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  • 15 references 9 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, Spanish; learning Russian
  • 31, Female
  • Member since 2012
  • Spanish teacher
  • MA Teaching Spanish as a 2nd language in Salamanca & ...
  • From Andalusia, Spain
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Travelling, never stop studying, teaching, living abroad.
My current state is travelling through Mexico for 4 months (September-December 2018 followed by who-knows-how-many-months of working in Merida, Yucatan as what I like most: teaching Spanish. That means I will be in America for long.


I'm Spanish, I'm from the south of Spain and I studied Translation & Interpreting in Granada and a Master's Degree in Teaching Spanish as Foreign Language in Salamanca.
Since I got the chance I started traveling and living abroad. The first time I moved to a foreign country was when I was 18: England for a year as an exchange student. I never stopped. Then it came France, Belgium, Russia and Costa Rica as a Spanish teacher.

I fell in love with Latin America the very first day I arrived and I didnt want to leave ever again.

I love travelling and learning new languages and cultures.
Sharing, helping, teaching, meeting people.
I love photography.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


What's the point of booking a hotel if you can stay with a local?
I've had several couchsurfing experiences and they all were great. It's an amazing way of meeting new people.
If I host couchsurfers I don't want just to offer them a free couch. I want to spend time with them and show them around.

That's why, if possible, I don't want to be just hosted. I want to spend time with people that knows the city I'm visiting.


I would say that travelling is my main hobby. Discovering new places and meeting new people. Also languages. But not only foreigners. I'm a Spanish teacher and my favorite field is dialects. I just love the fact that my language has so many different ways of speaking it depending on where you are from. My goal is to learn as much as I can about the way Spanish is spoken in every Spanish-speaking country. Im even starting my andaluz-mexicano-chileno-colombiano-costarricense dictionary :)

  • photography
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • languages

Music, Movies, and Books

I love lots of kinds of music, books and films. Currently I'm into Latin-American literature.
I like European cinema, specialy French and Italian.

Teach, Learn, Share

I love learning new languages and even if yours is not on my current plan, I still want to learn some words to be able to interact with locals.

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Tunisia, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Belgium, Costa Rica, France, Russian Federation, Spain, United Kingdom

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