Ron Jasiuk's Photo

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  • Last login 4 months ago

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  • 8 references 5 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 67, Male
  • Member since 2011
  • Retired High School Biology Teacher
  • University and and ongoing...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Keep questioning, keep learning, keep growing up and hopefully never get there.


Have shared my life with my partner Ann for over 30 years. We have raised 4 great adventurous kids. We live in rural setting surrounded by hills,trees, meadows and dairy farms. Both recently retired science teachers and enjoying this new stage of life.


Still trying to refine this and this is something better discussed over a glass of beer or wine. Though here's a start: To be alive and have awareness of it, can be a gift, a curse or both. Why not choose to think of it as a gift and make the most of it?

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


People are more interesting than things. Places are more interesting when you can share them with other people. In our experience the best part of travelling is meeting new people and sharing their stories.

We've been active as guests in Yellowknife NWT, Tuscon AZ and Eugene Oregon and hope to do more in the future.

We hosted travellers from our own province, Denmark, cyclists from Poland, Denmark, France, Korea, Czech Republic and the province of Quebec. Many of these travellers are friends of friends or travellers we meet in our community and end up inviting over for a stay. We also have a profile on warm a hosting site for touring cyclists.


Ron: Loves the feeling of moving across a landscape whether it be hiking, biking, canoeing, cross country skiing or snowshoeing. Other interests include natural history(watching and learning about birds, plants, all life forms, physical geography and so on), photography. Almost all forms of music, working on learning guitar. Love to eat and make food. Most people that I meet I find interesting. Everyone has a story to tell.

Ann: In addition to sharing many of the interests above she is also a "Bad Ass" quilter who enjoys taking this somewhat archaic craft and creating modern looking quilts and quilt related objects that are works of functional works of art.

  • birds
  • photography
  • music
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • canoeing
  • skiing
  • geography
  • history
  • science
  • mountains
  • quilting

Music, Movies, and Books

Ann is a voracious reader and tends to look for books that win literary awards. ( The Red Tent, The Orenda, .....

We both have grown weary/bored of "Hollywood Blockbusters" and look for foreign films and lesser known films with a good story.

Listen to a lot of music. Very eclectic tastes and interested in hearing new artists.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Still able to find and experience something each day that provides us with a sense of wonder and awe.

Teach, Learn, Share

Come share some time with us and learn to quilt or join us for some cross country skiing/snowshoeing in winter or hiking/biking/canoeing in the summer. Or how about some bird watching or botanizing?

Be prepared to share your story with us. What makes you come alive. What's happened in your life to make you who you are.

What I Can Share with Hosts

We can provide a couple of rooms and a private bath in a beautiful natural setting in Southern Ontario that is close to hiking, biking and skiing trails.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, United States

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