Fotos von Robin Vollenbrock

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  • 4 Referenzen 4 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Spricht fließend Dutch; lernt zurzeit English
  • 28, Weiblich
  • Mitglied seit 2014
  • Student
  • Roosevelt Academy
  • Aus Bergen, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich

FIRST OF ALL, I DO NOT LIVE NEAR AMSTERDAM! So if you want to visit Amsterdam do not contact me, because it will not help you get a host.

At this moment I'am a busy student, but in my breaks I want to travel as much as possible!

I love the ocean and surfing (not on couches, but on waves). Another thing that I really like to do is hanging out with friends and do things together that we will remember (in most cases this means stupid things).

I travelled a lot but I haven't seen every country yet. My live goal has been learning Italian and move to Italy for a while now, but as it is a dream it does not has to come true, because I like the idea of the possibility that it could come true.

For what my friends say about me I can tell I am a positive person, and as they say an adult (because of my age) who is still a child!

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin

The first time I heard or saw about couchsurfing was at Singapore airport. I saw two people looking for a host there and thought by myself "I'm going to do that too".

I love to see a place from another point of view than the tourist view, and couchsurfing is a wonderful method to use for this.

I have had great experiences with couchsurfing!! And want to have a lot more of those wonderfull moments!


I like a lot, but I will write some of it here. Singing, when I know a song I will sing along even if we have a conversation.... Surfing, like I said, traveling offcourse, doing things and not just sit down, being active, although I like to listen to people talking too. I also really like learning, as long as I am interested in that topic.
Oh and I am in love with Italy!!

  • singing
  • traveling
  • camping
  • surfing
  • languages

Musik, Filme und Bücher

I always read fiction books, I love to enter a world where almost everything is possible. You can say I have a great fantasy.
Well my favorite book is Cherub 5.
Its the fifth book of the serie Cherub (which is a serie for childeren). I love this books and I learned a lot from them.

My favorite movies:
Once again one for childern, Bridge to Therabitia. I can't see this movie without crying.
I also like the movie Freedom Writers, it's a beautiful story.

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

I walked from Lerida to Zaragoza! It was amazing and we had to camp in the wild because there were no places where we could stay!!

I also walked a part of the camino de Santiago backwards! It was weird, but much fun!! So many great people, with their own stories. There is no other word than amazing for that experience!! I am planning on doing the whole camino this summer.

Lehren, lernen, teilen

I really want to learn Italian, but I'm terrible at learning new languages, therefor it takes ages.... , I also would like to learn something about other peoples views.

Of you live near the sea and there are some waves and you can't surf them yet, I can teach you the basics.

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Andorra, Austria, Belgium, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Luxembourg, Morocco, Netherlands, San Marino, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, Vatican City State

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe


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