Fotos von Anakkapan Danjarern

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  • Letzte Anmeldung vor fast 15 Jahre

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  • 3 Referenzen 2 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Spricht fließend Chinese, English, Japanese, Thai; lernt zurzeit French, Italian, Spanish
  • 42, Männlich
  • Mitglied seit 2008
  • Keine Angabe zum Beruf
  • Industrial Management
  • Kein Heimatort aufgeführt
  • Profil zu 80 % vollständig

Über mich


My name is Pom. I come from Thailand.I'm a very new member of this website. Now I participate in Industrial Management Program, one of the Erasmus program that I have to study in Madrid (Spain), Como (Italy) and finally in Stockholm (Sweden). At the moment, I am in second semester where it takes place in Como, 1 hour from Milan. And I have to move to Stockholm in the middle of this August.I am willing to host anybody who wants to come to my place during my study but now i am about to move to Stockholm so I still have no idea about my new place. Once I know it, I will update my address again.

My main reason to come to Europe is not for study but for traveling :) :) :)
I have traveled many countries in Europe such as Spain, Portugal, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia and Hungary. I'm interested in exploring people lifestyle in each country and also in languages. I can speak basic of Spanish, Italy and French, just for daily communication. Anyway, I tend to more familiar with Asian languages such as Japanese and Chinese because five years ago, I have been in Tokyo for one year and I have work as Japanese interpreter. If you wanna know something more about me, just add my MSN


  • traveling
  • cycling
  • languages
  • study abroad

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

Biking from Chikoku island, Japan, to the main land for 11 hours.

Hot spring in the snowing mountain in Japan. That's coooolllllllllll. I missssssss it a lotttttt.

Sleeping in the Switzerland's train station at minus 2 degree centigrade as maximum temperature. I felt my spirit went out of my body..... T_T'

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