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  • 5 references 4 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Dutch, English; learning German
  • 28, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • Philosopher/Software Developer
  • University
  • From Gilze, North Brabant, Netherlands
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I'm just another wandering soul who's trying to find meaning and happiness in this world. And I think Tolstoy describes best how to find it when he wrote:

"I have lived through much. And now I think I found what is needed for happiness. A quiet secluded life in the country. The possibility of being useful to people whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbour - such is my idea of happines [..] - what more can the heart of men desire?"

After studying economics I've decided that I wanted to examine the more meaningful things in life - and decided to study philosophy. There I've met the most amazing souls and free thinkers that I could've ever asked for - and I'm thoroughly grateful for all the amazing things they've introduced me to.

As of now, I'm trying to fill my life with music, books, sports, meditation and new experiences. Currently I'm trying to work out what type of work will fit me, and the current chapter is filled with being a software developer, but who knows how the story will continue?

With me you're guaranteed to have someone who get's passionate about a lot of things. And if you show me whatever it is you're passionate about, I'll love you for showing me that true side of yourself.

People describe me as being smart, funny, easy to hang out with, creative, and supportive. I don't know which of those I am, but I don't think it's up to me to judge that either. I'm just hoping to share all the love and interest I have for people.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

The biggest tragedy of mankind is that there is millions of people looking for real connections, and wanting to share their love, yet somehow it seems hard to find people to do that with. This community is all about connecting these people.

I also think that the best travels are those which leave enough room for spontaneity. If you've got everything pre-planned, the travel itself is no longer an adventure. I think couchsurfing is a way where you can meet new people during your travels. And in meeting new people, you will always get influenced by them, and learn and discover new things.


I'm a huge nerd about boardgames and the design that is behind them. For some reason 'games' and the mechanics behind them are an amazing thing to philosophize about (and a nice switch from all the serious topics).

I've been playing guitar for a couple of years, and as of lately I have been trying to learn how to sing. Music should be shared and I wish I could make music together with more people more often.

I like to be active. Whether that be running, bouldering indoors/outdoors, or just doing some yoga to stay flexible, doesn't really matter. It's amazing to get your conscious attention focussed on your body instead of being in that 'thinking-mode' all day. I've been recovering from a knee injury for a while, but finally getting back into the long distance runs :)

  • singing
  • running
  • board games
  • chess
  • reading
  • bouldering
  • music
  • guitar
  • hiking
  • philosophy

Music, Movies, and Books

A lot. I'm a nerd for music theory and well written music. As long as it's bringing something new and daring, I'm all down for it. My genres range from country (Jim Croce, Blackberry smoke) to rock (Muse, Foo Fighters), from big-band fusion (Snarky-puppy) all the way to prog-metal (Tool, Dream Theater). But I'm also a huge fan of well produced pop-music, interesting hip-hop, or basically anything that has something going on for it.

I've been trying to read all the classics. So basically, if I know it by name, and want to have read it. I'm a huge fan of Dostoejevski en Tolstoy. And philosophically I'm a real Nietzsche fan. I can talk about any of those for hours, so beware!

Teach, Learn, Share

- I love to teach people how to play chess
- Can teach anyone basic music theory which unlocks soo much creativity for starting musicians
- Philosophy. Any and all of it.

- Pleeease share all your cooking tips with me!
- Random facts about anything you're passionate about :D

- Music recommendations
- Love

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