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  • 0 references
  • Fluent in Arabic (Tunisia), English, French
  • 26, Female
  • Member since 2024 New Member
  • Administrative
  • Sciences politiques
  • From Tunis
  • Profile 65% complete

About Me

Spontaneous, traveler, simple,

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I’m on Couchsurfing because I love the idea of cultural exchange and meeting new people. Staying with locals has given me unique insights into different cultures and traditions, which I wouldn't have experienced otherwise. Additionally, as a budget traveler, Couchsurfing allows me to travel more extensively by saving on accommodation costs. It’s a wonderful community that has enriched my travel experiences in countless ways


My main interests are music, hiking, and swimming. I love attending live music events and discovering local bands when I travel. For instance, during my trip to italy, I attended many festival which was an unforgettable experience in summer. Hiking is another passion of mine; I enjoy exploring nature trails and mountains, and I've hiked in various cities in Tunisia. Photography allows me to capture these moments and share them with others. I also enjoy cooking and always try to learn new recipes from the places I visit. These interests not only enrich my travels but also help me connect with locals and fellow travelers on a deeper level.

Music, Movies, and Books

I would like to hear différents type of music ,Also, i like reading books about roman ,but i am not too much to film sometime i watch film with my family or with my friends

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

One of my most memorable adventures while traveling happened when I was in China. After meeting some friends for dinner in a bustling part of the city, I realized I had lost my way back to the hotel. To make matters worse, I didn’t have internet access, and most people I encountered didn’t speak English.At first, I felt a bit panicked, but I decided to stay calm and think logically. I began walking in the direction I thought the hotel might be, hoping to find a landmark I recognized. After walking for what felt like hours and asking several locals for help using gestures and a translation app, I still couldn’t find my way.Eventually, I spotted a taxi stand. Using the address of my hotel written in Chinese, which I had fortunately saved on my phone, I was able to communicate with a taxi driver who finally took me back to my hotel.This experience taught me the importance of preparation, like having key addresses written down in the local language and remaining calm under pressure. It also reminded me of the kindness of strangers, as several locals tried their best to help despite the language barrier.

Teach, Learn, Share

On Couchsurfing, I am eager to learn more about different cultures and languages. I love discovering local customs, traditional foods, and hidden gems in the places I visit. For example, I'd love to learn how to cook traditional dishes from my hosts. I'm also interested in learning about unique local traditions and history that aren't typically found in guidebooks.In return, I'm happy to share my passion for photography and music. I can offer tips on capturing great travel photos, and I love to play the guitar, so I can teach a few chords or songs. Additionally, I enjoy cooking and can share recipes from my home country, as well as cook a meal for my hosts. I believe that sharing these experiences can create meaningful connections and memorable moments

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can offer several things to my host. Firstly, I can provide a personalized city tour of my hometown in Tunisia, showing them the best historical sites, markets, and hidden gems that only locals know. I can also send them detailed recommendations about must-visit places, local foods to try, and cultural experiences to enjoy. Additionally, I'm happy to share insights about Tunisian culture, traditions, and language.Moreover, if they're interested, I can cook a traditional Tunisian meal for them or teach them some basic Tunisian Arabic phrases. I believe these experiences will give them a deeper understanding of my culture and make their stay more enriching.

Countries I’ve Visited

Algeria, China, India, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Turkey

Countries I’ve Lived In


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