Le foto di Kaimana Soliai

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  • Ultimo accesso oltre 7 anni fa

Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Kaimana.

Informazioni generali

  • 3 referenze 2 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, Hawaiian; lingua che sta imparando Sign Language - American
  • 35, Altro
  • Membro dal 2014
  • Wanderer
  • The School of LIFE
  • Di Wahiawa, HI, USA
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono


My name is Kaimana from Hawaii.

26 years young
Son (3rd child out of 10)
A brother, cousin, nephew, friend
Spoiled uncle (too many nieces/nephews to count!)

Smiles a LOT
Loves to laugh
Keen mind
Loving heart
Helping hands
Quote collector
Animal lover
Book reader
& high on LIFE

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

I'm on a year long journey to travel and experience the world and kicking it off with NO money of my own! Yeah...I'm not taking any money to begin with haha.

Crazy, I know. So many people have told me that. But, I don't mind. You have to be crazy to make some kind of difference in this world.

The purpose behind such a condition is to allow myself to experience the world from a place of detachment from money and personal possessions. So many people's lives are completely controlled and dictated by these numbers, these pieces of paper. Their self worth is tied to these objects. And this is a chance for me to sever my attachment to those and be completely vulnerable and open, to humble myself in order to experience the grace of strangers, the goodness of humanity and its natural tendency to take care of one another.

I've also spoken to countless people throughout my life who all expressed the same desire to travel the world! And yet their reasons for not fulfilling their dreams was always the same: "I don't have enough money."

I hope to be an example to those people, that if they have a dream to not let money be an obstacle in achieving it. That if I can kick off my travels with not a penny to my name, then they surely could do it with even a penny more.

Plus, I believe that by doing so, people can be inspired to have a more positive outlook on the world and choose to see the good in it just as much as (if not more so than) the bad.

Mainstream media focuses so much on the negative aspects of world events that many people (at least the ones I've come across in my life) have a very narrow negative perspective of the world. I believe it's time to shed more light on the goodness of the world. To show people that there's more goodness and love in the world than it may seem.

How do I plan to do that?

By collecting experiences from people and strangers throughout the duration of my entire journey on what they've come to know of LOVE and any experiences that have made a special impact in their lives. Then sharing on the Facebook and Instagram pages that have been specifically created for this very purpose.

And it's not just me.

Five of us cousins in total have chosen to embark on this journey for this cause for one year.

Me (26)
Ani (25)
Summer (25)
Conner (21)
Dakota (19)

We have decided to split up and go on our own separate journeys for the whole year. All the while contributing to the same cause.

Do we have all the steps of our journey planned out?

Not at all.

CouchSurfing and another program called WorkAway have become two of our greatest resources for this trip. We also plan to use Craigslist or social media at times, and even straight up hitchhiking and unconventional ways to get around and travel.

At the root of it all, our hearts will be our guides at the start of every day. By planning to not have much of a plan, we see it as an opportunity to really learn to listen to the heart and operate accordingly, not out of fear, but rather FAITH.

Five cousins. Five separate solo journeys. NO money. And one cause: to bring more awareness of the LOVE and GOODNESS of the world TO the world.

I can't wait to connect with you and find out what our coming together for a short time can contribute to the world :).

Much love,
From the Wanderlove Crew

Follow our journey:

Instagram @_wanderlove_


Listening, relating to many different kinds of people, being a friend, reading, speaking, dancing, gymnastics, volleyball, surfing, health, nutrition, keyboarding, teaching, juicing, group games, numerology, astrology, technology, drawing, raising children (I am the third oldest of ten children and have taken care of children ever since I was a child), and whatever else I can't think of right now haha

  • animals
  • books
  • dancing
  • clothing
  • technology
  • reading
  • traveling
  • drawing
  • backpacking
  • surfing
  • gymnastics
  • volleyball
  • communications
  • hitchhiking

Musica, film e libri

- The Secret
- The Metaphysical Secret
- The Moses Code
- Inception
- Insidious
- The Conjuring
- Mad Max

- The Alchemist
- Autobiography of a Yogi
- The Awakener
- The Urantia Papers
- The Motivation Manifesto
- The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Series
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Think and Grow Rich
- The Beauty Detox

When I hear a song that catches my attention, I will play it on repeat for days on end until I no longer think to play it anymore. My music preference is constantly changing depending on where I'm at in my life. I'm sure I can appreciate anything and everything in some way or another

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

Embarking on the journey that I'm currently on, leaving my home, family and friends to travel the world and doing so with no money or bank cards of my own - nothing but the clothes on my back and my backpack for the sake of experiencing the world in an honest and raw way and sharing those experiences and stories with the rest of the world via Facebook and Instagram.

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

What I could share:
- A genuine exchange of human connection
- A listening ear
- A glimpse into my mind and heart
- My perspective on life
- Stories of my life, where I come from, and the lessons I've learned

Paesi che ho visitato

Belize, England, Fiji, Honduras, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Northern Ireland

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

United States

Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Kaimana.