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  • 0 references
  • Fluent in English; learning French
  • 33, Male
  • Member since 2019
  • Political Communications
  • MA in Cognitive Science, BA in English and Philosophy.
  • From Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland
  • Profile 95% complete

About Me


I'm a filmmaker who works in political communications by day. I use my interest in filmmaking to connect with people all over the world, whether that be at creative events, digital nomad gatherings, or other types of activities.

Rest assured, I have other interests outside of filmmaking. I am eager to explore local cultures and assist people in any way I can.

I have learnt there are some benefits to staying in one place for too long so if you want advice about stuff to do in Dublin send me a message.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

To meet interesting people who I can share new experiences. But also to meet people who share my interests and might want to collaborate on new projects.

I am also willing to answer any questions you may have about Dublin. Don't hesitate to reach out.


  • writing
  • design
  • politics
  • movies
  • video games
  • reading
  • music
  • hiking
  • history
  • journalism
  • philosophy
  • psychology
  • science
  • art
  • filmmaking
  • food
  • exploring
  • science and technology
  • cultural events

Music, Movies, and Books

Music: Rock, Metal, Electronic, Jazz and Classical.

Nine Inch Nails, Frank Zappa, Alice in Chains, Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, Bach, Beethoven, Stravinsky, Metallica, Joy Division, Boards of Canada, HOME, Tom Waits.


A Clockwork Orange, Taxi Driver, Citizen Kane, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Pulp Fiction, Alphaville, Trainspotting
Apocalypse Now!, Amelie, Ghost in the Shell, Full Metal Jacket, Blade Runner, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Terminator 2, The Good The Bad and The Ugly, American Psycho, Hamlet by Kenneth Branagh, The Shining, Hayao Miyizaki films.


Beat generation writers (Bukowski, Burroughs, Ginsberg, etc ), poetry from the romantic era (Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, etc), Gothic writing (Poe, Lovecraft, etc), drama (Shakespeare, Pinter, Beckett, etc), science fiction (Philip K. Dick, Vonnegut, Foster, Wallace), philosophy (Russell, Mill, Dennett, Popper, Kuhn, etc), cognitive science (Chemero et al) in addition to books on politics and history.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I've met a very large number of world renowned academics, politicians, journalists and artists. If we meet I can tell you about it.

Teach, Learn, Share

I can teach you a few phrases in Irish, but unfortunately you won't become fluent.

I am also happy to share my knowledge about Ireland, the media industry, philosophy, psychology or any other subject which I might know something about.

If I don't know something I will do my best to connect with someone who does.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can share my knowledge of Irish culture.

Advice, information and insights about journalism and media.

Also, a love of deep conversations, I can talk in depth about literature, philosophy, politics, psychology, etc.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Belgium, England, Germany, Northern Ireland, Portugal, Scotland, Spain

Countries I’ve Lived In


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