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  • 279 references 223 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 53, Male
  • Member since 2010
  • Work in's a career but not a calling.
  • Lots of years in college.
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Expanding my life


I'm a single dude trying to get out & enjoy more of life. I've been living in a bit of a bubble of my own creation for a few years & I'm now trying to pop it. Being involved in the CS community looks like a good way to do that.
I'm quite a conundrum as I'm a very outgoing person & frankly, pretty funny (with most people) but have lived a pretty isolated life for a while now.. but I'm done with that.

Update January 2016:
FYI I have a housemate living here right now who is also a good friend & a surfer as well. So she uses the spare bedroom. We still have plenty of room for surfers in the living area & several spare mattresses which sleep very comfortably. Her profile is:


Whoever dies with the most joys wins.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I host host host. The little bit of surfing I've done has actually been with peeps who I hosted previously!
Also I'm pretty socially active with local CSrs. Lots of great surfers living in Houston.


Haven't traveled except for work in the last couple of years but expect to get back to it in the near future. I've hosted a few times a while back for some out of towners in for Art Car and though it wasn't through CS.. the spirit of CS was there. Those experiences taught me that I enjoy hosting & it's great to show people around my city. Not only do you get to do the things you love but you also get to see your home through new eyes & often try things that you don't think of doing on your own.


Photography has become my biggest hobby & probably what I'm most passionate about.
I've taken pics of lots of surfers so if you like your picture taken you're surfing in the right place. :)

Politics is important to me (but don't worry, I don't much like discussing them) & I tend towards pretty liberal views. So of course a lot of my time right now is spent being bummed about the current state of American politics.
Other than that I love my music & getting out to live shows when I can & just doing anything that seems cool at the time.
I would like to say I'm doing great things for the benefit of mankind but I've never maintained a passion for any noble cause. I do think about my legacy & wonder if I will leave this world a better place than when I found it.

Music, Movies, and Books

I am a big reader.. of the internet. I rarely sit down & read a book anymore. I've got a dozen books around my house I've started over the last 5 years & one day I'm sure I'll finish.. but not today. Still I read all the time. Like so many others I get sucked into the internet on a regular basis & can dissapear for hours following one link to the next.
For music, I'm a child of popular indie (is that a thing?). A quick list: Radiohead, Interpol, Arcade Fire, NIN, The Dresden Dolls, Ani DiFranco, Pearl Jam. There are a few outliers like Rammstein & a Mexican band called Molotov.
My taste in movies is pretty varied though often I just crave a good action flick. I'd have to say my favorite movie is still probably Miller's Crossing. The language, story, acting & cinematography in it are amazing.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Radiohead at the coliseum in Nimes, France.
The Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert rally in Washington, DC
Recently saw Rammstein here in Houston & loved them.
Alaska & the Galapagos were awesome.

Countries I’ve Visited

Belgium, Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

United States

Old School Badges

  • 5 Vouches

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