Riccardo Colapicchioni的照片


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  • 6% 回应率
  • 上次登录为 over 1 year之前

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  • 105 评语 86 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, Italian, Spanish; 正在学习 Portuguese
  • 52, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2011
  • 未列出职业
  • 未列出教育背景
  • 来自Roma
  • 个人主页已完成 90%


*** *** *** UPDATE *** *** ***

Hi everybody. This message is to tell you that, starting from now, I won't be able to access to my account to write back to your messages or requests, I will be able to read them by the notification on my email but, as I decided to suspend for a while the payment of the fee that is asked to use this platform, I won't be able to log in for replying. From now on, I will only use other free communities like Trustroots and Bewelcome, for the ones who also joined them.
It's quite a long time I joined the Couchsurfing community, at the beginning it was totally for free, later they asked to pay to send messages, but after hosting someone it was for free for a while, which I think it was still fair enough, but now they ask to pay a fee just to access to user's account, and I don't feel it's fair to ask to users to pay a fee in a community like this, where people just want to help each other, for free, not as a service, and I also absolutely didn't like the way, one day they just turned the account into not accessible, suddenly, whithout any previous communication.
On the other side, as I usually like very much the people I can meet here, I will keep this account alive and, every now and then, I will probably use it for a while, but at that time I will delete this message, so at the moment, as long as this message is here, I can't accept any request, simply because I can't log in to reply to requests.

*** *** *** ***

Hola a todos. Este mensaje es para informarles que, a partir de ahora, no podré acceder a mi cuenta para responder a sus mensajes o solicitudes, podré leerlos mediante la notificación en mi correo electronico, pero, como decidí suspender por un tiempo el pago de la tarifa que empezaron a pedir para utilizar esta plataforma, no podré entrar para responder. Desde ahora solo usaré otras plataformas gratuitas como Trustroots y Bewelcome, para los que tambien las utilizan.
Hace bastante tiempo que ingresé en la comunidad de Couchsurfing, al principio era totalmente gratis, despues empezaron a pedir dinero para enviar mensajes, pero era gratis por un tiempo por los que alojaban, y creo que asi todavia podia estar bastante correcto, pero ahora piden una tarifa a los usuarios solo para acceder a sus cuentas, y no creo que sea justo pedirles a los usuarios que paguen una tarifa en una comunidad como esta, donde la gente solo quiere ayudarse, sin nada en cambio, y tampoco, y por nada, me gustò la forma como o hicieron: un dia simplemente pusieron la cuenta como no accesible, de repente, sin ninguna comunicacion antes.
Por otro lado, como me gusta mucho la gente que puedo conocer aquí, mantendré viva esta cuenta y, de vez en cuando, probablemente la usaré por un tiempo, pero, cuando serà, cancelaré este mensaje, asi que por el momento, mientras este mensaje esta aqui, no puedo aceptar ninguna solicitud, simplemente porque no puedo entrar a la pagina para responder.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

I am... I don't know, a person?!?
To be honest, I really don't know what to write here, it's weird to try to say who I am... but, if you're so interested to know about me and my trips, I have a kind of blog where there is much more to read than I could write in these lines, this is the website: www.ricorico.it
Unfortunately, at the moment, the website is only in italian, sorry about that :(
however, if you are really interested and you can't read italian, you can use one of these translators on the web, you will miss something but maybe not too much.

*** *** *** ***

Soy... No se, una persona?!?
La verdad es que no se que escribir aqui, me parece muy raro intentar de explicar quien soy... pero, si sois tan interesados en saber de mi y de mis viajes, tengo algo parecido a un blog donde hay mucho mas para leer de lo que podria escribir en estas lineas, esta es la pagina: www.ricorico.it
Lamentablemente, por el momento, la pagina esta solo en italiano, lo siento :(
Pero, si alguien tiene realmente interes en leerla y no puede leer italiano, hay estos traductores en el web, se perde algo pero quizás no demasiado.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

I had a few couchsurfers staying at my place, and I've also been couchsurfing around a lot, in different countries, meeting many very nice people everywhere. I think it's the best way to travel, just the idea to share experiences with people, and help someone who's coming to visit your country, is amazing.
As it always is, when you meet new people, you can feel more or less confortable, sometimes you can feel closer to them, sometimes you don't... but, even when you don't, it's still people who choose to share something with someone else, with someone they don't know, and that's enough to think that most of the people here is good people, and it's always worth to spend time with good people.

*** *** *** ***

He alojado algunos couchsurfers en mi casa, y tambien he usado mucho couchsurfing por viajar, en diferentes paises, conociendo a mucha gente muy agradable por todas partes. Creo que es la mejor manera para viajar, la idea de compartir experiencias con la gente, y ayudar a alguien que viene a visitar su pais, es increible.
Como siempre es, cuando se conocen personas nuevas, se puede sentirse mas o menos comodo, a veces se puede sentirse muy cerca de ellos, a veces no mucho... pero, incluso cuando eso no pasa, es siempre gente que decide de compartir algo con los otros, con alguien que no conocen, y eso es suficiente para pensar que la mayoria de la gente aqui es buena gente, y siempre vale la pena pasar tiempo con gente buena.


travelling, travelling, travelling! ...and sharing, and enjoying, and everything that happens in between.

*** *** *** ***

Viajar, viajar, viajar! ... y compartir, y disfrutar, y todo lo que sucede mientras eso.

  • writing
  • reading
  • traveling
  • scuba diving
  • sailing
  • ...and much more...


The first one was to be born in Roma, and there were a few more later... like sailing on the ocean waves in Ireland, sleeping under the stars in the desert, diving with sea lions in Argentina, diving with sharks in Fiji Islands, and, more than everything else... meeting a lot of wonderful people in many amazing places around the world.

*** *** *** ***

La primera, fue de nacer en Roma, y algunos mas ocurrieron despues... como navegar sobre las olas del oceano en Irlanda, dormir bajo las estrellas en el desierto, bucear con lobos marinos en Argentina, bucear con tiburones en las Islas Fiji, y, mas que todo... conocer a un monton de gente maravillosa en muchos lugares increibles en todo el mundo.


Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, England, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Japan, Laos, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City State, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Wales



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