Fotos de Sabrina Stabler

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Únete a Couchsurfing para ver el perfil completo de Sabrina.


  • 3 recomendaciones 2 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, German
  • 34, Mujer
  • Miembro desde 2015
  • Traveller :)H
  • Industrial Engineer
  • De Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

Hmmm...what is there to tell about me?
After school, studying and starting to work quite early - just the way you do it in Germany - I realized that this can't be all of my I started travelling and experiencing life!

Sayings which consist the most truth:
1. Every flower has to grow through dirt.
2. Everything happens for a reason.
3. Karma is a bitch!

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I got to know couchsurfing while travelling with one of my best friends in Australia and I loved it straight away.
It is a great way to get to know locals who can tell you secret places you must visit no travel guide consists. You have got the opportunity to meet in one country nearly every culture and to have really good times with any type of person.

So when I come home I hope to be a host for travellers, to see all those diffrent ways of thinking and to be as great as all those people I have met so far while staying on other couches.


~ Hiking and Exploring
~ Basketball
~ Card Games
~ Giggeling until all muscles hurt

  • culture
  • beauty
  • cooking
  • flowers
  • traveling
  • hiking
  • kite surfing
  • surfing
  • basketball
  • tourism

Música, películas y libros

- It is hard to tell but besides many other musicians I really like Ben Howard, Adele, Skrillex, Kings of Leon, Nneka and Ludovico Enaudi

- I love Man on Fire, Inception, Seven, My Sister's Keeper, Intouchable, Up, Dead Poets Society and many many more

- Books from Karin Slaughter and Jojo Moyens

Algo increíble que he hecho

During my travels in Australia I got to work on a Camel Farm for five months.
No phone reception, a generator for electricity and a water pump for bore water.
Nothing else around than 50 camels, a few workers and a lot of red sand, rocks, snakes and spiders - such a natural beauty impossible to describe but just wonderful to experience!

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I can offer some basketball and card games and places to visit in Australia...AND German humor (yes, some people got something you can call humor ;-) )

I would love to learn the way of thinking about diffrent people from diffrent nationalities, questuions what "love" and "happiness" mean to all those people...and one day I would love to learn kite surfing!

Sharing travelling stories is always interesting, hilarious and never gets boring!

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

I would say I am not too bad in cooking and I love cooking for others.
Besides that I can share my experiences from travelling in Australia and living in Germany.

And if you are really interested, I can also tell you something about auditing... *joke* ;-)

Países que he visitado

Australia, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Thailand, Turkey

Países en los que he vivido

Australia, Germany

Únete a Couchsurfing para ver el perfil completo de Sabrina.