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  • Last login almost 12 years ago

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  • 4 references 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 35, Female
  • Member since 2010
  • Data Specialist for Telaro Inc.
  • Colorado Christian University and South Dakota State Univ...
  • From White, South Dakota, USA
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


To trust God in every area of life.


I love God. I love people.

I'm mildly serious. If you like to talk, I like to listen. If you are sarcastic, I will laugh. If you have bad jokes I might laugh even harder.

I'm a person who smiles at strangers as they walk by, and I'm sure they ask, "What the heck was she smiling at?" I'm probably weird but completely easy to be around. I'm up for anything outdoors. Love love love snuggling with animals. Animals are great because PDA is completely accepted with them. You know?

Another thing you'll find is that I like to be quiet sometimes together. Even though I love talking, always talking generally wears me out. I love to think and just plain experience things. Then, I let the moment pass like all things do. Life brings newness with each breath if we let it. It is by grace that we breath.


We don't always like dirt but things grow in it.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I've traveled to Seattle via couch surfing and hitch hiked to OR to couch surf as well. All along the way, I met people from different perspectives and values, ones completely different than mine, though we don't have to agree, we can try to understand each other. This trip also re-enforced my belief in "leading with trust". Everyone wants to be useful, have a purpose, effect another in a positive way so even though there's a chance you may get taken advantage of, there's a greater chance for good.

I love realizing this every time I travel.


God and his glory in all things! Language, art, nature, culture, and life~

  • animals
  • arts
  • culture
  • flowers
  • traveling
  • outdoor activities
  • surfing

Music, Movies, and Books

The Bible! It's living and breathing, sharper than a double edged sword, separating bone and marrow.

I love folk, hymns, acoustic, ambient, drum/clap/shouting free styles, live music and the occasional hip hop pop song. Lastly, I want to defend my mid-western culture and say the country songs are simple yet true. Some country songs speak to the very ingredient that makes me me.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Going from a sinful women to a born again daughter of God. It's a miracle.

Also, in China I saw a crippled and poor lady playing an instrument on the street corner begging for money. She was blind and could not see, but sat on the same corner day in and day out. My last day I was there I decided to bring her and her husband (who was blind as well) flowers. I was amazed to "see" someone so invisible to the public. I saw her smell the flowers and feel the petals, then a tear begin to fall down her cheek. My prayer is that a miracle would occur in her life and heart, too. That she would "see" the living God and be saved by Christ's sacrifice, no longer to hope in this life but the one to come.

Teach, Learn, Share

We are so limited in our knowledge, even if you know "everything" there is to know about a topic. How we deal with this is by first knowing that we have a lot to learn. Yet, I find a ton of peace leaving what I don't know and can't control in the sovereign will of God.

Leading with trust and faith in this case give me a lot of assurance.

Countries I’ve Visited

China, Mexico, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

United States

Old School Badges

  • Pioneer Badge

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