Fotos de Ronan Pena

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Visão geral

  • 10 referências 4 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: Portuguese
  • 41, Masculino
  • Membro desde 2012
  • trabalho, leitura, cozinha, festas, passeios e TV.
  • Nenhuma formação acadêmica listada
  • Nenhuma cidade natal listada
  • Perfil 95% concluído

Sobre Mim


Quero conhecer pessoas de diversos lugares do mundo. Amigos são sempre bem vindos.


They would say that I'm funny and talkative. They would say that I'm a very good cook and also a good person to hang out.


Knowing people is a really pleasure for me. Learning comes through books but the best way to get it is keeping contact with people and it is what I most like.

  • books
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • partying
  • drinking

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

The first one was when I visited White Sands in New Mexico. The sound of the silence (it is weird to say it, but you really listen to that) sorrounded by such beautiful landscamp, full of the sunset colors, is something that I can't put in words.

The second is Carnival in São João del-Rei. All the people together celebrating life with costumes, smiles and happiness were incredible.

The third was my cousin's party in my hometown. After some years living in another city I could spend marvelous hours with my relatives, drinking, laughing and dancing.

Insígnias de Veteranos

  • 2 Atestars

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