my girlfriend), and I have a few conscious themes right now : is Canada different from US and what would be the best way to cut regions in North America ; is travelling a lot one of my long-term priorities, how do I prefer to travel, and consequently should I seek a good-paying job again ; how to take notes to help memory and self-improvement ; what is poverty and is it bad ; how do I recognize the situations in which I may change my mind and the ones where I should persuade and how ; what is intelligence and where am I standing ; how to be constructive and pleasant, and as one way is shutting down ego-caused reflexes, how to shut down this damn ego (I'm on really good tracks there) ; how to be concise (I'm on really bad tracks there) ; numerous other ones.

I love the freedom of not having a home and a time to come back somewhere, just wandering at the surface of my awesomely diverse (though I find more true diversity within each region than between them) and somehow connected planet. Jobwise I'm becoming a tourist visiting occupations and contexts - and I love it ! Currently I'm enjoying being a teacher (for 2 months only yet) but I do not truely regret my corporate experiences : I am happy to know how the economy works and where many people spend so much time.

About my trip now ! Where.
From january to september 2018 I'm off visiting New Zealand (through Singapour, Malaysia, and some Australia), Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Japan, Hawaii, North America (West coast, Canadian Rockies, Louisiana, New England, Maritimes and Québec, NY), and finally Northern Ireland.

About my trip still ! How.
We've been hitchhiking, bussing and car-renting ; sleeping in hostels, tents, aforementionned cars, diverse CS homes, or weirder venues. We'll keep on with such a mix : I like change and adapting. Unless heavily criminal area, whatever the shelter you offer, I'll have seen worse.
Right now, 3-week car hire from Boston to NYC through Canada.

About my trip again ! Who.
We = me plus my girlfriend, who had similar projects when we met last year. We splitted shortly in Laos and later in Louisiana to follow different ideas and get much-loved 1-on-1 encounters.


Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

When I had the chance, I hosted as many people as I could, especially people from countries I would seldom hear about, and people who looked kind, interesting, funny. It was awesome, I have stars in my brain when I think about the discussions, the laughters, the ones I visited back months or years afterwards, the one who stayed several weeks just because we enjoyed living together...
Now I've started to use Couchsurfing the other way around, with much success too (often through my girlfriend's account in 2018). There's no way I'm stopping now !


  • writing
  • contemporary art
  • education
  • board games
  • reading
  • music
  • hiking
  • tennis
  • table tennis
  • geography
  • history
  • languages
  • sociology
  • litterature
  • dreaming
  • card games
  • critical thinking
  • wandering aimlessly
  • wild swimming
  • mountain hiking
  • bicycle riding
  • political philosophy
  • questioning
  • lake swimming

Música, películas y libros

Music : I can stand any style (commercial pop-rock is the hardest). I love "fusions", artists who borrow from several genres (classical, metal, blues, jazz/manouche, hip-hop, electro, antifolk...). I still have big, rather historical crushes on some major classical, rock, hard rock, heavy/sympho metal artists.
Music is to me the most subjectively emotional art and I seldom dare to play my music for someone to discover any more, but I can have plenty personalised suggestions based on your tastes.
Books : I love books with a political or philosophical dimension (like much-cited-here 1984 or Brave New World), but I may love much humbler works.
Movies : Same : I'm still quite easy to please considering how I can be (intellectually/artistically/ethically/technically...) demanding otherwise.
Series : Rick and Morty was my last blast.
YouTube : a lot ; now mostly Caspian Report (geopolitics).

Algo increíble que he hecho

I don't like to tell everyone the same things - which is why my family often complains about now knowing things about me : I'm not secret at all and I like sharing a lot, but I try not to have this package of "cool things that happened to me and that I need to tell everyone fast so they like me". Or maybe right now this package only contains my reluctancy to be such a man ?
I could easily have a package of great adventures/achievements/good deeds/interesting ideas and acts. I could also have a package of ridiculous moments. Several moments may belong to either category depending on how I tell them, and I suspect a lot of cool kids are in fact in the same position ;)
I'll have a baby this summer and it will definitely be on the list.
Anyway topics will come, that is 0 worry around me.

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

I cannot teach you much in a few days, though we can practice any of 3 languages. My german is basic and I'm in my first year of learning Russian. I can sure show you chess or card games.
But I can mostly give you a very open ear and informed or benevolently critical mouth.
I am passionate about (non-partisan) politics, political science, history, geopolitics, sociology, urbanism, some science ; music, diverse arts.

My experience, culture and openness make me often constructive on any topic you may be passionate about, whilst being quite lucid over my mastery of a field or my overall intelligence. I do not seek, or seek to provide, much validation ; but respect and improvement, much so.

Países que he visitado

Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay

Países en los que he vivido

France, Netherlands

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