Jami and Carl Dale的照片


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  • 上次登录为 almost 14 years之前

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  • 0 条评语
  • 精通 English
  • 48, 其他
  • 成为会员的时间:2011
  • Massage Therapist/Software Engineer
  • Jami's had some technical school, Carl's got a degree in ...
  • 来自Parker, CO
  • 个人主页已完成 95%



Maryland or Bust!!


Jami's a mom of 4 kids, divorced from their dad and recently engaged to Carl. She likes living from moment to moment which has earned her the nickname "Gypsy" but she also realizes that there are things you have to plan for. She's getting better at that part.

Carl is a software engineer, with all the sorrows and heartbreaks attendant thereto. He's currently in the market for more meaningful and rewarding employment.


Jami is rigidly undecided on most topics. She loves to be open minded and listens to people with as little judgment as She can.

Carl, on the other hand, is solidly opinionated, and has no qualms whatsoever about telling you when you're wrong, which essentially amounts to 'whenever you disagree with him'.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


We're new to couchsurfing.org but Jami's been a couch surfer all her life. Kinda fun but it's always nice to have a place to land when you get back home. When we're done travelling we love crashing in our own bed; it's the comfiest.


Last time Jami was in Maryland was her first time. She stayed with a friend and he showed her DC and the Atlantic ocean. Funny thing is that She got to see both oceans in the same year. That was a first for her.

Carl has never been to Maryland, but is certainly looking forward to the trip.


Jami's interests include: bellydance, pole dance, music, karaoke, pirates, rum, good food and friends.

Carl's interests include: getting drunk and solving complex math problems, standing on tall balconies in the buff with a high-powered firearm while contemplating the subtleties of politics, and finding folks with whom to engage in good conversation.

  • dancing
  • dining
  • beer
  • politics
  • traveling
  • music
  • karaoke
  • engineering
  • mathematics
  • software


Jami is a big fan of movies, music and books in general. She has too many favorites to list them all here right now.

Carl enjoys Japanese animation, quality adult beverages, cigars and decent pipe tobacco, and riding Japanese sport bikes whenever the opportunity presents itself.


Jami gave birth 4 times. That's pretty frickin' unbelievable.

Carl killed a man in a back alley once just to watch him die. That wasn't all that amazing; anybody can do that. The really amazing part was that once it was over, Carl put the fellow back together better than he had been before the incident. Now *that* takes talent, people.


Jami gives bellydance and pole dance lessons if you'd like to learn that. :)

Carl enjoys meeting folks who know how to say 'I don't know' without grimacing, and who can appreciate a dark beer or a decent scotch whiskey.


United States


United States


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