Fotos de Phillip Kiskaden

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  • 0 recomendaciones
  • Idiomas que habla bien English
  • 25, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2024
  • Self-Employed
  • Western Kentucky University
  • No se ha indicado la ciudad natal
  • Has completado un 55% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

I am 25 years old from the United States. In my free time I enjoy playing sports, basketball in particular. I’m trying to get into FIBA 3x3 so if you know about where I can do that in your country please let me know! I have played for over 15+ years and coached youth sports as well. I also enjoy stationary hobbies such as reading or playing chess. I am a quiet person, and rather introverted, although I am talkative after I feel comfortable around someone or in an environment. I make travel videos for social media, (YouTube Facebook TikTok etc) I started last year but now am going into full time content creation. I’m always open for a guide and someone to join me in this, but rest assured you don’t have to if you don’t want. If you’d like to show me your culture or traditions I’d love to see it.

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I learned on my first trip that I feel better overall when I'm able to make connections with people in the city I'm in. I'm much more reserved and introverted compared to other travel creators so it's hard for me to make connections when I'm in a city sometimes. Some of the popular spots travelers use such as bars aren't my thing, since I don't drink alcohol nor party. I was hoping to be able to make connections here and learn more about how different cultures live on a day to day basis.


Basketball, sports, social media, content creation

  • theater
  • acting
  • traveling
  • sports
  • basketball
  • social media
  • facebook
  • #youtube
  • content creation

Música, películas y libros

Music: I listen to classical music more than any other genre, I don't have a particular favorite artist that I follow.

Movies: I enjoyed Goodfellas as my favorite movie.

Books: I have many that I enjoy, I’m constantly reading so picking one isn’t possible. I prefer to read classic literature.

Algo increíble que he hecho

Sell my house last summer and travel to Asia for the first time by myself. Before that I never left the country, I hardly left my own state. But I decided I wanted to take that risk and get out of my comfort zone. I went to make travel videos, something that I also had no experience doing. So I was going into two unknowns at the same time. It was really difficult but I'm glad I did it and am proud of the personal growth that came from it, it's helped me greatly in shaping who I am today. I hope to be able to continue doing that and achieve constant personal growth.

Enseña, aprende, comparte

Teach: I am knowledgeable in a variety of subjects from sports to computers. I have experience with running my own business and the ins-and-outs of e-commerce. I have experience public speaking as well so I can talk to a large group of people or to students.

Learn: I would like to learn how different cultures go about day to day life, both at home and communally. Ideally I can use this information to make high quality videos online.

Share: I can share my travel stories, knowledge of social media, how to run a business, or anything else I have some knowledge of.

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

I can share travel stories that I have from the countries I have visited so far. I can also share how Americans go about their day to day lives and how its similar and different to the local culture.

In a practical sense I can help with basic household chores while I am staying with the host. I am generally a clean person, so there is no worries about me and my stuff.

Países que he visitado

Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand

Países en los que he vivido

United States

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