Amy Allen的照片


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  • 1 评语
  • 精通 English; 正在学习 French, German, Spanish
  • 53, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2010
  • benefits specialist (human resources)
  • yes-->bachelor's degree in english
  • 来自born in iowa, grew up around world, currently live in texas
  • 个人主页已完成 100%



to meet icelandic people & learn about icelandic culture & explore iceland


well. i'm a pretty quirky person. i'm an individual who craves the company of other like-minded folks. i am fairly independent & liberal but i respect people with beliefs unlike mine. i enjoy meeting people on my travels & exploring the area with them. music is my savior (wilco) and i read for entertainment. i prefer independent and foreign films. i love to laugh. i can be pessimistic and serious at times (mostly at work). and when you first meet me you might think i'm shy. i am. until you get to know me. then my whole world opens up to you.


sanity must co-exist with insanity. there's a little bit of crazy in each of us. we all have our foibles. it's up to us as individuals to accept each other's foibles as well as our own and move past them. this is the only way we can grow.

we only get what we give--this is sometimes hard for me to remember and live by because i sometimes get caught up in the rat race.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


i am very new to the couch surfing world. i'm used to staying in youth hostels. but this concept intrigues me. what better way to enjoy a new place than to stay with a local and get to know them and their world?? i am willing to host couch surfers. but i don't know how many people have the desire to visit abilene, texas. :)


i haven't had any yet. but i'm hoping to begin my couch surfing journey when i travel to iceland in march (2011).


traveling, writing, postcards, words, geography, (photographing & looking at) architecture, (photographing) interesting trees, snow, cold weather, rain, roller skating, cozy neighborhoods, coffee houses, meeting new people who bring something new to my life and i to theirs...

  • horses
  • culture
  • writing
  • architecture
  • photography
  • coffee
  • flying
  • politics
  • movies
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • music
  • adventure races
  • surfing
  • geography
  • languages


movies: grease (don't be a hater), a room with a view, lost in translation, before sunset, kill bill (most anything tarantino), secretary, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, coffee & cigarettes (rappers in diner one of my fave scenes), manhattan murder mystery, the grocer's son, early james bond, pretty in pink (duckie singing in the record store).....

music: wilco, the cocteau twins, radiohead, tori amos, bob dylan, seabear, sin fang bous, 80s new wave, beck, r.e.m., the cure, iron & wine, sigur ros, olivia newton-john (yes, i said it).....

books/writers: charles bukowski, e.e. cummings, jack kerouac, christopher moore, william faulkner, michael chabon...i appreciate discovering new writers--who are some of your favorites??


i thoroughly enjoy traveling alone. some people think that is amazing. i'm just a strong-willed person who isn't afraid of a whole lot. so maybe flying to london and spending my 35th birthday virtually alone is kind of amazing. i don't want it to seem like i'm an adventurer, though. i simply enjoy traveling, meeting new people, seeing new things. so being able to meet a girl at the youth hostel in london and explore highgate cemetery and ride the london eye on my birthday was amazing to me.


wow!! this is awesome!! i would love to teach people English. i know that english is about phonetics as well as definitions. we use words with multiple meanings. sometimes this is hard for people to grasp. but i have a basic knowledge of several other languages and can inter-relate them from a root-word basis. i'm good at grammar, spelling & punctuation. i'm quite the nerd!!! :)

i also just love to have meaningful conversations about LIFE!! i love that moment during a conversation when you both realize you have a common thread.

um, i love photography. i wish i had the money for an awesome camera. but i'd love to show someone how to compose a really interesting shot.

i'd love to teach people that not all texans ride horses and wear cowboy hats/boots. hahaha!! i sort of consider myself a texan, though not by birth. texas has a lot of interesting things. it's not as stuffy and republican and the politics are. (and, austin is a great city!!)


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