Фотографии пользователя Rosemary Banghart

Верификация не пройдена

  • Платежные данные не подтверждены
  • Телефон не подтвержден
  • Личность не подтверждена

Не принимает гостей

  • Последний раз на сайте: больше 2 лет назад

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  • 3 отзыва 1 Подтвержденные хостом и гостем
  • Знает English
  • 28, Женский
  • Пользователь с 2018
  • Massage Therapist
  • University
  • Из CA, USA
  • Профиль заполнен на 95%

Обо мне

From California but have lived here and there. Berlin for a year Malmö for another and some other parts of the states. I’m currently residing in my hometown going to school full time but I still want to see everything and meet with good people! I know corona has but a strain on all of our lifes and stopped us from exploring but I’m back and fully vaccinated ready to continue doing what I love!

Что привело меня на Couchsurfing

My experiences with couchsurfing have been really great. I’ve meet really awesome people and have found that it’s my favorite way to travel. I want to keep meeting new people and experiencing new places this way!


  • movies

Музыка, кино и книги

I’m into everything. As of late I’ve been reading a lot of mystery and thriller novels just anything that makes my heart pound a bit. Favorite movie would have to be The stalker by Anderi Trakvosky, Little Woman directed by Greta Gerwig and like basically any period piece… I’m a sucker for those. When it comes to music I really like hyper pop or rap or that weird mix of both. Artist like Bladee and David Shawty but also love a lot more than that just maybe had to say this as a disclaimer because people tend to hate it (hahah)

Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией

I think this is something that comes with conversation. I want to teach learn and share about whatever comes up . Meeting people from different places and different cultures there is always something to teach, learn and share!

Чем я могу поделиться с хостами

What I can share with my hosts are great conversations, my interests and my company!

Где я побывал(-а)

Austria, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden

Где я жил(-а)

Germany, Sweden, United States

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